It’s that time again. Time to see what’s trending in home decorating this year. Screeeeech! Or… we could decide not to do that. Think about it. If we don’t look at what’s in or out, we won’t feel less-than, think our home is an eyesore or that we don’t fit in (think 7th grade when you meet the mean girls in school). Instead, we could decide to unshackle ourselves from dissatisfaction and pull away from the things that breed discontentment.
Part of my collection of teacups.
I had a revelation (just like last year about this time). Me feeling inferior isn’t the fault of the people doing their job and creating eye candy. It’s mine. This isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve seen many a trend come and go and should be able to stop getting sucked in.
Dining Room at our everyday house
Last year we worked on the guest bedroom and I got around to purging and donating quite a bit. So much so that I think the tax man might question my honesty. But I didn’t get to the game room, master bedroom, our bathroom or my office and maybe I’m still a wee bit aggravated about it. Maybe.
Winter at the farmhouse
So how about this year we cultivate new feelings for our homes. Let’s encourage one another, love what we have, and work with what we love. Who’s with me? Let’s launch a personalized decorating movement for contentment and happiness. One where we give ourselves permission to do what we want! Wow, I feel better already.
Vintage finds at the farmhouse
Launch a Personalized Decorating Movement For Contentment
Our decorating movement will take some time. Maybe all year. Maybe more. But don’t get dismayed. Don’t we all wish life would slow down? I know last year I said life was busier than a one-armed paper hanger and needed more time. So this year, I’m going to take that time. Be intentional with my decisions, true to what I like and not get sucked in.
Winter table vignette at the everyday house.
Every once in a while you’ll read one of my posts and I’ll ask how your personal bandwagon is going. Hopefully, in the comments, you will mention at least one thing you’ve done to your home for happiness or changed for the better.
Vintage books tied with love and a feather
For me, I’ll be navigating my own cart of contentment. I might get a little grumpy because it’s not going the pace I prefer but I know I can count on you to give me a pat on the back or tell me to take a tater and wait.
Give me all the plants.
As the year moves along I’ll do the same for you. I’ll do my best to inspire you, give you ideas for using old stuff, help if you’re confused, stay positive, and send a virtual bouquet of flowers when you make a change. Doesn’t it sound nice to dream that one day you’ll sit down in every room of your home and enjoy the scenery and not one piece of decor will be unwanted? Aaaahhhh.
Vintage books are always a good idea.
I need to mention that the inspiration I’ll give out will be in my own style. Some from our everyday home that is casual, traditional, cottagecore, grandma chic, classic style and sort of moody (in some areas), while mixing old thrifted finds with some modern pieces. 😉 And then some from the farmhouse that has a style of country living, simple, vintage(y), and a little shabby. I know it sounds like I’m two sandwiches short of a picnic and I have no clue what my style is but I like it and it works for me. LOL.
One of my favorite pieces – a chippy bench made by my hubby from an antique bed frame.
I also want to add that I won’t tell people to stop buying things. I know I’ll continue to thrift things and peruse an antique store for hours in hopes of finding the treasure that screams “take me home”. What I don’t plan to do is let Hasty Hannah, show up. She’s the irresponsible voice that chimes in and says buy it when it’s something I don’t love or just plain ugly.
Breakfast on the porch at the farmhouse.
In some cases I’ve had Regretful Ruby stomp on my day because I didn’t buy the thing. Has this happened to you? Goodness me, I feel there’s nothing that drags heavier than a big ol’ sack of regret. Especially if it’s an ironstone bowl you’ve never seen again.
Back patio at our house in the suburbs of Dallas, TX
So, as I decide to launch a personalized decorating movement for contentment, I hope you join me and begin to purge, rearrange, refresh, refocus, repurpose, redo, give to a friend, donate, and smile because… if we allow it, this will be a fantastic year AND the new trend!
The plan is to next time explain the actions and steps I’ll take for contentment. And if you’d like to start with some winter decorating, you can click here for some inspo. Or if you’d like to see Hope you join me! Big hugs
LOVE!!! I”m totally with you, Cindy! Let’s do it!
Yay! I look forward to cheering you on this year. And feel free to let me know if I’m getting off track! Thank you Rachel!
I love it. Sometimes I find more contentment outside than in, and leave things untouched for months inside. This year I left some greens and icy looking trees up inside after Christmas, and even an arrangement of greens (some faux, some real…crunchy). Outside is depressing me right now, as there is a lot of snow and ice covering my boxwoods and I don’t know if they’ll make it. Ugh. It’s the journey, I suppose.
Thank you Rita. Would you believe it if I said I left a Christmas tree up all of 2024 in our bedroom because the Mister couldn’t find the bag for it and I wasn’t in the mood to dig around in the attic either? It’s true. But this year (this week) it will be the first to go. No more being lazy, no more just letting things sit there because I can’t make a decision. Things that just sit there and don’t make me happy are on the chopping block! 🙂
Hope your boxwoods make it. Can you knock the snow off or is that not possible? Obviously I don’t even understand what that’s like! Also, if you can’t get outdoors, work on a small space indoors that bothers you. I wish I could come help.
I’ll be here waiting and taking notes. I love your posts. And I love that you don’t take yourself too seriously…..use humor…..and the thought that tomorrow is another day for a different home decorating idea. ♥️❤️
Aww, thank you Belinda! Sometimes I think my life must have a hidden candid camera around but crazy enough, it’s true. LOL. And as you take notes, please let me know what you’d like to see most on the blog or how I can help. Happy New Year!
Yes! Yes, yes, yes!!! A personalized decorating movement for contentment….that’s been my go-to since I first had a home of my own! I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the idea of letting some “expert” dictate what I should or shouldn’t have in my home. Or tossing out perfectly good things, things that I like and that bring me joy, because the “experts” say those things are “out” and these new things are the “in” things and you’ll be a decorating pariah if you keep the “out” things in your home. The only people who are allowed to have an opinion about what I have in my home and how I decorate it are the people who live in it and who pay the bills it engenders….that pretty much narrows it down to the hubs and me, lol! And the hubs leaves it up to me for the most part and is content as long as he has a recliner and a tv set. Everyone should have a home that reflects their personalities and interests, a home that gives them a sense of contentment and security, a home filled with things that bring them joy and that spark good memories. Happy 2025 to all!
Exactly! It’s nice to see another person not being dictated by “the experts” and their opinions. I look forward to a new year together. Happy New Year and thank you so much Kim for being a reader and commenting! It means a lot.
I very rarely leave a comment on blogs I read but I just had to give you a big “thumbs up” for spreading the idea of a personalized decorating movement! Looking forward to your posts in 2025!
You are awesome and made my day Kim! Thank you so much.
Thank you for this…..I needed to hear it!
You are so welcome! I hope you find lots of encouragement here. Let me know if you ever need any help. Thank you Verna.
Thank you for putting into words & photos what I’ve felt for years! I think everyone has a few items that are “out of style”, wrong color etc.. That’s what makes us individuals! We should all appreciate the wonderful things that we have rather than worry about what everyone else has. Hats off to you, Cindy!
You are so right. That’s what makes us individuals and are homes have character.
Unless it’s a recliner from the 80’s. I think it’s time has passed. 😂 Thank you for commenting. Happy New Year