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Wow Me On The Weekend With Wall Collages

bricks as wall collage with wooden chair
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Hello Beautiful Friends.  I’m hoping you are enjoying this new series as much as I am.  This time it’s Wow Me On The Weekend With Wall Collages!  If you’re new to the series, I show several ideas and share why the photo works.  I try and dissect each one so you can understand how to transform it into your own style instead of just duplicating it.  There’s a lot to see this week so let’s get to it.

Wow Me On The Weekend With Wall Collages

It’s hard to know how to fill a large wall, then how far to space it out, what other options there are besides family photos, how high on the wall it should go and even how low it should be.  All good questions and concerns if you want something eye catching.

neutral wall collage behind taupe sofaSource: Pinterest

In this first photo they do a fantastic job of showing how to properly space out photos.  Each photo or print inside of a frame should be no more than a hand width apart.  This collage works because the prints are all similar in color with not one standing out more than another.  It has a theme.  Note that in order to make a bigger impact with a smaller print, they’ve added mattes to the frames.  This allows height variables which is always interesting to look at.  Also notice the amount of space behind the sofa to the bottom edge of the collage.  That empty space should be about 8 to 10 inches from the top of the sofa.  This is probably the biggest oversight I see on a regular basis.

stairwell with gold mirrors on walls and chandySource: House Beautiful

I would absolutely love having this many mirrors to hang on a wall together in a collage.  The oohs and aahs alone would be fun.  And that’s just coming from me!  The entire reason this set is so stunning is because each frame has the same patina.  That deep rich gold says I’m beautiful.  The mirrors don’t have to be the same size, shape or age to work as long as the frame has the same color.  Side note:  Look at the spindles on the railing.  I love that some are twisted.  And they even stained the floor with a pattern.  Wowza.

wall full of beige medallions with french country fireplace and table in front of itSource: Flourishmentary

Not many of us would think to paint medallions the same color and use them for a wall installation.  They are fairly inexpensive (if you get the plastic ones) and easy to hang.  By painting them the same color as the wall you notice the texture on each one.  If you’d like them to stand out a little more, paint them a shade or two lighter or darker than the wall color.  You could also paint the wall a flat sheen and paint the medallions in the same color but in a gloss.  Do you have a wall that needs a little drama?  This would do it.

long bench, dog on rug, tree in left corner with wall collageSource: Liz Marie Blog

Some people don’t purchase or collect things all at once.  We find things over time and treasure them while the pieces are sitting in a closet.  Okay, maybe that’s just me.  But here is a fabulous wall collage of random items.  Besides the items being vintage, what is the common denominator of each piece?  The uniform neutral colors.  Liz Marie kept each piece in the same neutral colors to work with the rest of her room.  It also works because she mimics the rise of the wall/stairs.  If they were put up there willy nilly, it would look untidy and crowded but the large mirror and the long wood piece holding the brooms help with that. 

taupe wall with collage of white platesSource: Driven By Decor

You know I couldn’t go without talking about the classic plate wall.  I think everyone who loves plates has thought about crating one.  This is quite the show stopper.  Not only does she have the perfect coordinating wall color behind the plates but she’s hung them in a pattern and spaced them out perfectly.  You can absolutely hang them without a pattern but your eye starts to move all over the place without actually seeing the beauty of each plate.  There are tons of pattern shapes you could try.  How about a circle, a moon shape, or a triangle shape?  I have a small collage above my dining room windows and this makes me want to add more.

bricks as wall collage with wooden chairSource: AD Magazine

There are so many ideas for wall collages I thought I ‘d add a couple more.  Collections make great collages.  This looks awesome because they are all in the same color, basic size and squished together to look like one large art piece.  I don’t think it would have the same impact if they had been spaced out.  When things are rectangle in shape, hanging them in a rectangle shape looks great.  Like if you had a bunch of round silver trays.  Hanging them in a circle would look fantastic or hanging a bunch of oval hats in an oval shape.  Get it?

art work with propeller and beach art Source: The Lettered Cottage

Not everything in your wall collage needs to be flat against the wall.  Look how Layla has added a propeller, a glass shelf to keep small collectibles and layered her artwork.  This is so pretty because it’s dimensional.  This could easily have looked cluttered but it’s a great example of how you can use different colors and it still look soothing.  She kept her collage to whites, browns, blues and greens – interesting yet easy on the eyes.

book wall collage with jewelrySource: Idea Stand

Do you have books you’d like to display other than on a shelf?  Why not open them up and hang them on a wall?  This works because it has a theme (books) and are spaced out by an approximate hand width.  I love how they’ve hung jewelry on a few to make it more interesting.

all white dish and utensils hanging as wall decorSource: Archinect People

Would you call this a collage?  I say yes.  When I came across this wall collage/piece of art, I said whoa out loud.  Not only did this seem time consuming but it’s mesmerizing too.  I stared at it for a few minutes just looking at all they had up there.  I think I see an upside down rubber chicken!  Do you?  In the right place, I think this would work in a multicolored scheme as well.  Maybe green, blue and purple?  Or yellow, red and orange?  Anyway, talk about being the talk of the block!  This is definitely memorable.

I could have shown you so many more wall collage ideas but we don’t have all day.  If you want to see more, there are plenty of ideas on my Wall Decor Ideas – Pinterest Board.  And if you missed any of the other posts in the series, click on the links below.

Wow Me On The Weekends 

Do you have any other questions or do you have a wall collage idea you’d like to share?  Do so in the comments below.  We love comments!

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  1. Miche Ortega
    February 13, 2021 / 11:35 am

    Wow, all of those wall collages are awesome. I think I like the book idea the best. Thanks for sharing, Cindy, and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

    • February 13, 2021 / 3:56 pm

      My pleasure Miche. There are so many really cool ideas out there. Hard to choose just one. Happy V-Day too!

  2. Jean
    February 13, 2021 / 1:51 pm

    That last one, (the kitchen ware wall) was certainly a showstopper. My favorite is the mirrors. I did not notice the spindles until you pointed them out. Very nice. There are certainly a lot of great ideas in this blog. Thanks!

    • February 13, 2021 / 3:59 pm

      I LOVED the mirrors too. That entire landing with the spindles and mirrors was gorgeous. I bet that entire house is beautiful and classic. Just like I like it!

  3. Marlene Stephenson
    February 13, 2021 / 3:27 pm

    I really love some of them, and have seen several different kinds. I would love to have one, but what to use is the question, I do have a few collections. Thanks for these ideas and how to accomplish them correctly. Have a great weekend.

    • February 13, 2021 / 4:01 pm

      Absolutely Marlene. Happy to do it. You can’t go wrong with plates. I have started a collection on the shed outside of tractor seats and plan to find several watering cans to hang outside somewhere too. Although, I have a feeling they’ll all be filled with bird nests within a week. Every time I put anything outside, there’s a nest in it. Happy to help the birdies but boy do they make a mess. 😉

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