Hello sweet friends! Today I want to share a story with you. A story of confusion, disbelief and joy. But first I want to say thank you to Amber at Follow the Yellow Brick Home for getting this Easter Hop together. She always has the best ideas and quite the eye for detail. I look at her photos for several minutes so I don’t miss a thing! My photos are of a simple Easter tablescape with items found in my home. You probably have the same type items in yours so you can easily duplicate it if you’d like.
A Simple Easter Tablescape
As all good stories start out… Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived in a family who went to church on Sundays. A church rooted in southern hymns, prayer and Bible stories told by little old ladies brought to life on a felt board. It was fun and chipper. Years went by and even though our family switched churches a couple of times, we were involved. My fifth grade summer our church went to summer camp. I remember that day well. I wasn’t kicking or screaming. No, I was way to mature for that but I was crying and begging my mom not to make me go. It was a confusing situation. The look on her face said I’m sorry, you can stay home but her arms were pushing me towards the counselors which were shoving me on the bus anyway.
Who says that?!
If you asked me what sort of things we did during that week, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I do remember it wasn’t the same kind of camp like in the movie Parent Trap (love the second version better because of the music). All I remember is one evening during worship time, the counselors were asking us if we knew Jesus and did we want to go to Heaven when we died. I’d heard the speech many times before but this time I must have been in good mood. I stood up, walked down the aisle and said sign me up. Yep, that’s exactly what I said. Sometimes the weirdest things come out of my mouth.
Anyway, my counselor took me away from the other students and away from the music. We sat on a wooden swing and discussed what it meant to believe in Christ and ask Him into my heart. I told her that’s exactly what I wanted. So we prayed. Now when I say “we”, I mean my camp counselor. I never said a word. After it was all over, she hugged me, said she was so proud of me and sent me on my way. I felt good. The feeling was a little bit of pride but more like cool, I’m one of them now.
Distant and Quiet
Fast forward 4 years. It was ninth grade and I was at a different church. Same type of church but the people acted different. Including the preacher and youth minister. They talked about Jesus like He was right there with us. I never felt like he was actually with me. I thought he hung out in the clouds somewhere; unreachable and silent but loving.
At the end of my freshman year in high school we went to summer camp again. Not the same place as before. This time it was amazing and crazy fun. We had talent shows and baseball games. Swam under waterfalls and learned about the Lord under an open air canopy with hundreds of voices singing praises that reached beyond the clouds. I know the Lord heard us and was grinning ear to ear.
By the end of the week I was hooked. I never wanted to go to another church again. I was home. For the next 4 years my friends and I went back to the same wonderful place but each year it got harder and harder to push away an inexplicable feeling. I kept thinking I wasn’t actually a Christian. How could that be? I clearly remember telling my fifth grade counselor that I wanted to become a believer and she prayed for me.
Faux Chocolate Bunny DIY found HERE
He never gave up on me!
Long story short, the who-prayed-when was the key. I didn’t actually pray for myself to accept Christ. The Lord had been wooing me the entire time though. Never giving up on me. He continued tapping on my heart telling me something was wrong. Finally, my junior year of high school, I met with my youth minister and told him everything that had happened back in fifth grade and how I felt it was time to make sure I had Him and He had me. Jesus that is, not the youth minister.
I prayed!
This time it was real. The feeling I had was different. Not the same feeling like before when I felt cool and like the others around me but more of a yearning to learn more. To have a deeper relationship than I had before. Please understand, I felt I was a “good” person. Well, except that freshman year of high school. Kinda wish I could erase that year completely. But if I could erase it, I wouldn’t be able to look back and see His hand in my life, to see how I was protected so many times or remember that all of those bad choices are gone in his eyes because I am redeemed. I think that’s why God gives us memories. Not to bring us sadness but to help us rely on him and realize we never want to go back there or do those things again. That we never want to be separated from him – ever.
Father knows best!
All these years later, I wake up each day with joy. That’s not the same as happiness. Joy is different. Even when I find myself in an unpleasant situation or like now with the concerns of Corona Virus going around, I have a peace in my heart. The peace comes from knowing the Lord is in control and that this situation too ran through his fingers first. I don’t have the answers to all the hurt and terrible things that happen because we live in a fallen world but I can say whether He says yes or no, He knows better than I do.
The fairy-tale ending!
Easter for me isn’t about egg hunts, pretty dresses and bonnets or candy from the Easter bunny. It’s celebrating what God did for me, for us. God sent his Son for ALL OF US (John 3:16). Jesus went through a horrible death for ALL OF US because no matter what we’ve done in the past or how despicable an act might have been, He loves and died for ALL OF US. He doesn’t want anyone to live without Him or for us to have to pay for all the things we do wrong (Rom. 6:23). Easter for me is more than a Sunday or a story of joy and hope – it’s a season. It’s celebrating the glorious resurrection (Mathew 28:6) and to consider the implications of that resurrection, of how I understand God, my faith and how I live my life.
And as any good story ends… I lived happily and eternally-ever after. Not without sorrow or hurt sometimes. Not without consequence or pain at times. But no matter what, I will be forever grateful for what He did for me and will never forget his mercy, grace and love given to me abundantly every single day. Even when I don’t deserve it. And even if the Mister and I aren’t able to celebrate with our family and friends this year, the celebration in my heart will never be canceled! I am His and He is mine. The End.
So, while reading this lengthy and extremely condensed story, did you enjoy the simple Easter tablescape? It’s all fake friends. The flowers, the eggs and even the chocolate bunny. The only thing real is how much I like it and the colored water in the jars. If you can get out and get real white carnations, those would be fabulous when they slurp up that colored water!
If you’ve stopped by from Decor to Adore, thanks so much. Her fabric bunnies were fantastic, weren’t they?! Next up is Christy from Our Southern Home. You will love her Easter vignettes!
Happy Easter Friends!
By the way, if you have a prayer request, I’d love you to email me so I can pray for you.
Beautiful post Cindy. Your table is so cute, love vintage flower pots and your napkins are adorable.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Cindy. I got the vintage French pots while on a shopping trip with a few bloggers in Dallas last summer. First time I’ve used them. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Such a gorgeous reminder Jesus is the real reason for the season, no matter what we’re facing! Love this post sweet friend and your beautiful tablescape and mantel too. Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter season, hugs, CoCo
Thanks so much CoCo. Best season ever in my book. π The colors have been fun to see walking by the dining room. Big air hugs to you as well!
How lovely that you share that story with us today. We need additional joy in our lives, and your story brings more joy into my heart this day. Through this difficult time, may you continue to find joy in this holy season. God bless you and your family.
Thank you Chloe! Anytime I even mention Jesus, I usually lose a few subscribers so I was hesitant for sure. But the Lord always gives me more than I lost. Happy Easter!
Cindy, what a moving testimony. I feel peace too, even though new and scary things are happening each day to try shaking that peace of heart and mind. Your Easter table is simply and beautifully styled, yet the words are more poignant than any little element on that table could express or money purchase or hands craft. But, I love that colored water, and kept trying to decide if that chocolate bunny was real or not. I guessed wrong! Happy Easter, my friend. Take care to stay well and grounded in your peace.
Awe, thank you Rita. It makes my day reading your comment. Truly! I’ve had a lot of people think it was a real bunny so you’re not alone. LOL. Happy Easter!
Cindy, I really love your whimsical centerpiece! Your Easter tablescape is lovely! Happy & healthy Easter! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction
Thanks Cecilia. I love me some whimsy. Stay healthy!
Oh my…this post made me cry…it is just so TRUE. A beautiful testimony. Sending you Easter love, Cindy!
P.S. I LOVE your centerpiece, too!
Well I didn’t want to make you cry but I guess good tears are okay. Especially these days when some of us aren’t wearing any make up (yay!). It makes my day reading your comment though. Thank you Linda. I hope you have a marvelous Easter season!
They were very good tears, Cindy!
Good to know! π
Cindy I thoroughly enjoyed your testimony and can relate to it in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your heart so openly with all of us. Your authenticity is contagious and so is your love and joy for Jesus! I am so thankful that I have Him as my savior and that we can share about Him and the hope He offers us all…unconditionally! Happy Easter to you and the mister!
Me too Kelly. I’m grateful we live in a place where sharing about our Savior is common and not prohibited! One thing I think we take for granted sometimes. Thanks for the visit today. Hope you have a wonderful Easter too my Sister in Christ!
The Lord gave you me…a new subscriber because you were brave enough to share your story ! The only hope we have right now is in the Lord!!! He is risen indeed!!!!
Thank you so much Leigh. I’m so glad you visited today! You made me cry and made my day. And you are right, our only hope is in the Lord. Hope you have a wonderful Easter celebration. He is risen indeed! π
Cindy I love the story and your table. You set such a pretty table. I love the pottery and your centerpiece. Happy Easter and Spring.
Glad you like it Terrie. Hope you get to enjoy your family for Easter. Best wishes.
Another great (virtual) visit with you with an unexpected story. May your Easter in seclusion be blessed for you and the Mister. When I was younger, but after teenage years, my faith was unwavering, filled with certainty. Now, as I am older, I find myself questioning myself more, but refinding that once, unwavering faith of youth when life was easy before a lifetime of trials and sorrows that come to us all.
Oh, yes, I love your rustic French pots!
Happy Easter, dear friend,
Thank you Judith. I am very strong in my faith and hope to always be that way. Even when things get tough. Got those french pots at an antique store in Dallas with that trip when you couldn’t join us! Maybe next time?! Glad for your visit today. Happy Easter!
I was riveted by your testimony. It got me a little choked up, if you want to know the truth. What a perfect time to reflect on the meaning of Easter. No matter how scary these circumstances are, He is in control. Love!
Awe, thank you Katie. I hope everyone has a peace but sadly they don’t. No matter how you spend your Easter, I hope it’s wonderful!
Beautiful post and beautiful words! Thank you for sharing your testimony!
Happy day and Happy Easter!
Thank you KariAnne. Happy Easter! Hope it’s wonderful.
Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our own lives to know or understand the experiences others go through. Thanks for sharing your heart Cindy. I enjoyed your beautiful post and your lovely tablescape as well. Happy Easter to you and your family!
It was truly my pleasure Michelle. Thanks for reading it! Hope you have a wonderful Spring. Happy Easter!
Cindy, I loved your story and your Easter tablescape! I agree, he is with us at all times. I have been fighting cancer for two years, but still small blessings keep creeping into my life. I was told I would lose my hair when I was doing the first radiation and chemo. I was prepared, but it didn’t happen. I lost little bits, but that’s all. God is truly a blessing in my life!
It excites me that you see the Lord and blessings in your life. What a wonderful testimony from you. That has inspired me! Hope you have continued blessings and see His hand in it. Big hugs to you Jann.
Beautiful post and what a wonderful way to share your witness! Brought tears to my eyes and a shared joy to my heart. God Bless and yes, He is risen indeed!! Hallelujah!!
I love reading – He is risen indeed! Makes me smile; inside and out. Thanks for commenting today! I appreciate your kind words. Have a wonder filled Easter!
I am crying! Praising Jesus that I am His and He is mine! Also laughing. Jesus that is, not the youth minister.
LOL Laura, I didn’t mean to make anyone cry but I’m glad they are happy tears. Love you sweet Sister-In-Christ! Hope you have a fantabulous Easter!
What a wonderful post and testimony. I enjoyed reading your words and admiring your pretty table.
Thanks Paula! It was super simple and I think we will definitely enjoy it on Easter Sunday! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Okay… I haven’t even visited everyone and I know this is my fave post of the day (I hope all our friends understand why… and agree with me!). Thank you for sharing your testimony, Cindy. Wonderful to be able to hear about God’s redeeming love… and I love the fact that if there wasn’t sin, and there weren’t awful things in the world, why would we even need Jesus? HE is the good in all of this! Hugs… and I love your chocolate bunny.
You are so sweet Julie. Thank you. I enjoy talking about our Savior and could do it all day with anyone who will listen. π Jesus is the reason for the season so itβs perfect timing. β€οΈ. Hope you have a wonderful celebration.
Thank you for sharing your testimony Cindy. I love reading how God worked in your life and how faithful He is. Have a blessed Easter my friend
Thank you Barbara. You know I could shout it from the roof tops! Loved chatting with you yesterday. I have a new word for you. It’s called SNAP. It means you want to combine a snack with a nap. Sound like you? LOL! Stay healthy.
Thank you so much for your beautiful testimony. Easter this year will be different but Jesus is the same and through all this I believe He is wooing people to Him.
I totally believe that too Diane. I’ve already seen amazing things happen through this. Hope you have a wonderful Easter no matter what it looks like.
I love your centerpiece on your dining table!!! Also the napkins folded into bunny shapes are so cute and clever!
Thank you Angelina. Everyone thinks the bunny is real and are surprised when they pick it up. LOL. Have a great Easter and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Such a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing and for the reminder of the strength of faith and how we are always blessed by God – especially in troubling/trying times. Now that Iβve read your testimony through, Iβll go back and look at the pictures of what Iβm sure is an absolutely beautiful table setting.
My pleasure! I love talking about the Lord. Just don’t get to do it often enough but I think that’s the Lords doing. He knows how I can flub up words. π So glad you visited and commented today! Easter Blessings to you!
Good Morning Cindy,
This post was wonderful. You opened up your tender and Jesus loving heart to the world and you touched mine! Love your Easter decor and pretty home.
Blessings for a loved filled weekend,
Awe, thanks Jemma! It touches my heart to hear YOU were touched. Glad you like my home too. I’m about to finally get the dog puke gold walls in the entry painted! Hallelujah!!! Hope you have a wonderful Easter next week.
Thank you for that wonderful reminder of the risen Saviour that we serve. This Easter will be different for all of us but the story is the same. Jesus died and rose again. Love you sister in law, so glad you are also my sister in Christ.
Awe, thanks Melinda. I think I’m blessed to have you as my SIL! Stay healthy and sane while teaching from home. How are you doing that with Music anyway – videos of you playing the piano and Ray on the drums? I could come dance in the background! Just a thought. Big (air) hugs.
Such a fun and creative tablesetting. Love the eggs potted with grass. Such an inviting and fun table.
Thanks Ms. Marty! I’ve had those vintage French pots for a year and finally got around to using them. Seemed perfect for a super easy table. Happy Easter!
Thank you, your table and mantle were pretty, but your testimony was a blessing and so are you. He is not dead, have a wonderful Easter dear friend.
I love hearing I’m a blessing Marlene, thank you! That makes my heart sing. Mathew 28:6 is one of my all time favorite verses. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.
Gives me goosebumps! Hope your weekend is wonderful and your Easter a fantastic celebration! π
Cindy, I really enjoyed reading your testimony. Itβs great to know we can always trust in the Lord. BTW, I spy some adorable tiny clay pots! Great memories from that day. Wishing you a safe and blessed Easter, my sweet friend.
Yes! I was telling Carol that I finally used them after all this time. Hopefully you can come again when this virus is all over and we can do that again?! Hope you have a wonderful Easter too!
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I just a moment ago said to my church’s online ladies group, “This is why I share serious incidents in my life where God has moved on each and every one to meet my need, whether physical, spiritual, financial, or emotional. I share it as a testimony, that if he will do that for someone as inconsequential as I, it will never be too hard to do it for you. ”
Again, thank you for sharing. Someone needed to hear it, or to be reminded of how good our God is.
It was my pleasure! And I agree Kathy, nothing is to hard for God. He loves us more than we know or deserve but still blesses us anyway. Thank you for visiting and commenting today! I always love hearing from y’all.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! It moved me and gave me a feeling of peace as I realized all over again that I am saved and God holds me in the hollow of His hand! Happy Easter!
Woo hoo Kathy! I’m delighted to hear that and I’m so glad you stopped by today! Many blessings and Happy Easter!
I so clearly remember when you came home from Falls Creek that year. You have been glowing and sharing ever since. π I could not be more touched by your testimony today. Iβm so very grateful you shared your story, as I am knowing you are always eager to share His story. Thanks for making me cry happy tears. Iβm so very proud to be your mom.
Oh yes, your tablescape was nice, too. π
Thanks Mom. I am a little blabber mouth. π Glad you liked the story and the tablescape. Hope you see it on Easter Sunday!
Oh Cindy what a wonderful post! It feels my heart with joy! We all have those years we want to erase, and the enemy likes to remind me of mine…but through Jesus I am not in bondage to those past sins or even the recurring thoughts about them! I always went to church camp and came back “on fire” only to find myself back in the same old temptations and trials. Over the years I learned that God would never give up on me, and He has been sanctifying me more and more over the years. He is amazing! We serve a risen savior!
I love your sweet Easter decorating too! The egg garland looks perfect on your mantel and I love the idea of using colored water, which reminds me of dying eggs. The fake chocolate bunny made me hungry!
Thank you so much for joining the hop and sharing your testimony! Love this post.
Happy Easter!
Thanks so much Amber. I am smiling so big right now. π We do serve a risen King and Iβm grateful you are a sister-in-Christ. Glad I could be apart of your hop. Happy Easter to you and your family.
What a moving post. Last year I saw a sign with great impact “It’s not about the bunny. It’s about the Lamb”
Wow Myrna, that sounds like a great sign! I’ll have to try and find one of those. Thanks for sharing that! Happy Easter
Thank you so much for posting your story. I needed it today. I always love your decorations, style and honesty. Keep up the good work with this blog. Every one is inspiring and enjoyable. PS- I spoke with your sweet mother the other day—just love her.
My pleasure Renae! Mom is something else, that’s for sure. Thank you so much for reading the blog and it makes my heart smile to know you enjoy it. Easter Blessings!
Loved reading your testimony! Thank you for sharing it and spreading how personal God’s love for us is! Your table is beautiful and I think I could sit around it and visit with you for hours!! You are so approachable and real!
Awe, thank you Kristin! Sometimes being approachable and real gets me into trouble – LOL! Not kidding. So glad you liked it the blog. Wish one day we could all get on ZOOM, sit around a table with some coffee,/tea/etc., and hear each other’s voices. I’d love that and being able to put an accent or voice to a face would be priceless! Happy Easter!
Cindy, thanks for sharing your spiritual journey and story with us. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of your lovely table — especially the rabbit ear napkin fold. I’ve become a napkin folding fanatic over the past couple of years, lol, and I love to see how others incorporate them into table settings. I love your idea of a Zoom blogging party too!
You’d probably laugh at me Debbee but I watched at least 4 different you tube videos trying to fold napkins. It even took me 3 tries to learn this super simple fold! I learned that my brain doesn’t work well trying that. Funny but totally serious. π Maybe I’ll try and do a Zoom party when things calm down a little. Maybe after Easter? Enjoy your week!
Everything is just so beautiful! I especially love the faux chocolate bunnies and the folding of the napkins!! You are one creative lady!
LOL Christy, I don’t feel creative but I do like whimsical things. I think the family will like it too on Easter Sunday. Hope you have a wonderful Easter season!
thankyou for sharing your wonderful testimony Cindy. I love how we can all share our thoughts and experiences with our Faith here on our blogs. I always love your posts, but most of all your sweet personality and real-ness, sending a hug and blessings for a very Happy Easter!
You are so sweet Debra, thank you! Before I ever started my blog, I thought long and hard about how I’d share my life and decided I’d just be me. Good or bad, just me. Glad you liked the post. Happy Easter to you as well!
Cindy, what a beautiful faith journey you have been to. Thank you so much for sharing. You had me in tears. Faith and belief is a journey we are on our entire lives. Oh, and the tablescape is very pretty. Happy Easter to you and your family, sweet friend.
That is so true Carol, our journeys run our entire lives. I’m so grateful for that. To be able to get closer to the Lord and to look back and see His hand in our lives is a gift. His mercy is a gift. I could talk about Him all day but I won’t. π Thank you for the visit. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family! Big hugs.
I love the simplicity of this centerpiece, Cindy, and what a beautiful testament to your face that you shared. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Thanks so much Pamela. I love simple and instant gratification so this table centerpiece was perfect for me! We did have a wonderful Easter. What about y’all? My sisters name is Pamela. What is your middle name? I’m always curious. Hers is Sue. Thanks for the visit!
Lovely post Cindy. Thank you for opening up and sharing. I know that is not easy and I loved every word, ππΌπ XO- MaryJo
PS. The tablescape is lovely too. π
You are so sweet, thank you so much! Hope your Easter celebration is wonderful. π