Some of you know that the farmhouse I talk about is in Navasota, TX. And you’ve probably heard me call it Navastinky (nasty well water), Navasteamy (heat and humidity like no other), and Navanowhere (obviously because there’s nothing around). Well today the Mister and I found a new store on main street and are beyond thrilled about it. It feels as if Navasota might need to be called NavaAllThatAndABagOfChips!
It’s called Stonecroft Marketplace and it’s so cool!
I’ll be honest, my first question is always why Navasota, but the more we hang out there we realize it’s going to be something one day.
Here’s why I’m giddy about Stonecroft Marketplace and why it’s worth the visit.
It has treasures for men, for women, the foodie, the adventurer, the picnic lover, the sophisticated shopper, the frugal buyer, party givers, party goers, the new home couple, and even the stay-at-homer!
It’s for the man who wants to show his wife how much he adores her because she’s usually doing for others and rarely herself.
It’s for the woman who’s hubby is admired and adored so she wants to surprise him.
It has beautiful china and fabulous linens.
It has sofa’s and shelves and art work and lamps and really cute antiques and accent pieces.
There’s even cool books, backpacks and soaps. And lotions and potions and purses. They even have a line where proceeds go to military veterans!
Need a great hostess gift? It’s there. Need a gift for the boss who has it all? It’s there. I bet someone could even find a great gift for the most critical mother-in-law that ever turned up her nose!
Stonecroft Marketplace is that cool.
I found distinctive socks for my son, uniquely shaped pasta and an incredible tasting Aioli for myself. We also found flip flops for the Mister who was so excited to find shoes that he liked at a price he loved!
When you go in you’ll be greeted by the shop owner Tim, who’s personality and customer service is infectious. His wife was so genuinely kind as well. She let me blab on and on about nothing and didn’t give me the bless your heart words. Not even once!
Can you tell I’m excited that this super sweet couple decided to open Stonecroft Marketplace in Navasota, TX? Can you tell that I hope you come visit me so I can show you that Navanowhere is now on the map?! Well almost. 😉
If you want hours of operation or directions to the store, just click here and it will take you to their Facebook Page.
Looks like fun! I love shops like this. 🙂
It’s worth the trip when you travel to Centerville one of these days! Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Oh this looks like my kind of place Cindy!
Next time you make the trip to Round Top, you need to detour over to Navasota too. I’ll meet you there Laura!
You had me at the photo of pink purses on the glass display case with full of pink and white pearls and beads! Now we all have to find Navasota on Google maps to get directions!
I was drooling over the pink selection too Josephine. And the blue and white section and the red. It’s all so striking with so many goodies. Enjoy your weekend!
I live in Bryan and didn’t know about this place. So glad I found you, you’re showing me new places!
Yay Chris! Love that you found me too! Hope you can visit the Marketplace soon. It’s awesome!
It does look like a great place to go, sounds like they have everything. I think i could spend some time in there and whether i was actually looking for something or not i would probably find something that wouldn’t let me leave without it.MM
You and me both! 😁. Hope you have a great weekend Marlene.
Ooh, I like that place! I have a niece & nephew in Katy. Maybe if we visit them, or least when my sister visits her son……
That sounds like a great plan! You’ll love it. ❤️
WELL…..I am totally IN LUV
LOL. That makes two of us. Ive been in twice already this week! 🙂
It’s on my dance card for my next visit to Navasodapop!
Yay! That means there will be a next time! ❤️
Oh, my. I’m in love! I feel like a road trip soon!!!!!
Yay – Gotta love a road trip! We should meet there one day! 😉