Happy New Decade Friends! Are y’all excited for what 2020 will bring? I am. I’d really like to push myself to do more DIM’s. That stands for Do It Myself and is code for stop waiting on the Mister to help. Guess we’ll see how it goes. 😉 Anyway, as mentioned in the last post, here are the 5 most popular DIY projects of 2019.
5 Most Popular DIY projects of 2019
#1 – A Miniature Bee Skep
I am not a crafter. At least I don’t think so. I think it’s my big man-hands dealing with small stuff that makes me grouchy (among other things). But y’all, this was so easy to make and it looked so cute everywhere I placed it. And it was super inexpensive to do. I might make a giant skep this year!
#2 – Making a Valentine Wreath
This one was a bit different. It was an out-of-the-box idea and a Pinterest Challenge. That means if you remember the post or check it out, you’ll see several bloggers all putting our own spin on the same photo found on Pinterest. This one happened to be just before Valentine’s Day so it was a no-brainer for me. I am sure I will do this again this year. You know I love me some pink!
#3 – Spring Door Decor
This was another Pinterest Challenge. You might think this sounds like I make myself do a craft once a month but that’s a big fat negative. I used to be in a group of wonderful ladies that do crafts each month on the tenth of the month for under ten dollars. I tried for a few months and got frustrated so I quit. Yep, I’m a Quitter. Not proud of it but it’s my reality. I. Don’t. Like. Crafting. All that said though, I loved this one! So did the neighbors and the Fed Ex Man and the birds who made a nest in it! Ugh.
#4 – A Hanging Paper Heart Craft
This was actually one of those Ten on the Tenth craft months. I liked how this one turned out. It took me a while to figure out how to glue the hearts together (truth – the Mister had to help). My brain doesn’t work that way. Kind like if you ask me where Pennsylvania is on a map. I won’t know. I must have been absent that day in school. Yeah, that’s it.
#5 – Making a Faux Chocolate Bunny
I realized looking at the stats for the 5 most popular DIY projects of 2019, y’all like to craft and you like to do it in the spring time. All of these posts were before May. I wonder why that is? Maybe the weather? Or maybe for us here in Texas, it’s rainy and we are stuck inside? Whatever the reason, I’m glad y’all like them. This one was super easy and it had a lot of people fooled!
Bonus: How To Make a Nest in 5 Easy Steps
Here is one more bonus DIY project. It was actually done in 2017 but even in 2019 it continued to be the #1 most viewed craft project of the year. WARNING: I was brand new at blogging so I apologize now for the not-so-great photos. I do remember it being a sticky mess. Got a lot of compliments on them though.
Do y’all have any goals for 2020? I don’t do New Year resolutions but I have goals. I’d like to eat healthier (that’s less carbs), be more self sufficient, keep the house cleaner so I don’t break my back when I know someone is coming over, be sweeter to the people around me and try harder at glorifying the Lord in ALL I do. Fingers crossed I succeed!
Everything looked so pretty or cute, i don’t know how you can find all the ideas you do , so glad you have, i enjoyed each and everyone. Looking forward to 2020 to see what you have for us next.
Awe thanks Marlene. This post makes me seem creative but truly, I don’t feel like I am. Happy new decade!
I remember these, Cindy. Great projects, then and now.
Thank you Carol. It’s fun to go back and see the older posts. I was surprised I’d forgotten about some!
My mouth still waters every time I see that chocolate bunny. Even though I know it’s not really a chocolate bunny. It looks so realistic. I loved everything else you did this year, or I guess now last year. You may not think you’re a crafter but you’re very crafty!
Thanks. I would like doing crafts more if I were in a group. Like when we went to the rec center and did ceramics. Good times, good times.