How to create an easy spring table centerpiece

How to create an easy spring table centerpiece

Hello my favorite friends!  It’s the fourth Tuesday of the month and that means it’s Pinterest Challenge Day!  I love love love these challenges and the group of ladies that hop…

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A Pinterest Challenge And A Super Easy Early Spring Console Table

A Pinterest Challenge And A Super Easy Early Spring Console Table

Hey Friends!  Are y’all over this winter season yet?  Goodness me, it’s been as cold as a frosted frog around here and this Texas girl ain’t used to it!  I’m hoping…

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An Easy Valentine’s Day Wreath and Pinterest Challenge

An Easy Valentine’s Day Wreath and Pinterest Challenge

Howdy Folks!  It’s almost Valentine’s Day.  Are you Team Cupid or Team That’s Stupid?  I could take it or leave it.  I don’t spend money on cards, I don’t expect a…

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