Y’all, I’m on a road trip vacation! It has been so fun. Our first day was spent meandering through Texas, stopping in small towns and finding treasures while we headed to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Side note, when you stop off at all the little towns and do a little antique/junk shopping, rent a much much larger vehicle. I’ve had to pass on a fabulous table already and it’s only been 2 days. I’ve seen lands and plains and hills I’ve never seen before. Thankfully, all that driving isn’t making me crazy. The Mister knows we very well so he keeps it interesting.
A road trip and winner of the Christmas Kit!
The Painted Desert and Petrified Forest
The second day we drove a lot of the historical Route 66 headed to Flagstaff, Arizona spending most of the day hiking and driving through The Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest. While on Route 66, I kept thinking I wished I had lived back when a family vacation was just as much about the journey as it was the destination; simpler times, simpler expectations, simpler living. I’m grateful for air-conditioning which is something they didn’t have back then. But now that I’m really thinking about it, a humidifier would be helpful today. We’ve hit cooler weather but it’s so dry here the fish are carrying canteens! I’m not used to that.
Today was all about Bearizona Wildlife Park and The Grand Canyon National Park. Y’all, if you haven’t seen the Grand Canyon, put that on your bucket list. I thought because I’d seen so many photographs and post cards of it that it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I was so wrong. All I could think, in between keeping my lunch down from the sheer height, was God is so incredible and just by the wiggle of his finger created this for us to enjoy. It’s aaahhhmazing! Makes you realize what minuscule specks we are on this earth.
The Grand Canyon
When we woke up, we had brunch overlooking Lake Powell before heading to Utah to see Zion National Park. I’ve seen a lot of lakes in my time because my dad loved to fish and we camped at a ton of them. But Lake Powell is the most magnificent lake I’ve ever seen! I think it’s because the banks are surrounded by canyons and the banks are clear with no seaweed and yuckiness. Absolutely gorgeous! But seeing more of God’s handy work at Zion Park was just as amazing. This has been one of the best road trips we’ve ever done.
By the way, if you plan a road trip of this sort, make sure and get the National Parks Pass. It pays for itself after the second visit. We’ve already done 4 and will use it again in the next several days as we see more of Utah and head on up to Idaho.
Lake Powell on the Arizona side
We’ve met some great people along the way. It’s fun to have a conversation (6 feet apart of course) with strangers when someone overhears you and says, hey, we’re from Texas too! It’s like our own little travel club. Those people tell you what not to miss and things not to forget – like Bearizona! We wouldn’t have stopped there if we hadn’t chatted with the people around us.
Zion National Park
I’m pooped. Driving and laughing and snacking and shopping and bathroom stops can wear a girl out but before my head hits the pillow tonight, I wanted to announce the winners of the Super Cute Fabric Christmas Tree Kit. I used a random picker from the internet and once the names were chosen, I checked to make sure both names were following me on Instagram, on Pinterest and had liked my CountyRoad407 Facebook page. The winners are Carol Kovach Bray and Carol Owens Stringer! I thought it was weird that the random picker chose two Carols, but I promise it was legit.
A road trip and winner of the Christmas Kit!
Golden flowers all along the roads
Congratulations Carol and Carol! Y’all please email, FB Message or DM me on IG and we will discuss what fabric you’d like for your kit. I’ll ship them out as soon as I get back from vacation and you’ll have them just in time for Christmas decorating.
YAY for road trips! You picked a fabulous route, after all the months spent with a much more limited view, lol. Thanks for sharing, I loved all the commentary and great pictures!
It really was a fabulous drive and view. We were in Idaho today. Picked up potatoes off the side of the road! LOLOLOLOL. A truck had harvested them, took a corner too fast and dumped them right there just for me. Cooking them up in a day or so. 😉
Sounds like a fabulous trip, Cindy. October is the best month to travel. Be safe and takeota more pics.
I’ve been having great fun. The trees are turning and are gorgeous! Definitely taking more pics. It’s times like this that I wished I’d taken a photography class. Oh well.
Your post was wonderful and pics too! I remember years ago having a guide try to tell us the Grand Canyon had something to do with evolution. I said, “what about the flood?” Well, that left him kinda speechless. lol God’s creation is truly beautiful and thank you for sharing.
Thank you Sharon. I mentioned the flood and couldn’t imagine the amount of rain it took to fill and cover the canyons and mountains. God is truly amazing!
God is so good, it is amazing all he has for us to see, have fun,fun,fun!!
Amen to that Marlene! Everywhere I look I see Gods hand and praise him. We are so blessed. We just got to Montana and oh my stars, I’m speechless!
Can’t wait to join you in a couple of days. You can tell me all about your trip then!
I’m sure James will have soooo much to say that we won’t get a word in. LOL. It’s been so much fun. We keep saying it can’t get much better than this and it does. Wowza, our nation is magnificent. See you soon!
Glad you enjoyed New Mexico! You indeed are headed to some beautiful country. If in Idaho, check out Lava Hot Springs. Delightful place!
We were in Idaho today and it was beautiful. Saw the Shoshone falls but spent most of our day looking at the area where our adopted Mustang lived until he was gathered and re-homed to us in Texas. We decided he was much much much better off with us than Saylor Creek. I also got to pick up some potatoes from the side of the road! LOL! Looking forward to having a real Idaho potato. 🙂
You are too funny! What a wonderful road trip. Thank you for sharing and safe travels.
We have loved every minute so far. Just got to Montana and I cannot believe the beauty. Our hotel is on a river with mountains and golden trees in the background. More pics to come! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful photos of your trip. I hope one day to make a similar trip. It sounds like you have had a wonderful time! Keep on enjoying and come home safe.
We truly have had a wonderful time. More states and pics to come and I hope you can make a trip like this as well. I’m sure we’ll make it again one day. It’s just that pleasant!
Cindy, I very much enjoyed your blog. I had never heard of Bearizona, but after looking at your pictures I definitely want to visit. Looks like y’all are having a great time.
Jackson would love Bearizona. Besides the drive thru park seeing a ton of bears and other animals, there’s a zoo type park, a raptor show, live bands, a train ride, an aquarium area. It’s awesome!
We went to the Grand Canyon years ago and I can still remember it. It is breathtaking. I totally agree only God could make something so beautiful. As well as so many pretty places that you have gotten to see. Glad you had a wonderful trip.
It’s definitely a trip to remember. Everything is breathtaking, just like you said. We’re looking forward to getting to Montana and heading back a totally different route and other states. So fun!
So excited to see pictures from your trip, Cindy! I can remember standing at the Grand Canyon just like you being completely awed and amazed it had been created for us to enjoy. It’s so vast and the layers are complex and beautiful. Loved your pictures from Zion National Park too. It’s on my bucket list. Sending you hugs, CoCo
It truly is a magnificent world He created. Thanks too for the visit today. Hope you have a great weekend! We are going to a wedding in Wyoming on Saturday. I love weddings! 🙂