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A DIY Flocked Christmas Tree

Very easy DIY flocked tree by CountyRoad407.com
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Merry Christmas Friends!  I’m so excited that it’s finally Christmas time.  I’ve been wanting to put up the tree for weeks but guilt, peer pressure and time have all kept me on the Fall season/Thanksgiving path.  Well yippy skippy – no more!  The day after Thanksgiving I flocked my tree and flocked it myself.  It was super easy.  So if I can do it, you can too!

A DIY Flocked Christmas Tree

First a little back history as to why I decided to finally flock.  Year before last we begged and basically drove the Mister crazy until he caved and got us a real tree.  I picked out my fave; a Noble Fir.  Cue the music… it was just so pretty and green, so luscious, so soft and it came with it’s own unique fresh forest smell.  And of course it was just the right amount of plumpness and height.  We loved it!  Okay, music off.

Tips for flocking your own Christmas Tree by Countyroad407.com


We hadn’t had a real tree in years and years so I needed to purchase a tree stand.  The tree was 9 foot so I bought the 8-9 foot tree stand and added the special ingredient packet to keep it as healthy as possible.  Yeah, no.  It didn’t work as planned.

Two weeks later and out of the blue, it fell over!  It crashed to the ground and so did the ornaments I’d been collecting for 25 years.  I couldn’t even blame one of the three dogs.  We just stood there with our mouths open not able to move for fear of stepping on glass.  It was awful.

Well we cleaned it up, propped it up and poofed up what ornaments we had left.  It didn’t look so bad.  A week later we were getting ready for a party and the tree fell over again!!!  By now the Mister was turning into Ebeneezer and the Grinch rolled into one.  And I was riding along with him in the side car!  I couldn’t believe it.  I still can’t believe it.


DIY tips for flocking your own Christmas Tree by Countyroad407.com


So after all that, the Mister hasn’t been keen on getting another real Christmas tree.  I’ll have to wait a few more years until he’s forgotten about the “Catastrophic Real Tree Fail x 2” before asking for another.

Now you know why I flocked our tree.  The one I’ve threatened to throw to the curb for like 5 years now.  The one that is so scratchy and itchy it gives us all hives when we put it together and the one that is so dusty you might think it was already flocked but isn’t.


I flocked my own tree! Easy tips to DIY by Countyroad407.com


Drum roll please, cue the music again and call Mr. Kringle because it looks fabulous now!  I haven’t found new ornaments yet but will do my best to dress her up but for now, I love it.  I’ll put the lights on after it sits 24 hours to dry and will show you the final tree next week because I’ve joined a few friends for a blog hop showing off our wonderful Christmas trees.

Here is the Sno-Bond flocking material I used.  I also got this strainer and besides a squirt bottle and plastic to cover the floor, that’s all you need.


Flock your own Christmas Tree hints and tips by CountyRoad407.com


11 Hints to make this a smooth DIY project:

1. Do it outside if possible.  It’s messy and even if you think you can cover the floor and other furniture, it will still get a powdery dust on everything.

2. We used a piece of cardboard so we could crimp it in the middle and “catch” the wasted snow and pour it back into the box for reuse.  This worked really well.  Our tree is 9-1/2 foot tall with about a 6 foot circumference and I used the entire box adding more at the end just to use it up.

3.  I did each branch individually.  You certainly don’t have to do this but it will make it easier for sure.

4.  Use a very large spray bottle.  I used a small one and was having to go back and forth to the sink about every 2 limbs.  Ugh.

5.  It will get on your fingers and arms but no worries, it washes right off.

6.  I suggest spraying the limb on both sides, sift the snow on the top side then spray the snow again.  Then sift again and spray lightly one more time for a good adhesion.  No need to sift snow on the bottom side.  It’s not realistic to have snow attached to the underside of limbs.  😉

7.  Add the limbs to the base as soon as you’ve added the snow.  Basically, start assembling the tree.

8.  Step back and look at it several times to check consistency.

9.  Clean yourself up as soon as you’re done.  It’s just easier that way.

10.  I would have gone way heavier on the snow but I only purchased one 5 pound box.  It’s enough to do the entire tree for sure but I wanted mine to look like the Texas Snow storm of 1980 so I’ll probably do another box on it next year.

11.  I also wanted it to look like it had clumps of fallen snow like it had piled on.  For that I still sprayed it but used my fingers.

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Very easy DIY flocked tree by CountyRoad407.com

Voila – A DIY Flocked Christmas Tree!

Send me a picture of your flocked tree if you try this.   It’s really a easy way to flock your Christmas tree AND it even brings new life to an old worn out itchy scratchy tree too!

Merry Christmas


  1. Jean
    November 28, 2017 / 9:46 pm

    Well, oh my gosh, Cindy. Look at that tree! All this time you’ve been talking about flocking your tree, I had no idea you meant your old, fake tree. Absolutely supercalafragilisticexprealadocious! And I don’t use that term lightly. Mainly because I can’t spell it. 👍🏼❤️

    • November 28, 2017 / 10:40 pm

      LOL – get with the program woman. Thanks for the one sweet extra long word too! 😉 Merry Christmas

  2. November 29, 2017 / 6:06 pm

    This looks amazing. We had a tree catastrophe too but we could blame the cat. I’m so sorry about your broken ornaments! Yikes. I can’t wait to see this decorated and I can’t wait to see you on our tour next week.

    • November 29, 2017 / 7:54 pm

      Thanks Katie, I don’t know why I didn’t do it years ago! I look forward to seeing your tour as well! Thanks for visiting.

  3. November 29, 2017 / 7:06 pm

    Is this the tree that fell over twice? It doesn’t look like it was harmed at all, but I’m sorry about the broken ornaments. It looks beautiful now, so I guess all your hard work paid off. I will look differently now at a flocked tree b/c I know it was a lot of work to get it looking like that.

    • November 29, 2017 / 7:58 pm

      No Florence, the tree that fell over twice was a real tree. No more real ones at least for a while. This tree is the one that’s about 25 years old. It needed to be thrown away or freshened up some how. I chose to flock it and it was SUPER EASY to do! Probably the easiest DIY I’ve ever done. Hope you try it sometime. Thanks for visiting today!

  4. Erin Funnell
    December 3, 2017 / 10:10 am

    Looks awesome! Where did you get the flocking?

    • December 3, 2017 / 10:31 am

      From Amazon. If you look in the post you’ll see it listed. Click on the highlighted word and it will take you right to it! If you decide to get it, I make a commission from it. If you cannot find it, text me and I’ll send the direct link. Big hugs. Miss you.

  5. December 6, 2017 / 2:50 pm

    I love a flocked tree! It reminds me of my childhoods

    • December 6, 2017 / 3:01 pm

      Childhood trees were the best kind. I remember our silver tree. Wish I had one like it. Merry Christmas Jill and thanks for visiting.

  6. Patricia
    December 21, 2017 / 1:48 pm

    ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!! Who knew a tired ol’ fake tree could look so fab. You rock!

    • December 21, 2017 / 3:57 pm

      Who knew is right! Thanks so much. I’ll go put on my rock star leather jacket and high heals! 😉

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