Home ยป Pinterest Challenges ยป A Quick Spring Centerpiece Idea For The Practical Decorator

A Quick Spring Centerpiece Idea For The Practical Decorator

2 silver bunnies sitting on white plate
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It’s Pinterest Challenge Day again!  I’m excited to share more spring inspiration and even more excited to say it will work through Easter!  Woohoo!  Because I’m such a practical person (almost to a fault), I enjoy all kinds of double-duty decor ideas.  So here’s a quick spring centerpiece idea for the practical decorator.

PC graphic of a wreath with words and a small rabbit in the center  

A Quick Spring Centerpiece Idea For The Practical Decorator

If you’ve popped in from Decor to Adore, welcome!  I’m glad you’re here and I hope you find lots of inspiration today. 

To get us started our inspiration photo comes from our friend Emily at Le Cultivateur.  She is the queen of adorable ideas with a romantic touch.  I love everything she does.  Hop over and check out her blog and you’ll see what I mean.

white stand with bunny, nest with eggs, a stack of white dishes under a cloche with a basket of flowersCenterpiece by Emily at Le Cultivateur

Isn’t her photo fun?  The point of a Pinterest Challenge is to recreate a photo found on Pinterest in a way that works with your own style.  Here’s what I think I can incorporate from Emily’s table centerpiece. 

  • A white base
  • Silver rabbit
  • Salt and pepper shakers
  • Stack of white dessert size plates
  • Beautiful flowers

white tray with silver bunny molds, pink flowers. White dessert plates stacked with tiny bunnies on top.

I like using a table centerpiece for quite a while.  And me being so practical, I also like keeping things handy.  Are you like that?  Do you like decorating with everyday items to make life easier?  I’m not saying a remote to the TV should be part of your decor but things like stacked dessert plates for easy access is lovely.

white dessert plates stacked with tivy silver bunnies on top.Tiny silver bunnies were a gift from my daughter.

Emily had a stack of white plates under a cloche in her centerpiece but my one and only cloche is much larger.  It took up way to much space.  So I opted to raise mine on a small pink cake plate instead of keeping them low.  Varying heights in a centerpiece is key for keeping things interesting.

silver bunny mold sitting in a white tray

She also had a bunny the held a salt and pepper shaker.  Even though they are the cutest shakers I’ve seen, I chose to use multiple faux silver bunny molds instead.

Faux silver bunny mold of mom and baby bunny

This one has been a favorite for a long time and I use it somewhere every year during spring.  I think bunnies work all year round but I save the molds for springtime decor.  Do you save certain home decor items for special occasions?

green cabbage salt and pepper shakers

I mentioned in my last Spring Home Tour post that Cabbageware was a new fixation.  These salt and pepper shakers were my very first purchase to start the collection.  I’ve had friends offer to buy them from me!  I’ve always said – no way.  That must be how you know you truly love something.

Green leaf dish with silver spoons

What I mean by practical decorating is keeping everything you need for a quick grab.  Like plates, napkins, silverware, etc.  Then all you have to do is bring the dessert over.  How easy is that?!

table centerpiece with pink and white flowers in a white pitcher, silver bunnies and a stack of plates with tiny bunnies on topA Spring AND Easter Table Centerpiece 

Whether or not you’re pragmatic, did you see how a quick spring centerpiece idea for the practical decorator can be useful and pretty at the same time?  Incorporating everyday items in a table centerpiece is not only fabulous but will save you money as well.  Just spread out the color, vary your heights and choose in-kind items to keep it cohesive.  Then play around with it until it works for you and puts a grin on your face.  Easy peasy!

Next up in the Pinterest Challenge hop is Rachel at The Ponds Farmhouse.  She is extremely creative so I know you’ll enjoy her take on the challenge too.

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  1. March 25, 2025 / 6:54 am

    I adore those bunny molds. They are precious and I need those cabbage salt and pepper shakers. Your centerpiece is great.

    • March 25, 2025 / 1:58 pm

      Thanks so much Rachel. I seem to have plenty bunny molds but not sure plenty is enough. LOL!

  2. March 25, 2025 / 8:08 am

    What a gorgeous grouping! Your collection of pretty cabbageware is indeed enviable. I love the sweet bunny moulds. Thank you so much for hosting such a creative tour.

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:15 pm

      My pleasure Laura! I hope to find more Cabbageware even though I seriously have no more room for it. Guess I need to buy another cabinet too. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy Spring

  3. Diane
    March 25, 2025 / 9:10 am

    Oh Cindy, I am crazy about your bunny molds! I think I need to go find some now! (The Hubs thanks you ๐Ÿคญ)

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:16 pm

      I’m sure he does. LOL! Thank you Diane. Cheers to Spring!

  4. ellen
    March 25, 2025 / 9:11 am

    I love your bunny molds! You’ve inspired me to pull out my cabbage dishes. I actually forgot I had salt and pepper shakers until I saw yours. Oh yeah, love the pink!

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:18 pm

      Oh my goodness! How do you forget such a thing?! You must be like me. I forget some of the white ironstone pieces. In my defense most of it is at the farmhouse and it does all blend together. LOL. Thanks Ellen!

  5. March 25, 2025 / 9:14 am

    Very pretty, Cindy. I love your bunnies and the beautiful flower arrangement you made. The cabbage dish adds a great pop of color. Thank you for hosting again.

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:19 pm

      Aww, thank you Carol. Your love of bright colors is rubbing off on me.

  6. Marlene Stephenson
    March 25, 2025 / 10:46 am

    I love all your ideas, especially those bunny molds, they are so pretty. Your family will love the table they will sit down to for Easter and think they are special because of the beautiful table you set for them.

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:21 pm

      Ha – I wish! Not my husband and only one of my 3 kids appreciate the table. The others actually remove the placemats and chargers! Ugh. At least my mom appreciates it. Happy Easter Marlene!

  7. March 25, 2025 / 10:52 am

    Love, love, love all the bunny molds you’ve shared and your springtime flowers!!! Cindy, your centerpiece is wonderful… Love the bubblegum pink napkins, too. Pinned a bunch, as always! <3

    Happy spring hugs,
    Barb ๐Ÿ™‚

    • March 25, 2025 / 2:27 pm

      Aww, thank you Barbara. You are so sweet. I love all pinks and have been in a somewhat high school pink and green plaid phase lately. Wish I still had many of my 80’s preppy clothes. Not that I could fit them (insert rolling eyes). I was all about the plaids and pastel Gloria Vanderbilt jeans back then. LOL!

  8. March 25, 2025 / 2:40 pm

    I can see why you get offers on the cabbage salt and pepper shakers. They’re so darn cute! Love how your practical and pretty centerpiece came together Cindy! The bunny molds are so fun to incorporate in the centerpiece, and your flowers are gorgeous. That reminds me I need to get my mom old white pitcher out again for arrangements. Lovely inspiration my friend!

    • March 25, 2025 / 4:38 pm

      I was thinking last night about doing a post on decor staples and white pitchers were on the list. I have lots of different sizes. I use my little one to hold silverware when guests come over. They are so handy! Thank you for the sweet comment. I’m going to be sad when the flowers die. Even though I’ll use that excuse to get more. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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