Home » Farmhouse Friday Link Party » Farmhouse Friday 373

Farmhouse Friday 373

white and red Christmas tree with a Merry Christmas sign on the front
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Happy Fall friends and welcome to Farmhouse Friday 373!  This week has been so busy with undecorating, cleaning, pondering, and redecorating for Christmas.  I’m here for all of it and before you try and shame me for getting my Christmas on so soon, here are my excuses  reasons.  One: The turkey and dressing still tastes the same on the big day.  Two: My thankful heart runs 24/7 – 365.  Three:  Thanksgiving day is so late this year and it takes me more than a week to decorate for Christmas and that’s not enough time to have it up.  Four: I do what I want. :0  Five: It’s more time to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Farmhouse Friday Banner with porch and trees in background

So because I’m not team Thanksgiving and more of a team Christmas gimme, we have Christmas DIY’s as our theme this week.  Home you enjoy them!


aluminum tree with multi colored Christmas balls on white stand in the cornerRemember the fabulous aluminum Christmas trees we had when we were little?  I loved my grandmothers.  It twirled and changed colors.  Well Rachel from The Ponds Farmhouse shows us how to get that vintage feel from a white dollar store tree!  It’s a must see post.

stack of faux gingerbread housesI’ve always loved the gingerbread theme at Christmas.  It puts a smile on everyone’s face.  Plus, it makes you think you smell gingerbread even when there is none.  Hop over to see how Michele from Thistle Key Lane made this Gingerbread Village.  So cute!

tree branch hanging on wall with red, green and natural Christmas ornaments on itMissy from Sonata Home Design made a Wall Christmas Tree that looks easy and so unique.  I would love to try this!  It’s perfect too if you don’t have the space for a full tree.  Pop in and check it out!

white and red Christmas tree with a Merry Christmas sign on the frontWho wouldn’t have a smile on their face every time they saw this fun tree?!  Learn how to make your own Merry Christmas Banner from Wendy at WM Design House.  Just think of all the things you could say by making your own banner!  So festive.

Farmhouse Friday graphic banner with country road


  • Your style does not have to be farmhouse nor do you have to live in a farmhouse to link up. We’d like to see linkups like: Home DIY and Décor ~ Gardening ~ Crafts and Sewing ~ Recipes ~ Homesteading.
  • It doesn’t matter how old your post is but please link your posts here only once.
  • The party runs from 6 AM, CST on Friday and ends at 11:59 PM, CST on Monday.
  • We aren’t requiring a link back to this party, but if you do, thanks!  That’s mighty nice of you.
  • A Link Party is a great way to grow your blog so please don’t post and run.  Show some love by visiting and pinning (from the original post) what you find interesting.
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  • Thank you friends.  We can hardly wait to see what you’ve been up to!

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  1. November 15, 2024 / 6:19 am

    Such fun and festive features! Thank you for hosting!

  2. November 15, 2024 / 7:14 am

    you do NOT need to explain to anyone why you are decorating “early”! It is your choice and yours alone but I do LOVE your reasons ( please not excuses) why!! It takes me 33 days to decorate for Christmas so i usually start my upstairs right after I finish decorating the downstairs for Halloween and Fall. Because of Joe’s illness and passing, I never got to take down Christmas upstairs and I was not going up my attic in the heat of the summer where it could be over 100 degrees up there , so I left it up…..I am taking it easy this year and may not be finished with the downstairs until the weekend after Thanksgiving but I am good with it… I host Thanksgiving Day dinner and have for 30 years and have had my house decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving for at least the last 20 years…And the way I look at it, Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October which is when I think it actually should be celebrated, at the end of the Harvest…..
    My Link Ups for #9,10 and 11 for this week!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    • November 15, 2024 / 9:19 am

      Thank you sweet Debbie. I needed to hear that. I hear ya about the attic and the heat. I am the same way. That’s why my fall decorations were very late this year. I’m sure your family loves Thanksgiving at your warm-hearted home no matter what it looks like. Having it decorated for Christmas is icing on the cake. Or gravy on the dressing. 😉 Hope you have a great holiday season.

  3. November 15, 2024 / 7:36 am

    You are so right to decorate early because Thanksgiving is so late this year. I’m wondering how I will get it all done myself. I will be putting up at least the tree for Thanksgiving, but my fall stuff is staying up until after Thanksgiving. I think it looks silly to take Thanksgiving photos with Christmas decor in the background. But my tree has to go up because we always take Christmas photos at Thanksgiving so they are ready for Christmas. Your tree is gorgeous! Thanks for the party.

    • November 15, 2024 / 9:24 am

      Isn’t it strange that I don’t even think of pictures? I hear funny stories about it from my husbands family but we’ve never done that. We should! Especially since the only family photo we have (and not even printed) is in our wedding attire a couple of years ago and nothing for years before that. :0 I think I’ll put that on my Christmas wish list. Thank you Amy. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. November 15, 2024 / 7:37 am

    Hi Cindy, I agree with all five of your reasons for decorating for Christmas now! I think my family is pretty used to eating Thanksgiving turkey by the light of a Christmas tree by now! Thank you for featuring my wall branch Christmas tree. I really appreciate it! Have fun decorating!

    • November 15, 2024 / 9:27 am

      Yay! I’m glad to hear that. It depends on the year for me. I think my kids are used to having both up at the same time! LOL. Life is so busy this time of year and I honestly do not know why. I even blog a lot less. Anyway, it was my pleasure to share your branch Christmas tree. It turned out great!

  5. November 15, 2024 / 10:12 am

    My daughter has already started decorating, and sometimes in the middle of the week before Christmas she will undecorate one of the two trees in her living room and re-decorate it with a different theme. So enjoy your early start in full! Oh and Thanks for hosting! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

    • November 15, 2024 / 11:05 am

      Oh my stars I can’t imagine undecorating a tree and redecorating with a new theme. That sounds fabulous but daunting to me. Glad she enjoys it though. I love hearing when people are happy decorating! Hope y’all have a wonderful holiday. Thank you Melynda.

  6. November 15, 2024 / 10:21 am

    Usually I have a mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but since Thanksgiving is so late, I’ve done more Christmas decorating early this year. It takes me longer to get it all done. By late November I’m ready for Christmas decorating.

    • November 15, 2024 / 11:08 am

      With what I’ve done so far, I LOVE IT! My favorite part of the day is when the Christmas tree lights come on. I truly enjoy the glow from them. I think also the rearranging of the furniture to have the tree fit is fantastic. I love change and by the time fall and winter roll around, I’m ready for it. Happy Thanksgiving Debra. It’s almost here!

  7. November 15, 2024 / 12:17 pm

    Thank you for sharing my tinsel tree. It was such an easy project.

    • November 15, 2024 / 4:40 pm

      You always make it look easy which is greatly appreciated my friend! Happy to do it and thank you for linking up. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Niky | The House on Silverado
    November 15, 2024 / 2:36 pm

    I totally agree with you, Cindy. With TG so late this year, it’s not enough time to enjoy. I love all your other reasons, too. 🙂 I’ve almost got my decorations all up, too. It’s a big job!


  9. November 15, 2024 / 3:41 pm

    Thanks for hosting us all, Cindy! We love participating each week and we’re loving all the Christmas goodness! Tis the season!

  10. November 15, 2024 / 10:05 pm

    I like #4…do what you want! Yes, it’s always better to be early to the party than late, I guess. I’m still looking at jack o lanterns over here cuz I got the stomach flu this week:( It’ll all get done though, the ideas are coming. I still love all my old ideas, too;) Thanks for hosting!

    • November 16, 2024 / 4:04 pm

      Yuck for getting the stomach flu. Hopefully you can sit and think up everything you want to do. Then just point! But if you are anything like me, that’s not happening. I’m to controlling. 😉 Hope you get better soon and thanks for linking up.

    • November 16, 2024 / 4:06 pm

      Thanks for the reminder Beth. Happy Thanksgiving.

  11. November 17, 2024 / 2:57 pm

    I say “bring on the Christmas posts”! Thanks for hosting! Hugs!

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