I thought today I’d briefly share with you some of the historical churches in Navasota Texas. It may be considered a small town (7K population), but they do not lack in places to worship the Lord. They even have a designated Church Street that holds historical churches on several corners. I’d show you the historical plaques but then this post would be extremely long.
Historical Churches in Navasota Texas
County Road 407 used to be called Harmony Road. In the background of the picture above is the historical Harmony Rd. Baptist Church. I wish they would have preserved it but it’s falling down and people who I’d like to smack across the head have stolen just about everything from inside. The Mister’s family walked the mile and a half one way to attend Harmony Baptist back in the 1920’s. There’s a black only and a white only cemetery and they have the most beautiful gates and headstones.
This big beauty is the First Baptist Church where the Mister’s grandmother spent decades teaching 2nd grade Sunday School. There are people walking around Navasota today that were taught by Ms. McGee (we called her Granny Hattie). It’s the largest church on Church St. with 3 buildings.
This is St. Paul’s Episcopal Church erected in 1876. I love all the stone and different textures on this building. It’s 1 of 3 of the only surviving Episcopal churches in this vicinity from the late 1800’s.
Here’s the Methodist Church. They have that same gorgeous stone that so many are made out of. One of these days I’m going to visit so I can see those beautiful stained glass windows from inside. This is just a handful of the many churches and historical churches around here.
I love that the people of Navasota still use and attend these churches. You can see ladies attending in their fancy hats and men in suits. And that’s every week; not just on Easter! 😉 Can you imagine what they wore back in the 1800’s? Our church is way more casual in attire and I’m grateful. If I had to wear stockings with this humidity, I’d be one grouchy sister! I do wish I had the gumption to wear a large hat though – so cute.
One last thing. There is a brand new church being built in Navasota. It’s one of the cutest little country looking churches I’ve seen and it’s almost finished. I bet one day there will be a historical marker on it too and I hope there are believers around to tell about it!
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25
I do enjoy old churches and wish to see the inside of some of them. I just went to visit cousins that live close to Arkansas in a little community and on our way to church one Sunday noticed some old churches some used and some not. Next time i would like to take pictures. Thank you these were some great old churches,have a great day.
Thanks Marlene. There are some magnificent churches around. I can see some way out in the distance when we drive home hoping one day, we can take a different trail and see some of them. I would love to have a wall collage of old church photos.
Lovely! I love the old style churches! Happy 4th of July to you!
Thank you Laura. Hope you enjoyed your 4th too!