Hello Friends! We are sunshiny, hot and humid these days but I see life moving on around me. I like it! It looks like hope and I think soon we may be able to have friends over to our home. Just in case that happens, here’s our everyday summer dining room. I’m so ready!
Our Everyday Summer Dining Room
(Affiliate links included for your convenience w/no extra cost to you. For details see full disclosure at bottom of page.)
Let me clarify. The dining room is decorated but not actually ready. I still have to vacuum the dust bunnies. We haven’t used that room since Easter and that’s not like us. The entertaining part, not the leaving the dust bunnies part. LOL! But seriously, I miss having my people here!
Are things around you starting to get somewhat normal? I see more people getting out and about and we definitely have more cars on the road. The Mister found a broken sprinkler head and needed to go to Lowe’s to get the part. He said the parking lot was full and he could see a ton of people in the garden department so he turned around and came home instead. The next day I hear that a city near us had it’s largest day ever in positive Covid tests. Yikes.
Remember that Kirkland’s Shopping Spree?
Remember when I mentioned going a little crazy with some online shopping at Kirkland’s? I purchased this bicycle print and said I had another? Well here it is. The lanterns are from Kirkland’s too. The print has the same blues, teal and creamy whites I love using around our home (thanks to the kitchen walls).
The Tiffany box blue walls in the kitchen dictate a lot around here. The color is actually Sherwin Williams #6485, Raindrop. When I chose that color it was to get rid of the barn red we had for years and it needed to coordinate with the gold (dog puke yellow) walls we had in the rest of the house. It took a while to get used to the blue but now, I really like it. It’s a happy room even on cloudy days.
Everyday Items Used For A Centerpiece
What makes this our everyday dining room is they way I set (or don’t set) the table. In case we actually have someone knock at the door and want to visit, I’ve placed what I need for a quick dinner party right there as a centerpiece. I’ll be ready with fresh squeezed lemonade, place settings and a scoop or two of ice cream to be served in the vintage jello molds.
To compliment the blue walls in the kitchen, I made a valance. By made, I mean sewed a strait line to hem the sides and used clips to hang them. But hello and a pat on the back, I recovered the chair cushions with the same buttery yellow, soft blue and gray printed fabric. Say whaaat?! I know, right?! Why thank you, thank you very much.
I adore vintage linens and when I found this square table cloth with similar colors that would blend both rooms together, I had to have it. It was only $10 because there are a few tiny stains on it. I don’t care about the stains. We’ll probably add to those anyway.
I haven’t been this excited about the decor in the dining room in a long time but with the new print, lanterns and added eucalyptus garland around the chandy, our everyday summer dining room is ready! I love the casual, happy, inviting vibe in here.
Are you ready for guests? Do you daydream about having a summer party? Get ready! Be ready!
So cute and inviting! Love it!
Thank you Melinda! Want to go have dinner soon? We’d love it!
Your dining room looks good great! I am a new subscriber. M y wife and I are retired, thank the Lord during all of this chaos! We love our home and have been painting, wall papering, and re painting, and removing wall paper for 41 years! Blessings to you and yours.
Thank you Curtis, you’ve made my day! It’s fantastic to hear you’ve been in your home 41 years. You must have so many looks and memories together. I bet the photo album is hilarious seeing all the looks throughout the years?! I’d love that! Super excited you’re a new subscriber too. Welcome! 🙂
Hi Cindy,
I miss my friends and family like crazy. We never go more than a few weeks not seeing each other.
Loving the print over the fireplace and the new lanterns. That vintage tablecloth is such pretty colors.
I’m so sorry Cindy that you haven’t seen your family and friends. I think y’all were hit the hardest and have had the strictest rules. I really hope y’all get back to visiting each other soon and can spend some wonderful times out on your beautiful deck! Thank you for the sweet comment too. I’ve found myself taking that route to the kitchen just to glance in there. Weird? Weird.
Love the blue and yellow, such a pretty combo! We are in Oklahoma and people here have been getting so relaxed about social distancing, not wearing masks, etc. and we had a big jump in statewide daily cases over the weekend, much more than the previous high from earlier in the spring. I wish it would just miraculously go away. I got out yesterday (Monday) and went antiquing at my threefavorite stores and found some fun new items, and I wore my mask. Thankfully it wasn’t too crowded. Take care and stay safe!
Thank you Vicki! Where are you in OK and what are your 3 favorite antique stores? I love finding new places to shop. 😉 Around here people are definitely more lax and I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better. But I heard the other day that like the flu, Covid doesn’t spread as much in the heat. If that’s true, you in OK and us in TX will do well since WE GOT THE HEAT! lol! Fingers crossed. Stay safe.
I love vintage tablecloths! I have a collection. That’s a cute one!
That statement makes me so jealous Beth! I’ve only recently started a collection with the 3 I have now; the one in the dining room, a green and gold one for fall and a classic Christmas print. They are so cute and I’m super excited! For some reason I always thought tablecloths were so grandma but I was wrong. They are wonderful. Maybe it’s because I’m getting to be grandma age? Either way, I don’t care. I want them for every occasion! I just hope they aren’t all gone like ironstone. Can’t find that around me anywhere (insert rolling eyes)!
You are ready and it looks so pretty and inviting. Have fun and hope it’s soon!
Thanks so much Marlene. The kids will come home soon for Father’s Day so I hope to use it then. If not, I’ll eat in there all by my lonesome. Have a wonderful week. Stay safe!
As always my TX neighbor…love your style! That print is spot on…might have to mosey on over to Kirklands for some online shopping!
It’s a hot one today, stay cool!!
Awe, thank you bunches Gwen. I loved reading your comment. When I let the dogs out this morning I quickly shut the door and could tell it was going to be quite stuffy today. Ugh. And beware… Moseyin’ can get expensive! LOL. Have a great week!
Stop tempting me with all of the lovely Kirkland items. I so wish I could order from them too, sadly I can’t. I live in Canada and it looks like they don’t ship to Canada.
Your home looks lovely as always.
Oh gosh, that stinks. I never think of that. So sorry! You should email them and tell them to make an exception! It’s a great retailer. 😉 Do y’all have something equivalent? I’d love to know what it is. And thanks so much for the encouraging comment. I always appreciate them!
So charming. I love the colors & all the decor. Jars with silverware, zinc pots, old Jello mods & tablecloths. Sigh. Love the art with the Mason jars too. I’m partial to blues. thanks, Mary, subscriber in Dallas
Dallas in the house – Woo hoo! How in the world did you even find me? Very curious. I’ve never been a huge fan of blue. It’s usually greens but when I was possessed and painted the kitchen blue, I had to embrace it. Now I love it. I think it’s because I can use all those vintage mason jars and bottles I’ve collected over the years. Thanks for the visit and commenting! Let me know how you found me. 🙂
Wow…. Just Gorgeous !!!!!!
Terri, thank you so much! I’m still smiling at all those exclamation points! You are the best.
This is all so pretty, Cindy! I love how you have it all styled and how you created the tablecloth and centerpiece too. It’s super creative. We haven’t had anyone to our house yet but I have gone to my parent’s house a few times and it was really nice. The garden center at Lowes has been packed lately so I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of competition for yard of the month 🙂 Hugs and pinned, CoCo
LOL, I will never be in the running for yard of the month! One day you’ll have to do an IG story with all of the yards around you. I’d love to see your surroundings. The extent of my gardening is that we water and don’t let things turn brown. :0 It’s way to hot to be outside here. I’ll hang out in my dining room and drool over the cute tablecloth. Ha! Thanks CoCo!
Love your styling especially the hydrangea print and that tablecloth. Your colors are lovely. I had to smile when you mentioned dust bunnies. Here in Maine, the pollen is awful. In cold weather the hot air heat blows the dust around. Years ago when my son emptied the central vac cannister, he showed me the contents and said, “Look Mom, I think I found another cat.” Don’t know why they aren’t bald. Now retired with time to do housework, I don’t. There is something good to be said for dropping a paper towel dampened with Awesome and running it around the kitchen cabinet toespace with my foot! We are still pretty much isolating, wearing masks. My SO sits with his mom, 89 with dementia, 2 days/week so we are being careful. Have hit Goodwill once as I was going into thrifting withdrawal. My vintage/antique booth places are open; have been in once to dust/rearrange/restock stuff. My booth has more patriotic decor than my home!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that mops with a spray bottle of cleaner and a washrag underfoot! LOL! I have seen houses with so much pet hair that it was hard to tell the color of the floor! 15 years ago when we chose our dogs we specifically looked up dogs (I’m allergic to cats) that don’t shed. It’s so nice! I can’t imagine that much pollen either. Outside during spring every car has a nice greenish yellow film but that’s about the extent of it. Sounds like y’all need to be extra careful. My FIL has Alzheimer’s and lives in a group care facility. He’s been on lock down since March and we haven’t been able to visit. This Friday will be the first time and they told us the visit is through a window. That’s better than nothing. Thanks for the visit and compliment today. Stay safe!
I forgot to mention – do you follow my friend Ann with Dabbling and Decorating? She lives in Vermont (a total dream of mine) but inherited a house in Maine. I love her style and I think you’d like it too. Check her out and let me know what you think. She’s a sweetie! https://www.dabblinganddecorating.com 🙂
This is adorable. That tablecloth is just too cute. People are gardening like never before. The mantel is precious and I love the print above it. The garland on the chandie is so festive. I hope you can have people soon.
Thank you Katie! I understand why people are gardening more this year. I would be too if I had green thumbs. You could sell tickets for entrance to your backyard and garden! I’d pay to relax out there a while. 🙂
What a beautiful room—love that shade of blue!
Thanks so much Nancy. I appreciate that. Glad you could visit today. Have a great week!
I love all the touches of blue in your beautiful room!
Thank you Carol. I’ve always been a fan of the greens but the blue has grown on me.
Hey Cindy, Love that yellow/light blue color combo, so fresh and summery! Oh I love that adorable vintage tablecloth. Which reminds me I need to get out my summer one out for display. We’re pretty much fully open in SW Missouri, but people are not being careful about wearing masks. Only about half of people are wearing them and distancing. It’s mostly those of us that are higher risk and older. It’s so frustrating, and stupidly “political”. Featuring this post at All About Home this evening!! thanks so much for joining in!
Thanks so much Debra! I couldn’t pay for that tablecloth fast enough when I saw it. LOL! And what an honor to be featured on your link party! I find so many beautiful and clever ideas over there. I’m so excited! Woo hoo!
I’m loving your table. Look for your feature on Wednesday’s Charming Home & Garden Link Party!. Congratulations, so well deserved.
Oh my golly, thank you Rachel! I so appreciate that. Makes my day to hear! Woo hoo!
I absolutely love your summer dining room! I am so excited that you are being featured on Charming Homes and Gardens tomorrow! Thank you for sharing with us!
Say whaaaat?! How fun! I’m so excited to hear that! I was hoping someone else would love m y dining room as much as I did. Thanks so much for letting me know about the feature. I really appreciate it!
Love your dining room’s summer look, Cindy! And I know this was several weeks ago now, but the look is pretty and timeless. <3 And COVID be hanged!!! Invite a few friends over and enjoy. 🙂
Aren't you happy it rained and cooled us off by 10 degrees from yesterday to today (8/17/20)? Woot!!! There's a reason if ever for a party right there!
Happy decorating, love the new print!!
Barb 🙂
Thanks so much Barbara. I have enjoyed the look in there all summer but I’m ready for a change. That cool down is giving me all the fall feels! Stay safe at school! Miss chatting with you. Wish we could have gotten together this summer. Let’s hope we can do it during winter break?!