Hello Friends! I can hardly believe it’s been 1 year since I started this little blog. I was sure that my mom and sister would be my only readers. Instead, y’all have made this year so fun, so memorable and have been so supportive of me. Some days I am anxious to talk to you and other days I wish I could jump through my laptop and give you a big hug. I am so grateful for each of you!
Remember way back 12 months ago I told you the Mister and I were soon to be empty nesters and were planning a life change? A change from the conveniences of the suburb life of DFW to living further south in the country? Well our youngest intended to leave for college. She enrolled and everything but only made it a weekend. So within that same weekend, she was back home starting a full load of online classes instead. Not our exact plan but I was and still am grateful she stayed home a while longer.
She’s grown and matured a tremendous amount these last few months. Now I won’t be so concerned about her well being without me. Can y’all understand that or am I just being a clingy mom who sounds afraid of the next chapter in life?
She’ll finally go off to college in August (only a little over an hour away) and THEN we’ll start our new empty nester life. I really mean it this time. Fingers and toes crossed.
We won’t start moving or anything. I’ve discovered I don’t want to live in the old farmhouse we’ve been redoing. One, my middle child lives there while going to school and that seems to be another few years. Two, it hasn’t been transferred over into our name just yet (thankfully). And three, it still needs a lot of work. Sure it’s cute and all but in order for me to want to live and love it in the small town of Navasota, Texas, I need more.
If this is our forever home, I want more windows, more space (because I hear people shouldn’t be around their hubbies 24/7), a better well, and a bigger kitchen. Plus it would be nice to know when I drop something in the dining room, I don’t have to chase it into the kitchen to retrieve it. You pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down? Do you get it? Anyway, this blog will continue to be the outlet for my deep desire to decorate the whole world, my love for repurposing items and our weekend trips to the country. And one day (hopefully sooner than later) we’ll start that hobby rancher lifestyle we’ve been dreaming of.
Thank you for reading, for listening, for commenting, for asking questions, for subscribing, for getting my humor, and for being my friends. Even though I’ll never get to meet some of you in person, you still mean a lot to me.
From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for each of you!
The pictures above are of the farmhouse, property and a few of my favorite projects. If you’d like to read those older posts, click on the picture and it will take you right to the post. But don’t judge – I think I’ve gotten better at blogging and taking pictures this last year.
Now on to Chapter 2! 🙂
It’s a pretty house and lovely acreage! But I get needing better spaces. (We’ve been renovating our little ranch style farmhouse in Palestine). As for your girl staying home one year, that’s ok. Some chicks aren’t ready to leave the nest when they’re “suppose” to. I think you showed wisdom, not clingy-ness. Looking forward to your next year of blogging!
Thank you Cecilia. That actually makes me feel better. Palestine isn’t that far from Navasota, we should meet in Madisonville, TX sometime!
Looking forward to chapter 2! I have very much enjoyed the year reading your blog and not because i’m your sister and therefore obligated but because it is awesome and i truly enjoy it!!
You’re the bestest sister ever. Thanks for reading and commenting. It truly means a lot!
Congratulations on your bloggiversary!
Thanks Lisa! See you again soon I hope – before Christmas time!
I love that place!!! Happy 1yr Anniversary!
Whaaaat Dannette commented?! LOL. Thanks for reading and we are looking forward to a visit soon.
Cindy I have really enjoyed reading your blog and can’t wait for more to come.
Aww, thanks Jeannie! That means a lot.
I, too, can’t believe it’s been a year! So many great stories and anecdotes. I love that reading your blog is so much like a regular conversation with you. Looking forward to your next chapter, too. And praying that the proposed “bullet train” is finished when you move, and that it makes a stop in Navasota.
Not positive (you should ask the Authority) but I think it stops in College Station. And only like 15 minutes from where we’ll be. I’ll pick you up! Love you Mom and thanks for figuring out how to read my blog. LOL
So happy for you and congrats! Your property and home are just wonderful!
Thanks Jemma! We need a ladies retreat!
Congrats! I love your blog & adore your humor! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Laura! That means a lot. ❤️
Cindy, I’m so glad I found you! I love your decorating style but more than that, I love the way your precious personality always shines through!
Now let me ask you, if you drop something and it goes on in to the other room…does that mean the floor is unlevel? I bet it is! 🙂 You are smart to think through the things that you need to make you happy. I’m glad you aren’t moving away too.
LOL, yep – the floor is unlevel. And I don’t know about smart. More picky than anything. So glad we found each other! You have been a tremendous encouragement to me. Big hugs sweet friend 🙂
Congratulations Cindy! I can’t believe it has been a year. I look forward to seeing what year 2 holds! Love you, girl!
Kim – I can’t believe you actually commented! Thank you for reading!!!! Miss you
I love your honesty! I love your sweet authentic voice that makes a total stranger feel like we are old friends and have just sat down together for coffee! No wonder your sister and your mother aren’t your only readers. You’re the cutest! Thanks for joining our linky party so we can get to know each other. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Thank you! I’ve been a follower of you both for some time and y’all have given me such great advice. Thank you for the kind words – they’ve made my MONTH! 🙂
Congratulations on your first blogiversary! If only my first photos looked as good as your first ones, I would be happy. Currently, I am updating some of the photos on my older posts. Time consuming, but totally needed.
I see your FB comments on the Lone Star Sisters group page and love your enthusiasm. Hope to see you at some of the Texas blogger get-togethers…
Thank you so very much Judith! I’ve met so many wonderful people thru blogging which continues to excite me and keep me motivated. I hope we do see each other again soon – way before the Christmas get together! Thanks for visiting today. ❤️