Today’s post is an update on the $100 Room Challenge Guest Bathroom. It’s week 3 for everyone else but only week 2 for me since I started late. Well today has been quite a disappointing day in the life of this blogger. Just about everything that could go wrong with making a decorative curtain for a shower, did go wrong. Ugh. Let me whine a little.
Making a Decorative Curtain For a Shower
Project # 1 of the $100 Room Challenge
I’ve decided this guest bathroom is going to be neutral so I can easily decorate it from season to season. After mulling over the wall paint color for an entire week and getting nowhere, I realized I needed my inspiration piece. I talk about how important that is all the time but I totally forgot. So, I went to Hobby Lobby and found some fabric that I love. That was a turning point for me. The fabric helped me decided on the wall paint color and it steered me in the style direction I’d been looking for as well.
If I’m going through all this trouble to do something to the bathroom, it might as well be pretty and make a statement, right? Yes! So first things first. I made something pretty. I chose to use the fabric to hide or camouflage the shower door. The shower door isn’t that bad. It could be way worse. Really, it’s a place I can add pattern instead of just on towels.
If you’ve read any of my DIY or crafty projects, then you know they are 99.99% no-sew projects. This project started out that way. It was going fine until I spent an hour using the iron on “ultra-hold” Heat-n-Bond tape then realized it wasn’t going to hold around the shower curtain rod. Ugh! An hour of my life I’ll never get back. Plus it’s hot doing all that ironing. Double ugh!
Plan “B”
Plan B – drag out the dreaded sewing machine. That involves asking the Mister to get it off the top shelf of our closet. Then I clear off the table and plug it all in. I can’t see well enough with my reader glasses to thread the needle so again, the Mister comes to my rescue.
The upper thread broke 4 separate times. By now, I’m so over it. I have never, and I mean NEVER had a good experience with that machine. It’s the entire reason I use double sided tape or glue for everything. Anyway, I pulled out the machine manual and went over everything. I changed the needle, I checked and bobbin, I re-threaded the thing and even changed the knobs. This all took an additional hour.
I was cursing my own name!
Finally, the stupid thing was sewing without issue. Just when I thought I was finished… I noticed I had sewn up the holes for the rod pocket. Oh my word! I was cursing my own name! Did I mention it’s now late afternoon (insert rolling eyes)?! I ripped those out and was on my last row of stitching. When I get to the end there’s about an extra inch left over that didn’t match up with the other edge. I didn’t use pins because that would have taken longer. Skipping that step made it worse. Well I wasn’t about to undo that entire rod pocket. What did I do instead? I scrunched it up, folded it and sewed it anyway. You can see that in the third photo or if you can look at the back of my rolled up eye balls, it’s there too.
The ceiling is 9 foot tall, I don’t think anyone is going to notice. If you come over and check out my handy work, you better only say Wow, great job! I’m so impressed! Seriously.
I ask the Mister to tighten the mini shower curtain rod across the top of the wall. When I looked down at the bottom, the left side was about 2 inches shorter than the right side. How does that happen when you ask the lady cutting the fabric out to give you the exact amount of inches you need?! What the cuss?
Being the quick thinker I am (that means never going to redo the hem either), I decided to pull it to one side. We had an old cup hook but no tie back. I decided to pull the curtain through this cute basket I had hanging on the hallway door. I think it turned out super cute and I can change the flowers out seasonally as well.
Well that’s my making a decorative curtain for a shower. But in reality, it should be called now not to make a decorative curtain for a shower. At least don’t let Cindy do it.
Total cost so far…
Total cost for this curtain: $21.98 including tax. I used a 40% off coupon for the fabric which made it $18.32. The iron on tape (that I ended up not using) was $1.99. I still need to buy or build the shelves for storage, paint the walls, and figure out what to do about the mirror. Fingers crossed using the power tools doesn’t turn out like the sewing machine and curtain. I seriously think I might slap someone if it does. 🙂
Don’t forget to check out below how everyone else is doing with the $100 Room Challenge and their budget!
COMPLETELY darling! The basket sends it over the moon. For years I thought I HATED sewing. Turns out I just had a horrible machine. When you get a sewing appliance that works, like anything else, it’s magic.
But on that note, I also HATE how my shower curtain turned out. I like my curtains FULL. It’s skimpy. The designer in me wants to cheat and blow the budget. But integrity gal says no. Sometimes I hate her.
That’s true Laura. Having the “right” equipment makes a huge difference. But because of years with that stupid machine, I’ll never spend a dime on another one. Even though there are soooooo many things I could do with it. Oh well. And I like Integrity Gal. You can always add to the curtains later – after reveal day. 😉 Guilt free!
Oh Cindy I wish I would have known because I have the answer for a no sew project it’s the best fabric glue I’ve ever used Bish’s original tear mender instant fabric and leather adhesive it bonds in three minutes. When I made my drop cloth Roman shades which on one wall are super long it held which was very surprising since the fabric was kind of heavy. So in the future pick up a bottle it’s amazing. I feel your frustration girl it’s terrible but I have to tell you it looks amazing And I’m excited to see what else you do.
Dang it Barbara, I wish you lived close to me or that we talked everyday! But at least I’ll know next time! There are plenty of other projects in my future. Thank you for the sweet compliment too. Big hug!
Oh Cindy this was giving you a run for your money. It’s terrible when these things happen. Never fails to happen late in the day. I would have been cursing more than my name, forgive me.
In the end it’s beautiful and great budget watcher.
Enjoy your day
Thank you Cindy. I CAN enjoy my day now that it’s over. I really hope the next project is nothing close to the curtain. At least it was cheap! LOL. That’s a silver lining.
Girl I hate it when my sewing machine isn’t working right! Fortunately, that’s not often. I also hate it that fabric stores cut the fabric crooked. I’ve gotten to the point that I watch how they cut it and ask that they “make it square”. You should see the looks I get when I do that! lol Also, it seems like it being uneven was a happy accident as that basket is just too cute! Looking good so far, I can’t wait to see the finished room!
I’m going to remember that next time Tammy! After yesterday’s debacle, I’ll take dirty looks. LOL. Glad you like tie back basket – the tiebasket. Hey, we have a new word! Like porchette! LOL. 🙂
I love the idea of a drawn back curtain. Love the little basket with the hydrangea as the tie back. It looks great. You amazed me with your DIY. You are becoming quite do it yourselfer! Love the pattern on the fabric.
Thanks Terrie. I’m not sure about the DIYer but I’m glad you think so. I loved that pattern too. It’s why the bathroom is actually coming together – finally!
Great job on the curtains, they add to your shower door and make it look pretty. Even with a good machine i can have problems, i’m sure it’s just me but some days everything goes wrong and some everything i sew is perfect,lol!
When my daughters were little they had sewing lessons and now they can sew way better than I can. They seem to have bad sewing days too. Glad I’m not the only one. Thanks for the sweet comment too Marlene. Makes me smile!
All the trouble was worth it! Super cute!
I don’t know about that but it did save money that’s for sure. I’ll not be doing it again for sometime. I think that’s what I said about having my first child. Then I forgot and had more. Good thing we have selective memories. 😉
“WOW! Great Job! I’M soooo impressed!” GirlFriend I feel your pain! Everytime I sit down to TRY to sew I end up feeling the same way! Sewing things together, sewing with no thread in the bobbin, getting fabric stuck in the foot/bobbin. Nasty and time consuming. Looks wonderful! I have to drag my machine around and I’m sure all of our gages are being moved and making us look we have not a clue of what we are doing ! I go back to my book all the time. The more we sew, the better it SHOULD go!
As many problems as I’ve had with this machine over the years, I feel I should be an expert and not have to look at the book ever again. But obviously not. I’ll forever be a novice. Thanks for the excitement though! Means a lot. 🙂
I have made numerous window panels and shower curtains using the iron on tape and had no problems at all. I have even made a dust ruffle. It helps to make the rod pocket a little wider so that when the cloth gathers on the rod it doesn’t put a strain on the fabric. I don’t even own a sewing machine. I either use iron on tape or sew by hand.
Hmmm, I wonder if I got a bad batch? Do you have a favorite brand? I have used it before too but this time it wasn’t doing it’s thing. It was as if I hadn’t peeled the tape off at all. It was so slick and not sticking together except in small places. I may exchange it for another roll because that sewing thing just isn’t for me. Thanks for the visit Cindy!
Oh girl I feel your pain! This is me with every sewing project EVER! In fact right now I’m in the middle of using a shower curtain to make window coverings for my camper, and I’m really hoping to get away with the iron-on tape too because I know myself too well. But your curtain looks amazing! So worth the work!
Meredith! I had a friend comment and said she uses Bish’s original tear mender instant fabric and leather adhesive. Might want to try that! I know I will next time for sure. Thanks for the visit!
Haha! Well you definitely overcame the difficulties – it’s beautiful – and I promise not to look at the 9 foot part! 🙂
Lol – Deal! I’m still having nightmares! 😂
This sounds like me sometimes…Starting a 15 minute project and ending it 4 hours later! Our sewing machine is hit or miss sometimes too. But it turned out beautiful anyway! The basket with flowers makes it even better!
Awe. Thanks so much Joy! I was wishing I could throw that machine through the back door! But I calmed down. Glad you like it and it means a lot to see your comment. Hope you have a great week!