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Easy Fall Lantern in 3 Minutes!

black lantern with fall folliage and pumpkins
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Hey hey hey!  What have y’all been doing?  The Mister had to go to California this week so I’ve been playing Cinderella.  I’ve been cleaning, singing, organizing, shuffling things around, talking to the animals and fall decorating.  I believe I finally have a handle on a few things around here.  Not the front porchette though.  Still waiting for cooler weather.  Might not do it at all this year.  We’ll see.  I did manage to do something fun today.  I put together a super easy fall lantern in 3 minutes!  Yep, I said 3 minutes!  Here’s how you can too.

Easy Fall Lantern in 3 Minutes!

I had one extra bush left over from when I put together the Fall Outdoor Tablescape and the Transitioning from Summer to Fall table vignette for the Mister and I and I wasn’t in the mood to return it so I decided to put it to good use and make a fall lantern with it.  I only needed to gather 5 things to get this done.


lantern, glass jar, candle, fall stems


A Lantern

A Candle (any fall color of choice)

A Glass Jar for the candle

Fall Foliage Bushel

Scissors or wire cutters

black lantern with white candle in glass jar

Super Easy Steps!

This entire project is so easy!  The first step is the obvious insert candle into glass jar.  LOL.  Hint:  If you already have a candle, take it with you to the store to make sure it fits.  You don’t want the candle to be so close to the top that it could catch the fall foliage on fire.  No, I didn’t learn this the hard way.  I could hear the Mister in my head telling me “that’s going to catch on fire”, so I remedied that little notion right away.  😉

Another Hint:  You can also use the candles from the Dollar Store.  They usually have a photo or scene on the outside of the glass jar.  If the look on the jar isn’t your thing, simply wrap scrapbook paper around it and poof – new candle!  I’ve done this a couple of different ways.  You can see them by clicking here and again, here.

black lantern with candle and yellow fall foliage stems sitting inside lantern

After cutting off the stems from the left over bushel, I realized I had enough to do two lanterns.  But I need to get another glass cylinder.  I like things more symmetrical so why on earth don’t I have another glass jar?   No clue!  Therefore, only one super easy fall lantern was made today.  Ugh.

When you cut the fall stems off the bushel, cut them longer than the height of the lantern.  I wanted them to bend and sway a little and not just lean up against the glass.  Add as many as you’d like for the look you want.

black lantern with fall folliage and pumpkins

How cute is that?!  I was excited with the turn out and can hardly wait to get to the dollar store and get another candle and glass cylinder.  I might get orange candles this time.  Ooh, a dark green candle would look pretty as would a mustard yellow or even brown!  What do you think?

black lantern with lit candle and fall foliage with pumpkins

For more easy ideas, you can follow me on Pinterest by clicking here.

Since fall is my favorite time of year, I have a board called Fab Fall and Thanksgiving Inspiration that is chock full of exactly that – inspiration!

Happy Fall Decorating Friends!

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  1. October 4, 2019 / 7:17 am

    I hear you Cindy with the weather. Granted it’s not TX heat. I’m still waiting on our porch too. Was hoping this weekend but my hubby got a terrible cold and of course what happens? You guessed I have some symptoms.

    If I can’t do it soon all the good pumpkin/gourds I love using will be snapped up. We’ll see.

    Love your lantern idea. My lanterns have battery operated candles.

    Enjoy your day


    • October 4, 2019 / 10:58 am

      Battery operated candles are the best and would work perfectly for this idea. I actually wish I had more of those. I let my youngest borrow one for her fall porch at OU and now I’m thinking I can’t use it at all since I only have one left. I’ll get over it. Hope you don’t catch the bug too and can get your fall pumpkins and gourds. Have a great weekend Cindy!

  2. Jean
    October 4, 2019 / 4:09 pm

    Rejoice, woman! Autumn (the kind that brings cooler weather) is headed your way. I know the meteorologist wouldn’t lie! Your lantern is very nice, and sooo simple. I bet even your mom could make this! Can’t wait to see what you think of next!

    • October 4, 2019 / 5:24 pm

      No one believes the weather guys so I’ll rejoice when I actually feel it across my face!
      Glad you like the lantern. 🙂

  3. October 4, 2019 / 5:05 pm

    I LOVE this! Copying you with my lantern from our PC challenge! Woot! (I’m gonna use different florals, though… so just inspired… not exactly copying! 😉 )

    • October 4, 2019 / 5:18 pm

      Yay Julie! That’s why we blog, right?! To give others inspiration?! Glad you liked it. I think I’m going to find stems with bigger leaves and try that. Enjoy!

  4. October 5, 2019 / 9:18 am

    Super cute idea Cindy. I love a candle inside a lantern. I love anything inside a lantern. It’s amazing what you can get done when the “mister” is away!!

    • October 5, 2019 / 9:51 am

      Ain’t that the truth?! He’s back as of yesterday so I’m back to being preoccupied. Although, I have a few things for him to help me hang. Oh Yeah!

  5. October 7, 2019 / 9:16 am

    So happy it’s cold here today!

    The lantern project looks so easy!

    Happy day!

    • October 7, 2019 / 10:22 am

      Me too! I can tell it’s going to be a day filled with fall OUTSIDE fun! Thanks for the visit today friend!

  6. Kathy A
    October 10, 2019 / 5:27 pm

    Great project! I smiled when you said your husband was away. I hope the good times also included eating your supper from a bowl with your feet up on the coffee table watching a program you love! I love scallops but sometimes corn flakes makes a good supper, too! My poor kids grew up with my music blaring (My Fair Lady, Beach Boys, Irish, you name it) while WE did housework! Those Irish sea chanties were great for sweeping/vacuuming chores! Hope hubby noticed your hard work!

    • October 10, 2019 / 5:32 pm

      LOL Kathy! I don’t think I’ve ever heard Irish music but I’ll be asking Alexa soon! If the hubs ever notices my hard work he doesn’t mention it (there go my rolling eyes again) but that’s okay. If he did, he might also notice the decor and ask how much money I spent and that’s no good. As for dinners, you hit the nail on the head! LOL. I did have cereal one night but all the nights were filled with the Hallmark Channel! He surprised me with the ap on the TV before he left. It was awesome!!!

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