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A simple summer bedroom refresh

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Good morning friends.  Today I’m in a blog hop hosted by Amber from Follow the Yellow Brick Home.  She’s put together a Summer Celebration for those of us needing some encouragement to get us through the rest of this obnoxious heat.  I’m posting our simple summer bedroom refresh with a bit of reality thrown in.  And if you’ve hopped over from Common Ground, I’m so glad you’re here, Welcome!  Let’s get started.

Summer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop


Simple Summer Bedroom Refresh

This may come as a shock to you… I loath summer weather.  When the kids were in grade school, I liked it.  Summer was spent on vacation and down at the neighborhood pool.  We slept in, we ate easy foods like corny dogs, sandwiches and popsicles.  June through August was carefree.  Now I’m older, the kids are older and no one goes to the pool and no one wants a corny dog (except me).  At least we’re still easygoing but I’m a total grouch when I have to get outdoors.

I had a day when the kids were gone so I was stripping the beds.  That made me want a slight change in our bedroom.  Since I hadn’t planned the change I forgot to take a before picture but here’s what it looked like minus the pumpkin pillow.  Surprisingly, I liked the soft teal blue so much that I kept it for months.  Even through Christmas last year.

A fall subtle fall bedroom by CountyRoad407.com

Summer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #bedrooms #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop

Reality check #1 – The Dogs

Adding white for summer decor is my favorite idea so the simplest thing for me was to switch the comforter to a lightweight quilt.  I realize it looks wrinkly.  The two younger dogs decided that mom was in a good mood and figured they could get away with running around like their butts were on fire over the bed and around again.  They were right and I didn’t have the heart to gripe at them.  And getting a picture in between circles was difficult too.  So that’s reality check #1.

ummer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #bedrooms #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop

Reality check #2 – My Fan

I live clutter free for the most part.  Probably because the bedside tables have drawers but my reality is that on my side I have a couple of pretty things and a fan.  I take that fan everywhere.  If we are in a hotel, I have my fan.  If we stay in a camper at a cousins house, I have my fan.  I even have a handheld misting fan if I’m outside for a significant amount of time.  We went to dinner with friends last week and while checking out the cute shops, I had to pull out the small fan that plugs into my cell phone.  That sounds ridiculous when I type it out but it is what it is – menopause.  BTW, I found these two lamps at a church garage sale for $3.00.  They were bronze so I sprayed them with Rustoleum’s Satin Nickel finish and added $10.00 lamp shades.

ummer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #bedrooms #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop

Reality Check #3 – Laziness and Fun

Nothing really gets done around here.  Having our 3 kids plus 1 boyfriend home this summer makes me smile though.  We laugh everyday, we have a giant pile of shoes by the front door that’s almost the size of the pile-o-towels in the laundry room and we play games or cards almost everyday.  We’ve become addicted to Skipbo.  Have you played that?  We play in teams (thank you Kaye Lynn and Jeff) and now we’ve even decided that when it’s just two players, we get to help ourselves to one discard from our opponents hand.  We’re rule breakers!

ummer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #bedrooms #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop

Reality Check #4 – The Kids Are Home

If you don’t already know this, college campus housing has you move out for 2 weeks so they can clean the rooms etc.  The boyfriend was the only one that hadn’t brought his things over at the beginning of summer.  That means this is the state of our dining room.  It’s making my crazy but I keep telling myself, it’s just for a couple of weeks.  When everyone moves out, I think it’s going to take me a month to get the house properly cleaned and put back together.  I can’t even get to the lemons in the lanterns that I need to use before they go bad.

ummer Bedroom Refresh and blog hop by CountyRoad407.com #summerbedroom #summerdecorideas #sumerdecor #bedrooms #summerdecor #countyroad497 #bloghop

All in all, that’s how we celebrate summer around here.  I’ve enjoyed the simple summer bedroom refresh and having everyone here at the house these last 3 months.  Did you notice the dogs tails and paws?  Macy dyed them for summer.  Here’s what she used if you’re interested in safely turning your dogs into punk rock pups – LOL.  (No, it doesn’t come off on furniture, rugs, etc.)

We move the kids out starting the 15th.  It will be structured chaos but also filled with excitement and a little sadness for me when the Mister and I drive back home all alone.  But after a good nights sleep, I’ll hit the floor running with my cleaning bag and cleaning always puts a smile on my face.

Happy Summer Friends!

Now it’s time to visit The Painted Hinge.  You’ll love Michelle’s summer dining room and decor.  Then check out the rest of the posts too – they are perfectly summer!

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  1. Deb
    August 6, 2019 / 7:26 am

    Good morning, Cindy! 🙂

    Greetings from Virginia! I love this post, especially the picture of your dining room filled with all the totes and bags. It makes me want to smile, as my dining room looks much the same, like remnants of Vacation Bible School stuffed everywhere. It stresses me out for sure because I am definitely one of those “there’s a place for everything and everything in its place” kinda girl. Yet, I love summer. It is my favorite time of year. I love its laid back vibe, and I savor the warm sunshine and trips to Wendy’s for a chocolate Frosty.

    Yes, it drives this perfectionist crazy to have things in such disarray. However, the Lord keeps gently reminding me that it’s okay to slow down and rest. It’s okay to have a messy dining room every now and then. Life is often messy, even on a good day. I am just thankful that He sees my messes and loves me anyway.

    Thank you for being “real” and showing us what “real” looks like in your world. Have a great day, and I just might tackle my dining room today.

    Be Blessed!

    Deb 🙂

    • August 6, 2019 / 10:58 am

      Deb, you just made my month! I thought for sure I’d lose a few readers after posting this. The Lord has reminded me the same thing several times this summer. You bring a smile to my heart. Thanks so much for commenting today. And I remember Virginia! Love it there. ❤️

  2. August 6, 2019 / 9:02 am

    My husband loves corn dogs. It must be a Dallas Fletcher’s corn dog thing from the state fair. He can’t eat those these days. I hope that it’s been a great summer with your kids. The dogs tails look adorable and so does your bedroom. I have a fan too. I can’t live without it.

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:00 am

      Hooray for corn dog lovers! LOL. It has been a fantastic summer and I’m sad to see it end. Thanks for the visit sweet compliment Katie.

  3. August 6, 2019 / 9:09 am

    Love this look at real life lady! I know it probably feels kind of chaotic but honestly, there is nothing like going back home. I just spent an entire uninterrupted week with my parents and it was my favorite part of summer. I’m sure your family probably feels the same way. There will always be plenty of time to clean the house so I say live it up and make memories while you can. Hugs, CoCo

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:03 am

      Thank you CoCo. This summer has been my summer for enlightenment. I’ve realized life with kids around is short and they certainly don’t care about the state of the house. Wish I would have figured it out years ago. Oh well, I still have a week and a half left!

  4. August 6, 2019 / 9:50 am

    Sounds like such a fun summer filled with lots of family time. Love the bedroom refresh, and the dogs are too cute with their “rocker” look.

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:05 am

      Thank you Marty. The dogs haven’t noticed but they are getting more giggles as they walk down the street. Hope you have a great summer.

  5. August 6, 2019 / 10:15 am

    It wasn’t too long ago that I experienced that empty house feeling so I get it! Love your pretty bedroom refresh! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:08 am

      What did you do to get over the empty house feeling?! Some days I think it will be nice and interesting to start this new phase then other days I feel so sad. Any advice?!

  6. Marlene Stephenson
    August 6, 2019 / 10:37 am

    Your bedroom looks nice and cool. It sounds like you are having a great time this summer with the kids being home, i miss those days, mine are grown with children of their own. This heat and humidity is awful i am now ready for Fall. Have fun and enjoy your time with your family.

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:11 am

      Thanks Marlene. I hate to say this where others can hear/read it but I’m ready for fall too! I might peek my head outside for a dinner on the patio and not have to carry a fan around! #thestruggleisreal

  7. August 6, 2019 / 10:58 am

    What a lovely home. Your pups are adorable, I am glad they finally wore themselves out. What kind are they? Your bedroom is beautiful! I love your campaign bed!

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:15 am

      Those boys tire more quickly these days but still have the energy to jump up on the bed. They are Lhasa-Poos. No shedding, no skin issues, and very easy keepers. Love them dearly. And our bed was a gift from the Mister when we moved years ago to Highland Village. I still love it. Thank for the visit Chloe!

  8. August 6, 2019 / 11:10 am

    I currently have a hall closet that looks like your dining room…lol. Sounds like you are enjoying your summer with your family. Your bedroom looks beautiful with the soft colors and adorable doggies!

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:18 am

      Thank you Shelley. I enjoy walking in there at the end of the day. It’s relaxing and calming to me. I have a week and a half left with the fam so I’m going to eat it up!

  9. August 6, 2019 / 11:48 am

    Gotta tell you Cindy, I really enjoyed this blog post. Real life beats decor any time with me. Your home and family sound like a riot and fun nonstop. Love the dogs and that they run crazy over your lovely bed. We have cats, they’re the same except they get so excited they start biting the sheets! My life was the same when my girls were little. we lived at the neighborhood pool and friends with their kiddos were at our house daily. good times. now I love summer from May to end of July, then I’m over it. Thanks for sharing the real you!

    • August 6, 2019 / 2:00 pm

      Thank you so much Debra for saying that, seriously. I just knew I was going to get negative feedback but everyone has been so sweet. I’m allergic to cats so I don’t really know their characteristics but biting the sheets… that’s hilarious! I’d like to see that. So glad you stopped by today. 😉

  10. August 6, 2019 / 1:47 pm

    We may be empty nesters but still have a revolving door with all the mess and I love it. Being together for the summer is great and you’ll have lots of fun stories to tease each other about for years to come. At least you have that lovely bedroom refresh to call your own. 😉

    • August 6, 2019 / 2:01 pm

      Thank you Michelle. We are a family that teases one another and sometimes it’s brutal but we all laugh. And I’m looking forward to having a revolving door. I hadn’t thought of that but it sounds fantastic!

  11. August 6, 2019 / 2:35 pm

    You never fail me, girl…I am laughing out loud and crying at your fan comments! Oh, the night-time hot flashes…I stopped counting! Luckily, during the day I don’t have to carry one like you;0 I hate heat, too. Summer just makes me fat, cuz all I want to do is sit inside in the A/C. I even hate going outside to water my flowers! Give me winter blizzards any day, cuz drinking something warm under a blanket by the fire is so. much. nicer;) We’re leaving the baby at college on the 15th too…5 hours away. Sob. But, number 1 came back…so there’s that. No empty nest yet. But oh, the stuff…like whole apartment’s-full of stuff. E gads, we need a bigger house; crossing my fingers on that change. Always fun to hop with you, friend!

    • August 6, 2019 / 3:44 pm

      The fan comments are so true Lora. I get eye rolls and teases from the fam but don’t care. It’s either a fan or being snappy – they can choose. I wish we could live where there are blizzards and I don’t mean the ones from Sonic. I love snow but that’s probably because I’ve only visited those places and never lived any length of time in it. Cozy fires for me too! Thanks for the visit my blogging bestie!

  12. August 6, 2019 / 3:22 pm

    Sounds like the perfect summer.

    We had our daughter, her husband, their 6 week old son, our son and his wife here in our little cottage all weekend and loved every minute. Our daughter and her husband stayed in a hotel due to space, but when they were at her 20th high school reunion on Saturday night they let the rest of us watch little Frankie. I was sure glad our son wanted to take care of the baby and did both the 4 am and 7 am feedings!

    Enjoy the rest of the time with your family.

    • August 6, 2019 / 3:47 pm

      Oh my goodness Carol that sounds like so much fun! And that’s quite the son you have there. I don’t think mine would have stepped up for the feedings. Shoot, I just hope any of my 3 kids have kids of their own. So far, they all say no! :/

  13. August 6, 2019 / 4:36 pm

    Hi There, I love the look of the punk rock pups. So cute and tempting to try it myself on my two fur balls. I’d love to join your blog hop sometime if you’f looking for another blogger. The bedroom looks beautiful as well.

    • August 6, 2019 / 5:58 pm

      Thank you Cynthia. My real name is Cynthia too. Are you a Cynthia Lynn? Thy dye was easy to do and it has stayed on now for a week. No problems with it rubbing off anywhere and if they lick their paws, it’s still totally safe. You’d need to contact Amber at http://www.followtheyellowbrickhome.com to join the blog hop. So glad you visited today!

  14. August 6, 2019 / 6:49 pm

    This post rocks (and so do your pups!) I just love that you shared real life and your amazing sense of humor that we all look forward to with each post. Your bedroom looks lovely refreshed for summer too. I love the “wrinkly” white comforter, it looks so pretty and inviting for lazy summer afternoon nap.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of summer and that you are able to beat the heat! Thank you for celebrating summer with us!

    • August 6, 2019 / 8:34 pm

      So glad to celebrate summer with y’all Amber! Glad you liked the post as well. I felt for sure I’d lose a few followers. Thanks so much for your sincere compliment. It means a lot.

  15. Jean
    August 6, 2019 / 8:43 pm

    Love the picture with “da boys” in it. I also enjoyed the story of fun summers, both past and present. I’ll miss all those youngsters, too. Those lamps are so cool! Good refurbish, and so thrifty!

    • August 6, 2019 / 8:45 pm

      Thanks bunches. I thought the lamps were a steal of a deal! Guess it’s time to make new kinds of memories now. I’m already looking forward to Thanksgiving with them.

  16. August 6, 2019 / 9:08 pm

    Cindy I am loving your new bedroom. The color is my favorite. I am so happy to hear you have your babies plus one with you this summer. I am sure your heart is smiling so big. Happy Summer.

    • August 6, 2019 / 9:11 pm

      Thank you Terrie. I absolutely do love having the kids home this summer and have a big smile on my face. 😀 Thanks for stopping by today!

  17. August 6, 2019 / 11:36 pm

    Cindy, you always crack me up! Your fan anecdote had me rolling! I’m picturing you walking around with a fan plugged into your phone. Didn’t know those existed!

    I love hearing about having the kids home for summer. I have twin boys, so they are going to leave me for college one day at the same time! It’s good to put things in perspective and realize I should cherish these times that they’re home with me…even when they drive me bonkers with clutter.

    The bedroom looks beautiful with the white quilt, and that’s such a great lamp transformation! Thanks for keeping it real.

    • August 6, 2019 / 11:42 pm

      Thanks Crissy. I know you hear this a lot but I’m going to say it too… absolutely cherish the clutter bugs! And yes, you can find a little fan for your phone – Even at Walmart. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. August 7, 2019 / 8:15 am

    Cindy love your fan story and I didn’t know they made one for a phone either. I’m not a summer person either. It’s hot and humid as soon as you go out you sweat and can’t breathe.

    Give me cooler cozy temperatures anytime. I enjoy the nesting and cooking phase of cool weather. Shhhhh don’t tell anyone I may be on the naughty list.


    • August 7, 2019 / 11:59 am

      LOL. On the naughty list?! Well you better make up for it! I love baking and cooking in the fall too. That’s about the only time I can stand to be in the kitchen. Plus, food just smells better in the fall and winter. 😁

  19. August 7, 2019 / 10:29 am

    I’m the odd one out here because my hubby and I don’t have kids, but I can totally relate to everything else! I think a lot of people think decor bloggers are some kind of mythical creatures that have their house perfectly cleaned and decorated. I think the exact opposite is true, at least for this blogger – your dining room looks like the room adjacent to whatever room I’m currently working on for the blog. The upside? I always have at least one room that’s perfectly clean and decorated.

    I love your simple summer refresh in the bedroom because it’s both beautiful and real. It’s also a reminder of how some simple changes can make a big impact in a room when real life is happening! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your summer and so happy to be hopping with you!

    • August 7, 2019 / 12:04 pm

      Thank you Michelle. If my readers think I’m a mystical creature, I hope it’s the goddess of decor. Which would be a gigantic fabrication for sure. Glad I’m like you and have at least one room clean at all times. But so far this summer – none of them are clean. But they’ll all be gone and I’ll start crowding my house with fall and I do love me some fall! 😉

  20. Susan
    August 7, 2019 / 12:04 pm

    Cindy I loved this post. My house looks pretty similar as my youngest keeps ordering stuff from Amazon for her off campus apartment and leaving it in my living room because ‘hey she is leaving for school in two weeks.’
    When my girls come home from college each summer I love it and yet I get a nervous tick as all of their stuff enters my house and their rooms. You have the right attitude. Your house has a soul and I love it!
    Ps I’m not a fan of August either. Can’t wait for the mosquitoes and the humidity to be gone.

    • August 7, 2019 / 12:13 pm

      Yay for the woman who totally gets it! Thank you Susan. We only have enough bedrooms for the kids so the boyfriend has been staying in my office. That’s been a curse and a delight. I can’t get in there to work until the afternoons when he gets up so I spend too much time on Instagram. 😳 You’d think I’d bring my laptop out to another room but that would mean I’m cluttering up another space and that just cannot happen. LOL.

      • Susan
        August 7, 2019 / 7:50 pm

        Oh my gosh Cindy, I can totally relate. I’m up early and they are all sleeping. When I’m getting to bed they are in the kitchen cooking! Oh and let’s not get started about the state of the kitchen when I get up.

        • August 7, 2019 / 8:04 pm

          Oh my golly. I feel you! I hate griping about the kitchen so again, I just keep saying it’s only 2 more weeks. What’s terrible is they keep their own kitchens very clean at school! I guess they figure the maid will get it?! Which is me and she does. So that’s my bad. LOL

  21. August 8, 2019 / 11:31 am

    I enjoyed seeing your real life pictures of the state of your summer home. I know that you’ll be happy to get your house back in order but sad since it means that your kiddos are gone for the school year. Your fan had me laughing. A fan that plugs into your phone just may be my “go to” gift for my girlfriends.

    • August 8, 2019 / 1:21 pm

      Thank you Paula. Your girlfriends will love it! You can find them on amazon or even at Walmart. And it really doesn’t use up much of the phone battery either! It’s definitely a necessity these days. 😉

  22. August 8, 2019 / 1:22 pm

    Cindy, at least you have your pretty bedroom all to yourself ~ except for the dogs! We keep a floor fan in the bedroom, but we turn it on just for white noise so Sweet Shark can’t hear me “sleep”. As you know I love blue and white so I love the idea of white comforter with a blue throw. We have a 15-year-old black Lab so she’s never been allowed on the bed. It would be filthy with black circles like the places in our closet. We have been playing Skipbo for years. It’s addictive!! Great job making it through summer with all the kids at home. You will deserve a vacation when they leave.

    • August 8, 2019 / 1:31 pm

      Your are so right Carol – we need a vacation when they all leave. But I’ have to get the house back in order first. I could never leave a house like this and enjoy a vacation. Thankfully, the dining room will be empty before starting the cleaning process! 😉

  23. Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
    August 8, 2019 / 6:28 pm

    Cindy, your post made me laugh! It sounds like you having a wonderful summer. It has been a while since I played Skipbo, but I remember how fun it is. Your bedroom is beautiful. Enjoy these last weeks of summer!

    • August 8, 2019 / 6:32 pm

      Glad you laughed Shannon. That’s my life, one big sweaty day after another. And Skipbo is for adults too! The Mister and I play alone too. 😃

  24. August 9, 2019 / 4:22 pm

    Your bed is absolutely gorgeous! Our pup and cat have center stage on our bed as well. Kids home from college, but all that stuff will drive you nuts! This year I decided to move one car out of its spot and gave them that one side for all of their stuff. It worked out pretty well this summer as their stuff as been home since May! So fun touring with you. You have a gorgeous, peaceful bedroom!

    • August 9, 2019 / 4:46 pm

      Thanks Christy. I should have thought to use the garage – duh. Oh well, 1 more week and it’s all gone. I survived! Enjoy the rest of your summer. 😉

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