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A Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY
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Good Morning Friends!  Today is the fourth Tuesday of the month which means it’s time for another Pinterest Challenge!  I look forward to these each month because I love showing y’all how you can turn one inspiration photo into something that fits in with your style and in your own home.  This month it’s all about Independence Day!  When you’ve finished reading my Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge, don’t forget to hop on over to StoneGable Blog as well as the 14 others below to see what they’ve done! 😉

A Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #patriotic #July4th #IndependenceDay #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407

I know it was just Memorial Day but we need to start thinking about July 4th too and this inspiration photo from Home Is Where The Boat Is does just that.  Does it get you in a patriotic mood?  I think it looks cozy, cool, festive and perfect for enjoying the day.

Another Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #Patriotic #July4th #IndependeceDay #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407

4 Elements of this photo that inspire me

When I look at this photo, I see 4 different elements that inspire me.  #1 is a seating area with red, white and blue pillows.  #2 is a table with a tray and fire crackers in a jar.  #3 is the watering can with flags.  And #4 is the basket of flowers with flags sitting on the table.

Here’s how I duplicated it to work for our family.

We have a neighborhood July 4th parade that comes around each year right in front of our house.  Not to pat myself on the back or anything (okay I’m patting) but I actually started the parade back in 2004 when we moved to Highland Village.  I volunteered to be the activities director and we were a neighborhood with young kids, a lot of bikes and willing parents.  It makes me smile to know they still have it.  So to enjoy the parade we need a festive seating area to watch as the little cuties go by with their painted faces and pig tales and patriotic vehicles.

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Element #1

I’m going to use the vintage bed the Mister and I made out of a full sized bed some years ago.  The red, white and blue pillows were made from a tea towel, dish cloth and some vintage fabric I found at an antique store.

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Element #2

I was given the table by my in-laws several years ago.  All the grandkids have used it.  It has 4 chairs to match and when my kids were little, they spent many hours there coloring, having tea parties and snacks.  In the inspiration photo, Mary used a round wicker tray on her table but I don’t have one.  Nor do I have firecrackers.  Don’t feel you have to use exactly what the inspiration photo shows.  I’m using what I already have; a white tray and vintage bottles.

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Element #3

Next is the watering can on the left.  It’s waaaay hot here in July and since I don’t have a watering can either I thought a galvanized bucket filled with ice, drinks and Popsicle’s was a much better fit for our family.  We’ll stay nice and cool.

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Element #4

Mary’s pretty basket of flowers and flags is the last element I noticed.  I don’t want to purchase a plant that I’d kill in a week so using a white pitcher with faux flowers is okay for now.  But if I get a chance to swing by Lowe’s, I will probably pick one up if it’s on sale.

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

That’s it.  What do you think?  It has most of the same elements as Mary’s inspiration photo but it works for our family and is in keeping with my style.  I love how it turned out.  And since it will probably be around 100 degrees in July, this will be the place to sit for the parade!

Come join us!

Patriotic Sitting Area and Pinterest Challenge by CountyRoad407.com #July4th #IndependenceDay #Patriotic #PinterestChallenge #CountyRoad407 #OutdoorSeating #July4thDIY

Now it’s time to check out what everyone else has done.  Just click on the links below to see more patriotic ideas and inspiration!

Happy Decorating Friends!


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  1. May 28, 2019 / 6:47 am

    Cindy I just love how you decorated your area with the spirit of America. What a great inspiration you created. Great version of the Mary’s space. Thank you for hosting this blog hop. I always look forward to it as well.

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:04 am

      Thank you Terrie! It will be so fun sitting out there on the 4th. 🙂

  2. May 28, 2019 / 7:29 am

    Cindy, this is just adorable! I love it, especially that pillow! And what a great idea…to have a neighborhood parade! In my in-laws old neighborhood, they used to have a small parade around a few driveways…everyone would be on bicycles or golf carts that were decorated for the 4th! Have a great day and thank you again for pulling all of this together for us each month! Hugs!

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:06 am

      My pleasure Benita. It is a very cute parade. They go up and down a few streets and get quite the audience! It’s fun to watch.

  3. May 28, 2019 / 7:54 am

    Love your take on this and making it suit you and your family even better. Love the bench from the bed, perfect in every way.

    I like the idea of a tub filled with ice and goodies. Looks pretty too. July is a tough month in NJ and I am sure extremely hot down by you.

    Hope you had a great Memorial day


    • May 28, 2019 / 11:09 am

      Thank you Cindy. Yeah it’s practically unbearable (for me) in July and August but who knows with this year. It’s been unusually different weather around here. We shall see. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. May 28, 2019 / 8:31 am

    Very cute parade seating area, Cindy!!! Love the tea towel pillow and I am SO going to steal that idea! I just found the tea towel I brought back from South Dakota last fall and it is perfect for making a pillow cover. 😀 I’m glad you have a 4th of July parade and that you helped start it ~ kuddos for creating it! <3 Parades are a lot of fun and since moving to Texas, I've been in two. Had a blast throwing mini frisbees to kids last year at UNT's Homecoming parade in September, I think it was (the Odd Fellows/Rebekahs joined with the Marine Corps Assistance league in their truck).

    Thanks again for creating this fun Pinterest Challenge ~ love it!
    Happy patriotic hugs,
    Barb 🙂

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:14 am

      Barbara I love being in parades too! I’ve been in a few but with Sherlock! We looked very festive! LOL The last big one was the Christmas Parade in Fort Worth. Soooo much fun. Great idea on the mini-Frisbee’s. I’ll have to remember that. We should get together one day and make those tea towel pillows together. I have a couple more I need to do. 😉

  5. Terri
    May 28, 2019 / 8:33 am

    WOW… I love it !!! So inviting….and soooo pretty !!!! Thank you for sharing… and can’t wait to check all the links !!!

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:15 am

      Yay Terri, thank you! So glad you loved it. You’ll see lots of inspo for sure.

  6. May 28, 2019 / 8:56 am

    Darling. I love your bench. I love that we have almost matching little tables. Your white legs on it are cute, cute. I love the galvanized tub with drinks. What a cute interpretation. Thanks for organizing all of us. This is always so much fun.

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:18 am

      I do love that little table. Thank you for the sweet comment Katie. I am actually starting to really enjoy doing these! Have a great week. Ridden that new bike yet?

  7. Barbara
    May 28, 2019 / 8:57 am

    I like yours better!!! ❤️

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:20 am

      Barbara, you crack me up! Thank you bunches. I love your comment because I know you aren’t biased. LOL.

  8. May 28, 2019 / 9:54 am

    Cindy, just precious. The people in the parade may be watching YOUR pretty scene. Love the bench/bed. Looks so comfy for parade~watching and watching the world go by. What a sweet little table with lots of memories. Thanks so much for organizing. Such a fun Pinterest Challenge.

    • May 28, 2019 / 5:45 pm

      Thank you Carol. I feel we are going to have the cutest parade watching spot for sure! LOL. Glad you liked the Pinterest Challenge. So much inspo!

  9. May 28, 2019 / 10:02 am

    Such beautiful ideas Cindy🇺🇸🙌🏻 I’d luv to join you ladies sometime if you are ever looking for more bloggers😍

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:21 am

      Thank you Ann. Glad you liked all the ideas and want to join in. Email me and I’ll see what we can do. 🙂

  10. May 28, 2019 / 10:04 am

    What a fun neighborhood idea, Cindy! You should be proud for getting that one started! At our family cabin, there’s always a boat parade every 4th. We love seeing how everyone’s dressed up their pontoons with red, white and blue. If you’re not in the parade, you sit on the end of your dock and wave;) Thanks for hosting this fun hop; so excited to soak in all the inspiration from these talented ladies! Love your bench, btw, and that table…!!

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:26 am

      Awe, you brought back such fond memories. After the parade we’d all sit in the middle of the lake and watch the fireworks from the boat club. There were a few large pieces that fell next to us a couple of times. Yikes but what fun. Glad you enjoy the inspo and thanks for the sweet comment.

  11. May 28, 2019 / 10:28 am

    You did an awesome job in ‘tweaking’ Mary’s inspiration photo. Love the galvanized bucket, and your pillows are perfect!

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:29 am

      Thank you Julie! It fits us and it will be so fun sitting out there watching the parade. I’ve always loved red, white and blue color combo’s. Should I be thanking Betsy Ross? Hmmm?

  12. May 28, 2019 / 10:30 am

    You created a wonderful seating area to enjoy watching your neighborhood’s 4th of July parade. It’s neat that you started the parade and that it’s still going strong.

    I love the bench you made using a bed and it looks wonderful with your festive pillows and pendant banner. A tub of drinks and popsicles are sure to be enjoyed as you watch the parade.

    Thanks for hosting this fun event!

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:31 am

      Truly my pleasure Paula – Thank you! I have used that bench several times and it’s been to this house and to the country house many times. I’m glad the Mister doesn’t mind move it. We will have a good time this year and for sure have the best view. 😉

  13. May 28, 2019 / 11:01 am

    Oh I love a good parade. You totally nailed it! LOVE the stagecoach sugar pillow. That reminds me… I need to copy cat the pillow you had sitting on the back porch. LOL

    • May 28, 2019 / 11:34 am

      Thanks Laura. I’m at a loss to remembering which pillow was on the back porch. But I have slept since then. Unless it was the pile of laundry in the mud room. You might not want to copy that. 😉

  14. Tammy
    May 28, 2019 / 1:18 pm

    You nailed it Cindy! Thank you for always being an inspiration. Kudos from blistering sunny Florida.

    • May 28, 2019 / 1:21 pm

      Thank you Tammy! I really enjoy the red, white and blue so any chance I get to decorate with it, I’m all in! Stay cool, it’s still May!

  15. May 28, 2019 / 3:07 pm

    Cindy, this is so sweet and cozy! I just love it all! Thank you for coordinating such a fun effort and creating a greater sense of community among bloggers. Obviously, with your back story about the parade, I can tell you’re someone who enjoys bringing people together.

    Your post is so well done. I adore that vintage bed your hubby made. It makes for the perfect sitting area. I grew up in a neighborhood with an annual parade, so I can vividly picture what you’re talking about. By the way, your comment on my blog about the seat cushions with handles cracked me up because that’s exactly what I had in mind for my tote!! Thanks again, my friend!

    • May 28, 2019 / 5:15 pm

      Thank you Crissy. And it’s funny you noticed that I enjoy bringing people together. I love being a hostess but don’t do it often enough. Probably will once I get this dang house painted! Isn’t it terrible that I think the party would be better and turn out better if the walls were painted? That’s ridiculous and I shouldn’t care but sadly I do. Thank you for the sweet comment and I’ll tell the hubs what you said about the bed. And I even laughed out loud about the “sit-upons”! Have a great week.

  16. May 28, 2019 / 9:47 pm

    Absolutely gorgeous! You really captured the perfect farmhouse 4th of July celebration! Love that bench and stagecoach pillow.

    • May 28, 2019 / 10:22 pm

      Thanks Christy! I think it’s going to be fun having around this summer.

  17. May 29, 2019 / 5:11 am

    Cindy, Thank you so much for including me in the Pinterest Challenge! I had so much fun! You really captured the patriotic essence of Mary’s pin! LOVE the bed, my friend!

    • May 29, 2019 / 10:51 am

      Thank you Yvonne, that means a lot. Glad you had fun. I thought this one was so colorful but I love red white and blue! Hope you’d like to join us again.

  18. May 29, 2019 / 10:18 am

    I love your look – I was going to have cupcakes on a little bench, but I would have eaten them!

    I especially love your choice of pillows.

    • May 29, 2019 / 10:52 am

      Thank you Carol. I did eat them. 3 tiny ones is like eating 1 normal size right?! LOL.

  19. May 31, 2019 / 2:52 pm

    I love love love your gorgeous outdoor patriotic decor! The gorgeous pillows and little flag bunting are great! I am giving you a virtual pat on the back for starting the parade. Because of you kids will have all-American childhood memories!

    We were thinking on the same lines with the faux flowers in the ironstone pitcher and using what we have. This has been so fun and I can’t wait for the next challenge. Thank you for all of your work putting this together.

    Enjoy your cold drinks and watching the parade!

    • May 31, 2019 / 4:22 pm

      Awe, thank you Amber, I hadn’t thought of the other kids growing up with fun parade memories! My kids have them. Especially when they toted around the dressed up dogs in the wagon or bike basket. Glad you made the visit today. 🙂

  20. June 1, 2019 / 8:02 pm

    Love all that Mary styles and shares. This was a great image for a patriotic challenge. I’ve pulled out all my patriotic things for the summer, so this hop is my cup of tea. I’m late but off to visit all the posts. Happy Summer Patriotic Holidays!

    • June 1, 2019 / 10:56 pm

      I always love seeing the red, white and blue decor this time of year. It’s good to live in America! Glad you stopped by today Sarah. Enjoy all the other posts. We have some very talented decorators!

  21. Renae Stewart
    June 2, 2019 / 9:36 pm

    Cindy, My husband and I took a little vacation and drove past County Road 407. We had been to that ice cream place near there (Blue Bell).
    I thought about you. I love your blog and ideas. Keep up the good work.

    • June 2, 2019 / 10:12 pm

      So cool! Did you like Blue Bell ice cream? Thank you so much for the kind words. I love comments!

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