Good morning! Today I am joining a blog hop hosted by my super sweet friend, Amber at Follow the Yellow Brick Home. It’s all about the outdoors and how we can get ready for summer livin’! Here in Texas it’s quite hot in the summer. The weather man already predicted 100 degrees coming soon and that just about put me into a tizzy. It’s barely June! So a back porch refresh is what I needed but I think looking at everyone else’s inspiration will get me through and cool off this hot head (literally).
If you’ve hopped over from Our Southern Home, welcome! Wasn’t her tour beautiful?! I always love what Christy does.
A Back Porch Refresh
When we first moved to Highland Village, the Mister and I would sit and enjoy the back porch. During the spring and fall our family would have dinner out there. Then the kids grew up and our middle child Macy joined FFA. That was the end of an era. Good times gone bad.
Macy decided to raise rabbits. After a couple of months the County Show came and finally, all but one California bunny was gone. Someone in the family (who will stay nameless) decided to keep one bunny. Have you ever seen the animated movie Hoodwinked? Super cute movie. The bunny in the movie was so cute in the beginning but turned out to be evil and the problem all along. Well that bunny was named Boingo. That’s the bunny we kept and how he acquired his name.
The back yard had a trampoline in it that got a ton of use. One day the mat ripped in half and we decided not to replace it. The kids were much bigger and when the Mister found out we were paying extra on our home-owners insurance, that was it.
Bye bye trampoline
But me, being the thrifty ever-so-sweet momma, I decided to make a giant bunny cage out of it. We removed the mat and springs. Then turned the frame upside down so the ring was on the bottom and the legs stood up. We wrapped it in chicken wire and it stood about 40 inches high and 12 foot around. Boingo was so happy. He’d run and run and run as fast as he could. In circles of course, but he was happy.
We would’ve let him have the entire back yard but we have 3 dogs. Dogs and bunnies don’t mix well. Even evil bunnies. Either Boingo overheard me say rabbit stew one day or summer came around and he got hot. That’s when he started digging holes. I don’t mean small holes he could fit his fat furry body into. I mean holes so deep we couldn’t reach him if we had too.
Because we had to clean up the chocolate chip piles (a.k.a. bunny poop), we moved his fancy shmancy trampo-cage from time to time and he kept digging new holes. Soon the holes took over to entire yard. It looked like a scene from an old war movie which means the back porch was never visited again.
Poor Boingo
Boingo finally got fed up with his lifestyle and ran away one day. We prefer to think he made it to the woods and is living the high life. You’ll have to draw your own conclusions there.
Goodness, that was a long sad little story just to say this is the year of the back porch. LOL. I removed the webs, some sort of crusty mud nests and dust. Then I packed up the rabbit stuff, gave the porch a good hosing and boom, we have a back porch refresh! I wanted to keep the color palette simple and I think the terracotta pots work well with our brick color. The rug came from the At Home store and everything else I already had. Except the plants.
In a couple of weeks we are getting a new fence. Woo hoo! Maybe in the fall we’ll plant some bushes.
We still have one hole left to fill but for now, we can enjoy a back porch refresh. Even Mac found the new rug and thinks this is a much better place to watch the birds. I think the only thing getting him up off the rug is a squirrel. They are not allowed in his back yard. 😉 Doesn’t he look happy?
Spring into Summer fun!
Up next on the hop is my friend Laura at Decor to Adore. I know her summer decor will be delightful. Don’t forget to check out the rest for more amazing inspiration too!
Cindy such a bunny story. I don’t think I could have felt with holes. You’re a good momma. Mac looks very happy on the rug.
Enjoy your day
Mac is funny. If he’s mad about something he jerks his head to the side and walks about 4 steps and plops down on his tummy and pouts. That’s typically when we won’t let him outside in the rain. LOL. Thanks for stopping by Cindy. I always love hearing from you!
Don’t you just love a great porch! I am on the lookout for ideas about helping the porch stay clean. Out here in Lubbock, it seems to stay dirty no matter what I do-and I hate that! Any tips?
Yes Margaret, I love a great porch! I think Lubbock has a lot of wind doesn’t it? I know that if you continuously spray for bugs, it keeps the critters and webs at bay for a month or so. You need to spray the ceilings and everything. As for dust, the only thing I can come up with is using curtains and closing them up when not in use. But I think that would keep the sun out which is no good. Wish I had a better answer. Thanks for stopping by today!
Loved the rabbit story! Mac looks like our Stella! What breed is he and how much does he weigh? We adopted her from the humane society so don’t know her breed.
Steeellllaaaaa! I love that name for a pet. Pets with people names are the best. Mac is a chubby Lhasa Apso/Poodle mix and weighs about 25 pounds. I’d love to see a picture of your Stella.
Stella is approximately 21 lbs and 3 years old. Funny, my husband named her and had never seen A Street Car Named Desire so I showed him a clip of the famous Steeelllaaaa scene. I wasn’t thrilled with the name as all I could think about was the movie but it’s grown on me and now I love it. I would love to share a pic of Stella but can’t figure out how. Her coloring is the same as Mac’s. We think she’s a Wauzer-West Highland/Schnauzer mix but that’s just our guess from online pics. She is a blast and also loves squirrels along with bunnies and mice!
Stella sounds precious! You could email a picture – cindy@countyroad407.com I really would love to see her. Mac is 12 years old and still acts like a puppy. Dogs are the best. Thanks for the follow up!
That was so funny! We too had a pet bunny called Gretel that was allowed loose in the house, she chewed beams and wires. We too had to pick up the chips. Then we discovered #2 , it was his bunny, was flicking said chips under the furniture instead of picking them up. (Just a note, she wasn’t loose all the time just when #2 was “watching” her) She got relegated to the barn in a bunny hutch. No more bunnies!
Thank you Deb. Those chips were a nuisance! I’ve heard of bunnies being able to roam the house that are potty trained to a litter box but they’ve never said what they do about the chewing. Hmmm. Well I’m certainly glad Macy is out of FFA. LOL
Cute story of the rabbit, made me laugh. Love your porch and I adore those fabulous wicker chairs.
Thank you Marty! Got the chairs at Pier 1 a few years ago and they’ve held up VERY well. Glad you came by today! Enjoy your week.
Aw yes, the joy of rabbits. There is a downside. Also pet rats. And gerbils. What we won’t put up with for our children. Love that sweet Mac AND your porch is definitely inviting. I’ll bring the lemonade.
So true Laura! I lost count the amount of gerbils and crabs and fish we went through. The back yard is quite the pet cemetery at our last house! LOL.
Your porch refresh is beautiful! Sweet Mac might almost steal the show. You have me wanting some big rattan chairs now!
Awe, thank you. Mac is usually the most loved wherever he goes and he knows it. I got those chairs at Pier 1 some years ago and they’ve held up VERY well. Glad you stopped by Kelly!
What a cozy sitting area! It is a pleasure to join you for the hop this week! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction
Thank you Cecilia. I’m so glad I decided to do something about it! Hope you have a great week.
Cindy I just love your story and how funny you made a cage out of the trampoline. Would of love to seen that. I love your back porch. Hope you have a great week!
Thank you Terrie. That giant trampo-cage was quite the sight. Maybe more on the Beverly Hillbilly side of things. LOL! Thanks for the visit!
Cute history of the yard. We had a rabbit too. I still have oodles of earth worms because of those bunny poops. I hope you enjoy your adorable back porch.
Oh, I never thought to look for earthworms. That would be beneficial! Glad you stopped by today Katie, thank you.
Your story was hilarious, Cindy! My mom had the novel idea of renting a bunny one Easter weekend for my sister. Only problem was they were out of the cute, little bunnies and they gave us a full grown rabbit. After several hours of the thing hopping and pooping all over our house and not being able to catch it, my mom returned it 5 minutes before the humane society closed. She told the woman on the phone, “I’ll leave it on your doorstep if you’re closed; I’m not keeping this thing in my house!” Thanks for reminding me of the memory! I hope you enjoy your refreshed patio spot! Sure looks like your adorable doggy already is;) Stay cool, friend! (Because you are;)
Oh my golly, your bunny story gave me quite the images. LOL! They can be so cute and cuddly and so terrible at the same time. I would have loved to have heard your mom on the phone with the Humane Society. 😉
What a cute rabbit story and i love your back porch, looks so cool and inviting. I love to be outside.
Thank you Marlene. I’m loving the back porch too but come July and August, I will NOT be out there. I can’t stand the outside. For some reason, I am a mosquito magnet and the bumps get huge and scar. Well the scarring is because I can’t stop scratching. I know, I’m ridiculous. BTW, our youngest daughter just got accepted to OU. I’m looking forward to the visit. I hear it’s beautiful!
You will love the OU campus, i use to live in Norman but got too big, have a wonderful day and visit.
Thank you. I’ll think of you when I cross the border! 😂
Benadryl gel works wonders! I’m also a mosquito magnet and it saves me from the crazy itching!
Awesome – Thank you!!!
Love your porch! The chairs look so comfy. I also spotted a cushion on the coffee table… could it be for propping up your feet? 😉 Happy to hear you have reclaimed your porch.
Happy summer,
Thank you Judith. And yep, the Mister always wants his feet up but I’m so selfish, he only gets a cushion. No recliners for him😬. That’s for inside of course. He’s not so bad as to want one outside – yet. LOL
Cindy, I’m not sure if your bunny story is funny or sad. Hope bunny made it to the woods. Your pup obviously has a great patio to enjoy watching the birds and squirrels. Such a nice area to relax before the summer heat hits us hard.
The story is a bit of both I guess. But that’s life. And I think that unbearable heat is coming very soon and I’m not ready!!! I wish we had a pool. I don’t like sharing the one at the clubhouse. 😂
Best back porch and yard story ever!!! I could visualize the whole scenario, but I’d still have loved to see that trampoline upside down and the holes in the yard. You’ve made me feel so much better about my icky landscaping. now I know things will get better with time and some work. haha. so funny. isn’t it great having a porch again?!
Oh my word, yes, it’s great having a back porch again! So glad my awful yard can make you feel so much better. Hahahahaha! At least you have “landscaping”! 😂
Cindy, I really love those wicker chairs.
And, Mac is adorable.
Thanks Carol. He, I mean we, think he’s adorable too. Happy Monday.
It was refreshing to hear someone else admit their back porch doesn’t always look designer fresh and perfect. Love how you’ve revived it this year!
Just keepin’ it real. LOL. Thanks for the visit today!
Mac looks so happy on your beautifully reclaimed porch. I’m thinking he doesn’t miss the rabbit either. Enjoy your summer Cindy! Hugs!
I don’t think he misses the rabbit either. When he wasn’t allowed in the fancy trampo-cage, he would sit just outside and sniff as hard as he could just to get a whiff and Boingo would just run passed him like lightning. LOL! Thanks for the visit today.
I love your back porch! The chairs are my favorite! I’ve always wanted chairs like yours! Your bunny story was entertaining and made me laugh! I have two bunnies but they live indoors. But I have actually let them run around on our trampoline before! Your idea of using the trampoline as a bunny pen was a good idea! Anyways, I loved seeing your back porch and it would be a beautiful place to relax!
Thank you Larissa – I appreciate that. I used to have rabbits inside when I was in high school. Loved it when they sat on my shoulder. Fun memories. Happy Summer!
Hilarious……….and YES… I choose to believe that sweet Bunny is living “Happily Ever After” in the woods somewhere !!! lololol… Love the porch and your plants are gorgeous!!
Thanks and me too Terri. I hope he’s hopping down the bunny trail right now. And fingers crossed the plants make it a few more weeks! 😉
Oh how I love your posts!! I wish I could sit with you and drink some of that lemon water and have you tell me stories!!
You are welcome any time you want to join us down here. Warning – it feels like Hades in the summer. Not that I’d know but I have a good guess.
You never fail to make me laugh and inspire at the same time! Such a funny story, and I am going to believe Boingo hopped off somewhere into bunny bliss and is still loving life to this day!
I absolutely LOVE those awesome chairs and the simple neutral decor and plants. The porch really looks beautiful. Your fur baby definitiely is loving life on the refreshed porch too! Now try to relax out there before the temperatures get unbearable!
Thank you so much for joining the hop. Happy summer!
Thanks Amber. Got those chairs at Pier 1 a few years ago and still love them. Always love your hops! Glad to join in. 😄
Love your posts so much Cindy! You always make me laugh. I know you must be the life of the party everywhere you go! Love your porch fresh an those gorgeous chairs. They’re totally fabulous especially layered with all your beautiful plants. We have officially hit the high 90s with crazy humidity in Florida nearly every day so when I’m inside drinking my lemonade, I’ll be thinking about you too 🙂 Hugs and happy summer, CoCo
Thank you CoCo. When people are around me there’s lots of laughter but I’m not sure if it’s with me or at me. :0 But I don’t care. The Mister says if we are separated at a party, a restaurant, etc., that he just has to listen for my laugh then he can find me. Whatever that means.
First off, Mac is adorable! Is he a PBGV? He does look quite content on the porch. I love your story about the bunny, how fun until the holes started appearing! I am so happy you have been able to reclaim your back porch! Those seagrass chairs are beautiful, and look like a comfy place to enjoy a quiet evening! Here in Florida the heat and humidity have chased me indoors! I still hope to style a table on the front porch, but we will see!
Thank you Chloe. I’m stuck inside for the next 3 months! I like the A/C too much. Mac is so fun. He’s a Lhasa Poo and a mess. Stay cool and Happy Summer!
Love your wicker chairs! Thanks for sharing your funny story about the bunny!
LOL. It wasn’t funny at the time. But I’m glad we had the experience. Got the chairs at Pier 1 if you’re interested. 😁
Poor Boingo! What a sad story, but so glad you got your porch back. That rug is gorgeous!!! I think I need a trip to At Home!
Thanks Christy. I love love that rug. Super cheap too!