Hello there! I’ve been having fun doing a few Valentine projects around the house. A couple of days ago, I was cleaning up the mess from the Valentine garland for the dining room mantel and decided I’d put some of the left over crafty stuff to good use and turned them into a quick Valentine’s Day door hanger. It’s so cute!
A Quick Valentine’s Day Door Hanger
Hanging in the decor closet was a flat hanging basket with a rope handle. Side Note: If you don’t have a decor closet, make one! It saves money when you can see all your decor in one place because you’ll forget you had some of it! Pulling out some of the older stuff is like making new purchases with a buy-one-free, get-one-free coupon!
Back to what I was saying. I removed the bow from the basket so I could hang last years “LOVE” banner on it. You can see how I used it last year by clicking here.
After taping one paper doily to the skewer, I added mini paper messages to dress up the front side before sandwiching them together and taping it to the other side of the skewer. All the paper doilies and paper messages came from the Dollar Spot at Target or the Dollar Tree. Last year I saw vintage looking Valentine’s that would be adorable but I didn’t get them because I’m cheap and like making Valentine’s Day decor.
It’s like back in the good ol’ days when we covered boxes with construction paper or magazine clippings to dress up our boxes so we could line them up in the back of the classroom. Remember waiting impatiently to lift up the lid to see what classmate added the funny Valentine, piece of candy or love note inside our treasured box? I do! Yep, those were good times. Do kids still do that these days? I hope so.
Anyway, I already had the metal skewers but wooden skewers, chop sticks, straws, spoons or whatever you have in your stash will work as long as they are tall enough to stand over the flowers in the basket you are using.
Because the hanging basket is fairly narrow, I didn’t want to use the green floral foam. That stuff drives me crazy. It gets everywhere plus I didn’t want green showing through the basket so I used brown paper bags. Those things are so handy. Ripping the bags apart and stuffing it in the gaps holds the floral stems up as well as the skewers once they are poked in too.
It’s genius when you think about it really. LOL. Just kidding, I’m not a genius but brown paper bags work great.
Look how cute that looks? It cost me nothing and who doesn’t want to be greeted by such delightfulness?! I won’t get to keep the skewers with the Valentine messages until next year. Grilling season is coming soon but if I come across some on clearance I’ll probably get them. I’ll add them to my very small craft collection because I can see this door hanger with Easter egg skewers, four leaf clover skewers, flag skewers! Aaaahh, I love it!
With so many decorations looking the same, it’s good to be different!
This quick Valentine’s Day door hanger took me 15 minutes. It probably would have taken less time if it weren’t for having a couple of “do-overs”. The doilies weren’t lining up correctly and I couldn’t see what I was doing. I have to admit I was too lazy to get up and find my glasses. After the second try I found the glasses. Gotta love getting older. Hope you try this or come up with something that’s even more like you. And I hope it’s free!
If you have a Valentine’s Idea you’d like to show off, link up here to Share the Love!
You clever girl😊. I’ve noticed The stores have very few valentines door decorations actually they’re all the same. Thanks for this great idea ❤️
Thank you Barbara. That’s a good point about them all having the same things. Except those creepy little mice/doll things at Home Goods. I have no clue what those are supposed to be but I think they messed up and put them out for Valentines when it should have been for Halloween! Have you seen those?! Creeeepy!
Perfect Cindy!! Love what you used and I don’t enjoy floral foam either. If I have no choice I’ll use it but try to avoid at all costs.
I made homemade chocolate hearts this year for romance.
Have a great day!
Chocolate hearts for romance?! Yum! We had friends a long time ago that had a dog named Romance. Your comment made me think of him and how we’d all get confused when she said his name in a sentence. For example – Romance ran away today or Romance jumped on the bed last night. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Your door decor is so cute Cindy. Love the pink and red for the season.
Thanks for hosting the link up party. So fun!
Thank you Terrie. I can’t get enough pink so I’m always looking for more reasons to use it. 😉
Thank you Cindy!!
My pleasure!
Your Valentine’s Day door hanger looks so pretty. You are smart to think to use metal skewers to display your hearts.
Thank you Paula. They worked perfectly!
This is such a cute idea! I will have to remember that paper bag trick.
It was a fluke that I used them a long time ago but it has really worked like a charm and with no mess! Thanks for the visit Michelle.
This is such a fun post!
I’m all about Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day crafts!
So much inspiration here!
Happy day!
Thanks bunches KariAnne. I think my guests will get all the feels as they are greeted at the door! ❤️