Last night I woke about 4 AM dwelling over the long list of things I need to get done today here at our everyday house; mounds of laundry, the floors, the bathrooms, empty the dishwasher etc. Knowing I’d much rather be decorating or repurposing something, I decided instead to write a blog post. 😉
So before I get to my chores, I’m going to share a few living room before pictures from Navasota. They could be for your amusement or maybe your astonishment. Either way, today I need a little farmhouse decor for motivation. Because you know, some days a girl just needs to see something pretty for a little pick-me-up.
Farmhouse Before Pictures – The good, The Bad and The Ugly
As you can see, my in-laws loved recliners. Each corner of the room had one and they sat blocking the doors. For the life of me I don’t get the appeal of recliners. I know tons of people who love them (mostly men) but years ago I decided it was my mission to rid the world of giant recliners. You’ll thank me later.
Besides the chairs blocking the doorways and the two entertainment units being a waste of space, the paint color isn’t my thing either. Dark gold walls don’t say farmhouse. Gold walls says I think I ate something bad and I need to be excused. But the in-laws have never seen Fixer Upper nor have they ever heard of Joanna Gaines. This atrocity was done way before then.
However, what does say beautiful farmhouse are the doors themselves, the trim, the tall baseboards and the original windows. Those things make my heart go pitter patter. 🙂
When entering the house from the front door, you walk right into the only living area. I heard that many decades ago the cousins would come visit and all line up on the floor to sleep in here. Each of them fighting to be near a window to feel the breeze. Listening to that story I didn’t think of the fun they had being together. All I can think is gracious me, I’m so grateful the in-laws installed central heat and air! I am positive I wouldn’t be so fond of this house if I were vying for a space in front of a window.
“This is the big one – I’m coming Elizabeth”
After several weekends and a few long weeks, we finally got it all cleared out, sold, and donated. Every time we left to come home I felt as if we looked like the Beverly Hillbillies taking a load over to Fred Sanford’s. The truck was crammed full of trash bags, junk we couldn’t take to the dump or items we were taking to back for the estate sale. Days I’ll never forget.
Farmhouse Decor for Motivation After Pics – The Pretty, The Restful and The Lovely
But under all that yucky furniture from the early 90’s (gotta love burgundy, forest green and navy), there were several pieces I wanted to keep. I knew I could shine them up and they’d fit right in with my love of vintage, Farmhouse style.
After purging the recliners, we needed new seating so we purchased the Ikea Ektorp loveseat. I love it but the Mister thinks I’m crazy for wanting white sofa’s but I know the slip covers will hold up for many washings.
We still have a long way to go. There’s some painting to be done, more accessorizing, a few DIY’s and definitely more love to be given to the little farmhouse. But I’m totally up for it. Especially now that the hard work is complete.
Farmhouse decor motivation in the form of shopping!
I don’t mind being in the new basic stage for now. I’m sure I’ll find several more things to fill it up with in my future antique shopping adventures. Which by the way is right in the middle of downtown Navasota. I think I counted 5 stores to peruse!
There are several things I want to tell you regarding the different pieces in the living room but I’ll save that for another post. Thanks for hanging around and I hope that today you got a little farmhouse decor for motivation. I know I did. Now I better get started on that laundry – bleh.
If you’d like to see more of the outside of the farmhouse, take a look at this post. The Mister added drone footage at the end. It’s amazing!