Happy New Year friends! To a lot of people, it’s important to know what’s in and what’s out for the coming year. I bet you’ve already seen 2 – 20 articles saying such. I get it, I used to be her. But as I grow in age (and beauty – LOL), my priorities change. I find myself caring less and less about trends and more about nostalgia. As I was reading the third article I had a revelation – this is a time to say stuff it to new trends.
If you like using standard size pillows with shams on your sofa, that’s awesome!
Instead of concerning myself with whether I’m in or out, I’ve decided to do more. More blogging, more work to the spaces I don’t care for in our home, more saving, and more self-care. I plan to serve my friends, the community, and my family more. You might want to do less and that’s awesome! Isn’t it nice to have choices?
Mix old with new and farmhouse with traditional!
This Is A Time To Say Stuff It To New Trends
If you can’t tell, this isn’t a word-of-the-year post or a post on making a new years resolution. Nope. It’s a post to stimulate goals. I’ve never liked resolutions. I’m not firm in many decisions or very determined in anything I do, so the word resolution makes me feel as if I’m setting myself up for failure. No thanks.
Why not position a hutch in an entryway if that speaks to you?!
Oftentimes, my motto in life has been “good enough”. I realize I should be doing all things unto the Lord but I know he’s not going to hold it against me if the picture isn’t hung perfectly straight or if I missed the paint drip on the baseboard and do nothing about it.
Who says you have to put a candle (or anything) inside a candle holder?
Even though good enough still works fine for me, this year is different. My new motto is Be Your Own Niche! Why do I care about the new trends? Who are “they” to tell me what I should love in 2024. They don’t know me or what I like (insert the stomping of one foot). It’s going to be great!
Repurpose something into what works for you.
So this year, while I’m busy being my own niche, I am going to help and encourage you to be your own niche too. No brands, no labels and saying no to spending money on things that those people tell us to buy.
Want to hang a quilt underneath a faux fireplace? Why yes, yes I do!
Now I’m not completely withdrawing myself from making purchases. That would be crazy talk. Actually, I’m not sure I even have that capability. But I am going to stand tall and be proud of myself, my decorating style and have the bestest, most comfy cozy house in the neighborhood! At least to me.
Want curtains on your porch but not the hassle of cleaning them? Use plastic table covers from Dollar Tree!
I want to grow in my contentment. Grow from being overly sensitive. Like if I want to use a chintz sofa with ruffles, then by golly I’m doing it. And if someone tells me that trend is from the 80’s, I can say – nope, that’s the here and now and fabulous!
If you like using an old baby bed as a serving piece, step right up!
Who’s with me?!
If you’re obsessed with mantels and want them in every room, “they” can’t stop you!
This is how to start a personal upheaval.
First, walk through your home and write down what you love about your home. Is it the size, the wall color, the architecture? Maybe it’s the furniture, the fireplace or the windows and curtains? Whatever it is, make a list.
If using the fancy silverware outdoors makes you happy, I’m with you!
Second, write down what you dislike about your home. Separate them into small and large task categories. For instance, paint and furniture placement will be in the small task category. Removing a wall or getting new counter tops is in the large task category.
If a wreath isn’t for you, be the you God created!
This doesn’t have to be done in a day. Take your time. Mull it over.
Once you’ve completed the list, walk through and remove anything that doesn’t fit your vibe or give you a fond memory. Don’t hang on to something that you once liked (even if it was a gift).
When I do this, I ask myself – would I buy this again? If the answer is no, that’s your cue to donate, sell or pitch it.
Lastly, we are going to keep this endeavor in mind each time we go out. I usually think about the colors in my home when shopping. It’s important to me because neutral colors keep my mind clutter free. I’ve done colorful and sometimes still want a pop of color now and then but neutral surroundings are my jam.
Do you like what the heck is it kind of stuff? That’s a vibe!
If your home is colorful, vibrant and that’s what you love – that’s your niche! If you enjoy dark moody colors, that’s fantastic and your niche! There’s no need for your validation to come from someone who says this is what’s trending. From now on I will not be intimidated by Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok or even my friends and family.
If you want to add chandeliers to every tree on the property, I say how many!
That is why this is a time to say stuff it to new trends and say yes to being your own niche!
Stay with me this year as we make this journey together. I can hardly wait!
I realize this was a long post. So if you came here to see winter decorating ideas, check out this post and this post too. 🙂 I hope you visit again soon. Happy New Year friends!
Loved this blog post! Well said. Looking forward to more in the future.
Thank you for the visit Cyndi! Happy New Year
Amen, sister!! You’ve said it loud and proud, Cindy!! And I’m Here. For. It!!! Happy New Year!
Yay! It’s nice to have an antique loving sister out there! Thank you Rachel.
This was a great read to start off 2024! I am happy to look at trends (how else might I discover something else that I love?) but I don’t want to mindlessly copy something that doesn’t really work for me, just because it is “trendy”.
I am also going to take on your question of “Would I buy this again?” as I strive to declutter…..
Happy New Year!
That question has given me so much freedom and a lot less clutter around my home. When I sit and look around, most things bring me a smile. If it doesn’t, it’s usually something the Mister has purchased. :/ You know, something that has nothing to do with being pretty but useful. Guess we need those too. Cheers to discovering new things Lynne! I love that. Thank you
I’ve always said “stuff it” to trends. And I’ve always had a toddler type reaction to Them telling me what’s in or out….picture some foot stomping and a red faced, defiant adult woman shouting “You’re not the boss of me!” while glaring at an article telling me that such and such is now déclassé. My husband thinks it’s funny to witness me arguing with a magazine article. I’ve always felt that a home should be a reflection of the people who live there, a reflection of their personalities and preferences. Do what makes you happy and comfortable, create a home that pleases your senses, a haven and a sanctuary that welcomes you like a warm embrace when you step through the door. And don’t listen to Them. They don’t live with you or pay your bills or clean your floors so They don’t get a vote!
You totally get it and I couldn’t agree more! I’ve literally laughed out loud looking through magazines. It’s like watching a runway show of avant-garde dresses. Sometimes you just have to laugh and say – I can’t wait to see that in a store. LOL. Thank you Kim. Happy New Year!
Omg you are speaking my language! Thank you for writing this post. I am with you 100%. I feel like social media is a giant platform to make you feel bad about things you like and make you spend money on things you don’t need. It’s like I’m watching a constant infomercial. I have been a victim I admit. I will not anymore though. I am doing my own thing right or wrong. I’ve told myself I am pleasing myself and I don’t care if I’m on trend or not. I love all of your ideas and especially love how you use vintage finds around your garden and home! I needed to hear this especially starting a new year! Thank you!
Thanks so much Melanie. You are not alone Melanie. I’ve fallen victim myself a couple of times and with quite a bit of regret. How about we cheer each other on as we tell that little troll sitting on our shoulder that says buy it because everyone loves it to shut his pie hole?! 😉
I’m with you. So over trends, word of the year, 2024 things to do, let go of. Etc.
This is by far my favorite New Years blog post I’ve read in years. Thank you for the fun yet wise advice.
My pleasure Cheri. I was speaking to myself as much as anyone else willing to listen. For example, last night I asked my daughter if she wanted to go to Target today and look at clearance furniture. Why? Because I saw on Instagram someone showing the great deals they got. :0 I don’t need more big box store furniture. What the cuss?!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I have been saying this exact thing for a few years. To me trends are nothing more than a way for paint stores, decorators and furniture stores to make money each year. You should do what makes YOU happy, not somebody telling you what the trend is for the year. This article is the right attitude for everybody.
I agree Mary. We plan to paint the kitchen soon and the hubs says – we just painted it and its still good. Seriously? I’m sick of the color and the paint isn’t going to fall off the walls. If society went by his schedule, we’d have no economy at all, not just a bad one. Thanks for the wonderful encouragement and happy new year!
I think your attitude meshes with mine. So, I’m with you.
Yay Rhonda! We can stick together and encourage one another this year. Thanks so much.
Bravo Cindy. I’m in agreement with you. Be the authentic person God calls you to be and stick with what works for you! Happy New Year, friend!
Yep – be the person God calls us to be! Thank you for the visit Debra. The break is over and I’m excited to get back to blogging. Cheers!
Doing what you like / love somes it up
Thank You live with what you love
Yes! Live with what you love! Thanks Eva. Hope you have a wonderful start to the new year.
Yay for you! I’ve always been that way, even with trends in clothes. I buy and create what I love. It’s fun using items for different purposes than they were intended and making your home more “you”.
I’ve not thought about doing that with clothes. I showed my youngest an outfit I saw on a lady gardening. She had on red overalls rolled up above her ankles, crazy colorful socks and Croc shoes with a large bow headband on. I said she looks so fun and cute and I love her outfit. The daughter said – do not wear that. My insecure heart thought okay, even though I really liked it. Then my rebellious self actually said – I will be on the look out for some red overalls and where them to your next birthday party. The look on her face was priceless. LOLOLOL! Thank you Sally for being a fellow lover of being ourselves.
Thank you for this post! If I want to shop Amazon, I can do it without the endless lists of suggestions some folks make. If I need clothes, I know how to find Talbot’s on the web all by myself. Walmart isn’t too far down the road if I need stuff. Year-end recaps of “favorite” things is just a way to fill space while trying to sell things. Simple, easy and authentic is the way to go for me and I appreciate you for feeling the same.
The display in the white cabinet at the top of this page is just wonderful. The brown bowl, the wicker house, the chippy, rusty elements — they warm my heart.
Aww, thank you Liz, I greatly appreciate that. The little wicker house was a Christmas gift from my daughter and SIL this year. They know me well. And I agree with what you said about filling space to try and sell things. I get that that is their job and how they make a living but yay for us being able to say no. 😉 Hope you have a wonderful start to the year.
You are so welcome Frances. Thank YOU for the visit and encouragement.
WOW! Best advice this year! lol (and last of course) I could even use it with my clothing. I still prefer my old faithful clothes, they may make me dated but they are comfortable and clean. What more could I ask. Superior post. Thank you so much.
Thank you Pamela, you made my day. I love hearing that and feel the same about my clothes too. Although I need to replace a few tops with holes. 😉
I agree with you but it is very interesting to see what they have to say, even though I don’t follow it cause it’s all silly to me. I have always loved the way you decorate and can’t wait to see what this year holds, Happy New Year!
Yes, it’s always fun to see what they say. Especially when I’ve already lived through it once. Like the mauve and blue or geese or burgundy and forest green. The clothes are the funniest. Bell bottom jeans, Candies heels, leggings. LOL! Thank you Marlene.
I agree with you. Make your own trends! Be unique and different from the cookie cutter style of so many homes. Love all your thoughts. 2024 is going to be amazing.
I love a fellow decor loving, vintage loving, repurposed loving sister! And yes, 2024 is going to be the best! Thank you Rachel.
Ya know what? I’m going to do the once over. Love it? It stays.
It’s just ok, it’s going. Thanks for the “ push” I needed.
Happy New Year
You’re welcome Chris. We all need a little push now and then. Hope you find it as exhilarating as I do. Cheers!
I am SO with you, Cindy! I have always gone to the beat of my own drummer and, regardless of the jabs that I might get from people who JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND how ANYONE can live in a house with all white sofas, chairs and loveseats, I have continued to live with them and love them. And yes, I have a messy husband and daughter and they cope! Hurray for you, be your honest self and love how and where you live-after all it IS where YOU live!
That’s funny you say that. I get that comment a lot – how can you live with white sofa’s. I LOVE THEM too! I get my office back next month so being able to decorate a space that is all mine is thrilling! My first thought is white chairs but I may have to go with the only other color I’d ever want – pink! I’m so excited! Thank you Gabi for making my day.
Totally agree 100%+! I have bookmarked this post to refer back to and remind myself that I am not the only one that feels this way. You go girl!
That is awesome! Do I dare call us rebels? Whatever we are, we need to stick together so we don’t accidentally feel alone again! 😉 Happy New Year Kay.
Kudos to you, Cindy!!
I have subscribed to this very philosophy for a very long time now…..I think it is an age thing where you do what makes you happy and do not care what anyone else thinks or says….My decorating style has been out of style for a long time now but I am seeing snippets of it coming back into style especially on the You Tube Decorator’s Channels….I stopped following trends a long time ago when I realized that I hated how my house looked after succumbing to one of those so called Trends….So now I stand back and admire different trends and styles of decorating but I know what I like and what works for me and I do not get sucked into buying things that are not “Me” anymore …..I also realize that many do not like my maximalistic Victorian style and that is okay wit me because they are not the ones living with it…I recently got a “knife in back” sarcastic comment on my Christmas decorating and I laughed……She may not like my style but i bet I most likely do not like her style even more!! LOL!!
Again, I LOVED this post and applaud you!!
Happy New Year!!
Why do people have to be so ugly? I suspect people would never say those things in person. People need Jesus, a good washing out of the mouth with soap and realize that if we were all the same, life would be so boring. Sorry that happened to you.
Thank you though for the uplifting comment. I always appreciate your visits. Happy New Year Debbie!
Hello and Happy New Year!
I am new to decorating for the seasons, just started after this past Christmas. I have been enjoying going through everything in our barn and storage shed, plus local thrift stores. Sometimes tho I have caught myself having insecurities creep up and wondering if things look right or what’s in or out. Finally I just decided to ask myself if I love it and if so it stays, if not I change it until I do. I am so happy I came across your post so early in the game now I really feel the freedom to enjoy myself and create spaces I love……….Thank You
Welcome to the seasonal decorating addiction party Michelle! Some people don’t like change. Others find that making seasonal transitions exhilarating and fun. As I get older, the changes I make are slightly less significant but the process still brings me a lot of joy. Thanks for the visit and I hope you continue finding inspiration here. Cheers to being your own niche!
Yes, yes and yes! I sometimes like to add something trendy to keep my style fresh but I try to never change my style just because some source says something I like is “out.” I am still trying to figure out how to make this new house my own without being too influenced by all the trend madness.
Great post!
I understand how difficult it can be with the trends showing up in our social media feeds all the time. However, I hope you can stick to your beautiful style. I love everything you do! Cheers to sharing the best of ourselves this year. Thanks Amber.
YES TO ALL OF THIS CINDY! I am totally and fully on board with every word, count me in 🙌 There are so many bloggers that followed in the beginning because I adored their style that have given way to all the different trends over the years (boho and modern to name a few) and gah I miss their old stuff! I was combing through the new Ralph Lauren book (it’s amazing by the way) and while I can remember some of the campaigns he shared it was really nice to see how true he stayed to his classic style over the many decades he’s been in business. It’s one of the reasons I love him so much, he never goes out of style and that’s how I want to be too! Thanks so much for the inspiration and for your encouraging words. I can’t wait to share this post on Friday! Big hugs and sending you an email later today too, CoCo
I agree. As an account pops up on IG that has changed from what I love to look at, I unfollow hoping to start seeing accounts I don’t ever get to see. Some have succumbed to the trendy pressures (I guess for the money) and some have changed their style and that’s ok, but I rarely see the accounts I loved when I first started scrolling through IG.
And I love RL! Some of my favorite outfits when I was in high school (besides the polo) were RL. He will always have a plaid, a herringbone and a stripe that I can’t get enough of. The quilted barn coat this year is a classic. I won’t spend $500 on it but I found a shacket that’s identical (and 10% of the cost) and that is fabulous! I love it.
Happy New Year CoCo and thank you!
Great wisdom, Cindy! Perfect encouragement to kick off the new year. No giving into peer pressure over here; we’re not in junior high anymore, right? Always love to hear your smart, funny take on life;) Happy New Year!
I love that you say junior high. We just say middle school. And yes! Whether it peer pressure from social media or from so called “friends”, it’s time to move on and not give in! One of the many things I adore about you Lora – you hang your own hat and it’s magnificent. Thanks friend.