When I walked into the farmhouse on Friday, I realized it had been a while. 5 months to be exact. That’s a long time when you enjoy relaxing in the country while decorating everything you can get your hands on. The house felt lacking in personality. I’m thinking it’s because it’s hot and I had no time to decorate anything this trip. So what to do when you need farmhouse inspiration? I look through old photos for ideas. And I come to you for advice!
What can I add here for more coziness?
What To Do When You Need Farmhouse Inspiration
Sure, the cabinet is fine decorated for fall but the entire corner is dull.
The only reason I came during summer was because two of the kids came down for a wedding. If we were having non-kid guests, I would have come down a week earlier, done all the things and ended the week looking like chewed twine.
The mister comes down every three to four weeks to mow, check on the guy that takes care of the animals, checks for leaks, check for unusual differences, unwanted critters, etc. There’s a long list.
Imagine the space with no plants, no wreath and no garland.
Well, this time he did everything before we arrived. He uncovered the furniture, added new sheets to the beds, dusted everything including blinds, fans, etc. He cleaned the windows, vacuumed, mopped, did the bathrooms, and even fixed the dishwasher. Plus much more and all without complaint.
Same here – There are no plants, greenery or even pillows.
I felt like I was riding a gravy train with biscuit wheels!
All that said, the house didn’t feel fresh. Imagine the photo above without any greenery. Would it look blah to you too? Even though it looks homey now, I’m ready for a change. Maybe I need new wall art? Maybe I need to decorate for fall? And don’t say Christmas in July. That’s not happening. This girl is definitely not dragging any Christmas decor out and I live for fall anyway.
Here’s another blah room. What would you do to make it look lively?
Take a look at the photos and tell me what you might do differently. You won’t hurt my feelings. If you dislike something, chances are, I do too. Like the dark chest of drawers with the pink phone. I’d like the chest to be a creamy white or light wood but people keep saying – NO, that will ruin it! Well if I don’t like it, isn’t it better to change it?
Anyone else think I should paint this old chest of drawers a creamy white?
Remember too, this is an almost 100 year old house that will be moved to another part of the property one day so whatever I do cannot be super expensive or permanent.
Help, I don’t even like sleeping in here anymore.
So what to do when you need farmhouse inspiration and you are ready for something different with minimal effort because your time there is short lived? You ask your friends. Please comment below and give me your opinion. I’ll start making a list! And thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can hardly wait to see what you say. I feel in some aspects, you are better than Pinterest. 😉
Such a sweet hubby to do all of that – and blinds!! – so you didn’t have too…I have a good one like that too…although I love dark walnut stained furniture – especially on oak – i can see lightening up that piece – it is reading red on my screen and I love that bleached funiture look on older pine and oak pieces…fresh looking! Whatever you do will be beautiful – and enjoy doing it – from 1 Fall gal to another – although I am not in favor of Summer-ween…can’t wait to see pics!!!
He’s a keeper for sure. Thanks for the validation on the chest of drawers. I would hate to ruin it but it sticks out like a sore thumb around there. BTW, when do you start decorating for fall? That’s another question I should have asked. Stay cool Traci!
I think you need some color. Everything is monotone. Decorating for fall with some pops of orange, yellow and green would give it some much needed color.
Great idea Lynda. Is now to early to add fall decor? I tend to do light neutral colors for fall but this year I’m going to take your advice and add in some color. Hope you are enjoying your summer. Thank you.
Well, I’m not that good at decorating but, I would add some colorful flowers and pillows would really help. That chest is a beautiful piece but, if you want to paint it go for it, girl!! Besides in the old days they whitewashed a lot.
Thank you Marlene! I want to do the same to the bed in our room but goodness gracious, when I mentioned that people had a conniption! I really appreciate your input. And I love the idea of colorful flowers and pillows. I love white everything but it seems like my brain is changing my heart. Hmmm.
You have so many fun vintage pieces and antiques but I agree, it feels kind of blah in the pictures. I am no decorator, but maybe painting a richer color would showcase your white pieces. Right now, with the walls neutral the furniture, decor just don’t shine like they would against a deeper color.
Love your blog!
Thank you Kathy. I can see exactly what you are saying. Painting is a good idea for sure not only for color but there are lots of holes we should patch at the same time. The walls are hard wood. No sheetrock. I guess that’s how they did it back then. It doesn’t bother me but the mister doesn’t like when I make a new hole. He says the wall looks like swiss cheese. I have to remind him that I change things around often and will reuse that hole again. 😉
I love the wall color in your living room. Can you share what the color is? I love your farmhouse look!! I would paint your chest of drawers! I love painted furniture!!
I would also add color through pillows and throws, plants and flower. I use all faux dye to allergies. Love the look that you have done!
I appreciate all the help and encouragement Liz, thank you! Especially with the chest of drawers! 😉 The wall color in the living room is Sherwin Williams, Bungalow Beige #7511 in a flat sheen.
Why not paint your dresser a soft green that’s in the wallpaper?…
I love your sense of farmhouse style…
OH MY GOSH Elaine! I never thought to paint it green. I always go for white or natural wood but that sounds perfect! Was apprehensive before but now I’m getting excited about it. Thank you. You’ve put quite the grin on my face. 🙂
I do enjoy your blog. Look forward to it every week. In the first picture maybe break up the chairs, move one to another location and place a small horizontal table nearby. Maybe add a bit of cottagecore to each area as I know that is your style (I love it too). And maybe add a bit of color.
That first photo is an area leading out to the mudroom and then on to the bathroom that was added a few decades after the house was built. What you don’t see is that I have 4 more of those chairs. One tucked in each guest bedroom, another in a different corner in the dining room and another in the mudroom. I’m busting at the seams with old church (maybe school) chairs!
I hadn’t thought of adding cottagecore to the farmhouse. I like it! I’ll have to keep it to a minimum since I get comments all the time mentioning that they don’t know if I’m posting about our everyday house in the Dallas area or the farmhouse. A long time ago I could see how it was confusing but now, I’m trying to keep it different even though I love so many different styles it’s difficult. lol.
Thank you so much for the help and sweet comment. You made my day!
My eye immediately went to your wonderful quilts, Cindy. Love the colors and patterns, so I know more pattern and color in small doses would help brighten things up. How great the analogy to gravy train with biscuit wheels!!! That cupboard is wonderful, but I agree, it’s really dark with your walls and other furniture. I’m all for painting furniture and make it your own. I can’t tell you how many people have disagreed, some loudly, but I’ve always been happy with the results. Also, some vintage art pieces and prints would be another way to add some pattern and color. I’m such a fan of vintage landscapes. Can’t wait for fall. Starting to decorate now is perfectly good with me using some fall colors and light textures. Have fun!!
How have I never thought to add some vintage landscapes (except during fall) when they are my absolute favorite in all the land?! I love that idea and it will definitely make it more homey. I’ll whip out some more quilts too then start decorating for fall and keep some of the color when January rolls around and it’s time for seasonal change.
Thank you so much Debra. I knew you’d have some fantastic ideas. Thank you!
Your place looks lovely. I love color, so that’s what I would add. In summer, the brighter sun asks for more color. Perhaps Pillows and throws? Flowers?
BTW, does the pink phone work?
The pink phone does work but we do not have it plugged in because his mom got rid of the land line years ago. Maybe I should bring it home to enjoy? Thank you for the lovely ideas. Adding color has been the consensus. I’ll plan on doing that when I’m down there next month or so. Have a great weekend Jeanne.
I guess I need a weekend in the country to see your farmhouse in person, then I can give you my complete recommendations LOL! 😉 I always love looking at this sweet house! By the way you have the best helper and handyman ever, what a keeper!
He is a keeper. And you tell me when you want to visit and we’ll make it happen. Just a hint though, fall is the best time of year. 😉
Hey Cindy – really enjoy your sense of humor, wit and posts! I would think about a fresh coat of paint. That alone would freshen up any space. I would take down all of the wall art in every room and begin anew. Not expensive mind you, but different. Someone earlier mentioned landscapes. Great idea. Many original pieces can be found at estate sales, auctions etc. for great bargain prices! That alone would be a great start in refreshing the space.
Check out Michael over at (Inspired by Charm). His post Decorating with Vintage Art – Creative Ideas (inspiredbycharm.com). He did a fabulous space using vintage paint-by-numbers as a gallery wall. It is so unique and fresh looking!
In the bedroom with the metal bed, I would find a rug or carpet that has some color and fun vibes. Would warm it up some and add a layer of interest as well. The master bed is beautiful and I wouldn’t ever paint it. Maybe if you bring the other wood dresser in that room, it would unify the look by having all the wood pieces in one room together. Would make for a more cohesive look. It is worth a try before painting it.
I would also consider removing the wallpaper and go for something newer and fresher (thinking grand millennial) or just plain paint.
Along with other suggestions — overall — add in more greenery and colors with pillows, throws, art and perhaps curtains. Definitely keep and display those lovely quilts! Some folks have used antique curio cabinets for that purpose and they look terrific! I think your space needs more/different lamps and mirrors to lighten/brighten the space. I would suggest finding some unusual vintage ones.
Love your space and just a few ideas to put some sparkle and move out the boredom!
You’ve made my day Penny! I will switch that chest of drawers day one when I get back and see how it looks. And I agree on everything you’ve said. I’ll also add a rug and am in the process of finding old paintings. I’m also trying to concentrate on finding something over the bed/under the awning. I don’t care for that large blank space. I’ve been trying to find a small chandelier to hang under it but so far no luck. I truly appreciate your open mind and ideas. Thanks so much!