Years ago when we moved into the house we live in now, we discussed painting just about every room in the house. It has buttery yellow walls. I say has because the majority of the walls are still the same and we’ve lived here 8 years. It’s like the plumber who has a leaky faucet. I spend my time helping everyone else make their home pretty and mine gets put on the back burner or maybe it’s because I’m married to a man who lives by the motto – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it (insert rolling eyes).

I don’t mind doing laundry. Truth be told, it’s probably the easiest chore around here. I taught my kids (each when they were in the 5th grade) how to do their own laundry. I wanted them to understand that just because you put a shirt on, wear it for an hour while watching TV then decide to change into that cute little dress before heading over to the neighbor’s house, wasn’t actually dirty. So they’ve been doing the bulk of the laundry ever since. Sidebar: I’m not a total meanie, I still washed their sheets, comforters and shower curtains. 😉
Even though I’m not in there that often, I still want it to look nice. The color is Sherwin Williams Bungalow Beige # 7511. I pass it every day and love it. I also find this repurposed door to be perfect. It’s ideal for folding clothes, scrubbing a stain on a shirt, and laying junk on when we have to hide things in a hurry when people show up. And the fact the ironing board fits underneath was a total fluke.

Project Supplies:
Repurposed Door, wood corbels, 3 1/2″ deck screws, 2 x 4 (scrap wood), table saw, level, drill, and sand paper
Project Detail:
This repurposed door is solid wood and was found at a local salvage store for $40.00. The corbels on each end are also solid wood and they were only $10.00 a piece! Can I get an amen-sister-you’re-the-queen-bargain-hunter please? The Mister cut the door lengthwise in half by using a table saw. A circular saw can be used but be careful to make sure your cut is completely straight. Otherwise the two pieces will not fit properly. The door was heavy so after mounting it to the wall he decided he needed extra support. He added a 2 x 4 piece of scrap wood underneath the shelf and mounted it to the studs by using the deck screws. The door just sits on the scrap piece and isn’t attached to it. After sanding it a little to distress it, I think it came out perfectly!

The glass letters that spell out LAUNDRY and the black hooks that hold them were 50% off at Hobby Lobby. Besides the cool taupe color and the shelf, my fave piece is the old mirror my dad had in his office. It’s a medicine cabinet door from an old house. Dad’s been in heaven now for several years but I think of him every time I walk in. And who doesn’t want happy feelings when they have to do laundry?