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Rework Last Year’s Décor for a New Fall Look

Rework Last Year’s Décor for a New Fall Look
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Do you love a home tour?  A tour with lots of photos and inspiration?  Yay, me too.  But what about spending money on seasonal decor?  I’m over it.  I can’t say I don’t buy a little something now and then.  I am a woman after all.  But this year my goal was to rework last year’s decor for a new fall look.  I guess you could call it a fall redesign.

green graphic with white arched door, cornhusks, orange mum and doormat

If you’ve popped over from Lora Bloomquist’s blog, howdy!  I’m so glad you’re here.  Were you inspired by her vintage-styled bedroom?  When I first saw her blog I was smitten.  Still am!  I find her quintessential style absolutely charming and I hope she blogs forever and ever.

The tours today are going to be fantastic so stick around and see them all at the end of this post.  You won’t regret it!

green velvet chair with white cubbies behind it and small black side tableBegin with an inspiration piece.  Mine was this textured fall pillow.

Rework Last Year’s Décor for a New Fall Look

Would you say Autumn is your favorite season?  I’d say it is for us native Texans.  But the trees around us don’t get leaves that change to vibrant colors.  Some do but really they turn brown and just fall off.  However, the cooler days, the festivals, corn mazes, giant pumpkins, and the sweata-weatha are magnificent!  Fall is when we can finally get outside and enjoy life.

The Living Room:

white cubby shelf with fall colored books, gold flowers and fall decorUse a common theme throughout the house.  I used gold hydrangeas.  I had so many!

When I was thinking about how to decorate for fall, I didn’t want to repeat last years approach.  If you change things up seasonally, do you put the same items in the same place each time?  I can’t do that.  I’d go nuts.  I’m already moving things around quite frequently because I think it would look better somewhere else.  Please tell me I’m not the only one.

2 taupe checked chairs sitting in front of a mantel with a large black and gold dandelion printRearrange your furniture.

At my age, I can barely remember what I did yesterday and I have enough on my mind without concerning myself with duplicating my home decor year after year.  Just kidding.  I actually think about that all the time.  😉 

“One good thing about being a blogger is you have posts with pictures to look back on!”

sofa table with a boxwood wreath hanging on a black mirror, lamp and plant

When I looked back at the photos, I had forgotten about some of the decor.  Other photos made me grin and decide that particular item was coming back out again.

white sofa with fall leaf and orange pillows with a side table with a white lamp and squirrel candle next to a plantDon’t be afraid to mix patterns and colors that don’t quite match.

Like the little ceramic squirrel candle holder.  I love that little guy.  Don’t be afraid to mix patterns and any colors that might be slightly different from others.  Like the tablecloth I’ve had for years and never used.  I found it one day at a garage sale and loved the colors.  They aren’t exactly the same as the leaf pillows but who cares?!  I decorate for me, not the critics.

ceramic squirrel with orange candle on table with lamp and green plant

Since switching over to a grandma-chic kind of style, things are more colorful around here than they used to be.  The rooms are filled with new things, vintage items and thrifted finds.  It’s quite fun to be able to mix and match them together to bring a room to life.

The Dining Room:

black dining table with black mantel on wall with large farm print on wall and golden candles and flowers.

I switched the tables.  The white one is now in the breakfast room.  I like the black one in here but the table seems more informal.  There are scratches on top and plenty of hot glue clumps since I used it as a craft table too so I’ll need to do something about that.  Hopefully before Christmas but I’m not holding my breath.  It’ll most likely be a tablecloth coming to the rescue.

black mantel with coordinating centerpiece with green glass pumpkin and gold candlesSee more of those gold hydrangeas?  I can’t believe I have so many.

In using what you already have, candle holders don’t have to hold candles.  I plopped black pumpkins on a couple of them then added gold velvet ribbon to help them stand out.  Easy peasy.

black antique teacart with a lamp, hanging tablecloth and faux stems

“Cha cha cha chia!” 

When I saw this little owl vase at Home Goods, I knew it was coming home with me.  I didn’t have a plan for it which isn’t always a good thing but it was only $5.  Then as soon as I cut these faux stems to fit inside, I started singing the Chia Pet song.  Doesn’t it remind you of a chia pet?  Or maybe a mutant head of broccoli?  I love it!  Take my advice… Always buy the weird thing.

entry with white hutch and plant

The Annoying Entry:

I’ve said this many times – our entry is obnoxious.  When you walk in, the door faces the dining room.  So you have to look behind your right shoulder to see the hutch (another slightly weird piece that isn’t quite right for an entry) and to put down your keys or purse.

close up of hutch shelves decorated with books, a mirror with a feather wreath and faux stemsMore gold hydrangeas – LOL!

I’ve gotten used to it and I suppose it would be more awkward if the front door faced the opposite way.  That side leads to the guest bathroom and laundry room.

hutch shelves with books, paintings, pumpkins and faux stems. All in fall colors.

Here’s a fun idea!  I found a large (11″ x 14″ ish) book at an antique store for $12.  It’s titled 100 of The World’s Most Beautiful Paintings.  I’ve had a stash of empty frames for a long time so I went through the book pulling out the prints with the best fall color and added them to the frames.  Do you recognize one?  You’ll see more soon.

Mix anything you like for a look you want.

Do you enjoy styling shelves?  It’s like playing with paper dolls to me.  I mix and match new things with old, layer and fluff until my heart is content.  And this is where I usually display the kids school creations.  Like the dark vase from my son when he was in the 8th grade.  He’s now 29 years young and it will always be cherished.


Well, that’s it for my fall tour and sharing how to rework last year’s decor for a new fall look.  Next up is Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse.  She’s another friend I hope never stops blogging!

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  1. September 18, 2024 / 6:59 am

    I love it all, Cindy! I am with you. I am proud of myself……I’ve only purchased 1 faux pumpkin this year and it was for a project. Everything is just so cozy. I like that leaf table cloth on the side table. Hey, don’t make fun of that adorable owl vase. Its a cutie! Ha, ha!

    • September 18, 2024 / 11:00 am

      LOL, thank you Christy. The little owl vase is not quite sturdy enough to be a vase. He falls over which means I guess I need to cut the stems shorter. But goodness gracious the stems have the thickest wire. It’s a job for the Mister. And kudos to purchasing only 1 new thing for fall!!! 😉

  2. Renae
    September 18, 2024 / 7:41 am

    It’s such a brilliant idea to frame the pics from the vintage book. Your home is so lovely!

    • September 18, 2024 / 11:01 am

      Thank you Renae! How are you? I hope you are busy at your beautiful farmhouse. Happy Fall!

  3. September 18, 2024 / 8:19 am

    Love all the ways you reused your home decor items from last year, Cindy. They’re all so warm and inviting. I love the way you styled the shelves too. It makes me want to curl up with a big hot mug of something festivfe and read a good book! Thanks so much for putting these hops together and for including me. I hope your Autumn season is all that you need it to be, CoCo

    • September 18, 2024 / 11:04 am

      Well so far the season is beginning to be magnificent. We are headed to VT, NH and ME next week!!! I am so excited!!! And I liked the look of the cubby shelves too. Cheers to cuddles and cocoa soon. Thank you CoCo.

  4. September 18, 2024 / 8:35 am

    Everything looks so warm and cozy. I love the gold hydrangeas and that little squirrel is so cute! Thanks for hosting!

    • September 18, 2024 / 11:08 am

      Thank you Angie. I’m loving all the color too. Even the Mister noticed the coziness! And that’s saying something!

  5. Lorri
    September 18, 2024 / 9:15 am

    Love your prints.. love love the dandelion print and how could you not love the squirrel candle…so cute. I like the vibe of your house…. fall has arrived…now we just have to get some cool weather..lol!!!

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:43 pm

      Thank you Lorri. It’s my favorite place to be. And a big fat please to bringing the cooler weather!

  6. September 18, 2024 / 9:16 am

    What a great idea. So many ways to save money and make previous decor look new again. Great post.

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:44 pm

      Thanks so much Rachel. I hope to keep this up for Christmas too. But I’m not sure I can stand not buying more ornaments. :0

  7. September 18, 2024 / 9:27 am

    I’m with you, Cindy–why buy more stuff when you can restyle what you have? And you have done it beautifully! I recognize your cute squirrel and I love your velvet pillows! Happy almost fall! Blessings, Cecilia @ My Thrift Store Addiction

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:45 pm

      Thanks so much Cecilia. I’m going to do the same for the farmhouse this October. Only buying pumpkins and cornstalks for the porch. Enjoy the season!

  8. September 18, 2024 / 9:55 am

    Cindy,, oh that pillow!!! It’s amazing; such a statement piece. And the wonderful artwork you created and the piece above the mantel. Your owl is adorable; love the mutant broccoli concept. It’s perfect! Our decor needs to make us smile! Thanks again for hosting.

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:47 pm

      That’s a great way to put it Debra – our decor needs to make us smile. And mine does. Each room has something I really enjoy or treasure. Cheers to being our own niche. 😉

  9. September 18, 2024 / 1:25 pm

    Cindy, I do exactly as you do. I start pulling things and end up moving things where I think they’d look better, And thank goodness for blog photos to remember the fun things, and to avoid duplicating looks. Having said that, I am in love with your fall style. The pillow covers, that tablecloth, the golden hydrangeas, and that cute squirrel and owl. I also like the black table in the DR. I think WV is going to be like TX fall this year – leaves turn brown and fall. In fact, instead of golden hydrangeas here, how about some burnt toast? It’s been an awful summer!
    Happy Autumn! Off to see more. on the hop….

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:52 pm

      Doesn’t it feel good to have an entirely different looking room that costs nothing but time and energy? I LOVE IT! The hubs, not so much. He doesn’t like change and I think some days he’d rather me just buy something new instead of rearranging things. Last time he helped me hang a mirror he raised his voice and said – good grief woman, this wall looks like swiss cheese! I understood what he meant. All I could say was, I know, now put this nail in the same hole in the center and leave me be.
      I can’t stop, won’t stop rearranging things. LOL Thank you Rita!
      p.s. You should join us next time we have a tour.

  10. Marlene
    September 18, 2024 / 1:50 pm

    I always love seeing how you decorate for each season. You are so creative and fun to read. I too don’t buy for each season cause I already have more than I can store. Thank goodness for room under beds!! We’ve had a few cool mornings, which was wonderful but I want 60’s all day. Happy Fall!!

    • September 18, 2024 / 2:57 pm

      I’m with you Marlene – 60’s all day and the sun shining on my face. It makes my day to hear you enjoy reading the blog and seeing how I decorate. Not everyone loves that as much as I like doing it. Fingers crossed the cooler weather is here come the 22nd! Wouldn’t that be nice? Thank you friend.

  11. September 18, 2024 / 9:00 pm

    Cindy, here I was all ready to pop over early this morning… and No internet! Anyway, a new router and something up in the attic later, we are all good. 🙂 I love your mantels and sooo many hydrangeas!!! I am happy my one little hydrangea had nice blooms this year. It’s a happy plant. And no, I never really remember what I decorate from season to season but I did think about not bringing out the somewhat newish fall pillows this year. I thought I’d give them a rest. 😉

    I do love your little squirrel… Mine are still waiting to come out to play. Soon! Thanks again for inviting me to come on the Autumn Home Tour. <3

    Many fall hugs,
    Barb 🙂

    • September 19, 2024 / 1:02 am

      If the Mister weren’t a Network Engineer, I would have never become a blogger. He’s saved the day more than once around here. Glad you are back up and running. And thank you for the visit so late at night.
      Happy fall decorating and for you – fall gardening! I think you should plant a pumpkin garden. I’ve tried multiple times with no luck. I bet your green thumbs will have a garden full in no time! 😉

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