Using A Vintage Birdcage As A Cloche
Hey Friends! Have you had a great week? This week I spent some time in Navasota. It wasn’t the best week as far as the weather – dark, rainy and gloomy. But I spent some much needed time with Macy, our middle child. She’s the one living in the farmhouse and takes care of the animals while going to school.
I think the biggest accomplishment was getting a round bale into the hay net and out into one of the pastures for Sherlock and Scout. My word I wish the Mister would have been there! Not that we couldn’t do it. I knew we could. Macy and I are honest-to-goodness cowgirls. But it’s certainly nicer using men with bigger muscles and them knowing better how things work.
Between hitching the trailer on the four wheeler (seriously, why so many different hitch balls) and trying to pull the trailer out from under the loafing shed (why do trailers have such a small wheel on the front that won’t even roll in deep sand), I was worn out and we still hadn’t attempted the hay net yet – geez!
Cloche Idea #1 – Candles
The reason for a hay net is to slow the animals down from eating their way into oblivion which makes the hay and the checking account last longer. Only problem with our net is that Sherlock and Scout get aggravated with how slow the food comes out of the holes so they bite at it making bigger holes. Think trying to pull out your breakfast, lunch and dinner that consists of shredded wheat through a pair of net stockings using only your teeth. I’d be like Oh heck no, where’s the chainsaw?! LOL!
Cloche Idea #2 – Bottles under a cloche
After all that, we finally got the net on the hay and the plan was to drive the trailer and drop the hay where we wanted it. We usually use the Misters truck and stagger the hay bales throughout the pastures because it helps the good grasses grow. Did you know that? Sherlock and Scout poop in the same place and not where their food is located. So every once in a while I drag the poop piles (sounds fun right?) and after some rain and sunshine, new grass grows! It’s awesome!
Cloche Idea #3 – Plants or Flowers under a vintage cloche
But back to the new plan. Since we didn’t have the truck and the four wheeler and trailer weren’t’ cooperating, we decided to push the round bale across the pasture. Well Sherlock found the bale earlier in the week so the round bale was now a triangle. UGH! I’m glad there wasn’t a camera around to see us and I’m certainly glad I didn’t have a watch on because I would have waved the white flag long before the second hour! But we did it. We accomplished in 2 hours what most people do in 30 minutes. #TheStruggleIsReal
Cloche Idea #4 – Canvas Prints Or Family Photos Under A Vintage Cloche
After a nice rest I got bored and decided to play around with the vintage birdcage/food-tent-turned-cloche. I made the food tent last summer. You can check the DIY here.
I think I like it better as a food tent because it’s a little hard to see what’s underneath.
Cloche Idea #5 – A Favorite Collection Under A Vintage Cloche
So what did I learn this week in Navasota?
Don’t try and roll a thousand pound round triangle bale without more muscle.
Don’t try and use a trailer unless you’re proficient in trailer speak.
Don’t think using a 4 wheeler is the easiest way to move things.
Put the animals in another pasture first in case you have a pocket full of treats.
Last but not least, instead of trying to be a cowgirl, just be a mom. It’s much much better.
Hope you found the 5 ideas for using a vintage birdcage as a cloche helpful and fun?! And thanks for the visit today.
Hey it’s International Women’s Day and you’re sharing the power girl! I love this story and I love the old bird cage. ๐
I had no idea! Glad to be an inspiration to women – LOL! Happy FriYay Stacey
So cute ! I kept waiting on a picture of Sherlock and Scout . Please share some photos of them.
Yes I understand about moving the poop. My son has 32 miniature donkeys !
Oh! I didn’t think of adding a picture of the brats. Just added it to the end if you’d like to see it. And my word I’d be in heaven with so many mini’s! Aaaahhh!!! Sounds like a lot of work, I mean fun. ๐
You’ve proven yourselves! You and Macy might want to hire out as professional cowhands! But, getting back to reality – I love the idea of using an old bird cage for a cloche. I adore cloches and I especially like the birdcage over the candles, and the canvas print. Way to use the old noggin! Love your blog, too!
Thank you Barbara. It’s all just playing around when I’m bored which is so much fun for me. Certainly never like work. I’ll tell Macy about hiring out as cowhands. She’ll laugh. She’s going to school to be a Vet. That’s all the work she wants to do. HA!
Gotta love girl power!๐๐๐ป๐
Earlier I was told it was International Women’s Day. Guess we’re just doing our part, although it felt more like squirrel power. Glad you visited today Shirley!
I wish your animals could appreciate how hard you work for them! I want to be in the country but not EVER be a farm girl! My daughter works hard like you do–horse, 2 rescue ponies, 4 chickens. I have finally decided that WHERE I live is just right–10 min. away from WalMart (seldom go there), Goodwill, Micheal’s, AC Moore, and the State House. But am out in the country and have stood at the end of the driveway and seen a moose cross the road; this is Maine. Postage stamp garden and some flowers. 2 cats. Just right esp with arthritis catching up with me!
Girl, I do too! They probably just watched us and wondered why we were moving it. They thought it was perfectly fine where it was.
Your home sounds like a dreamy place to be Kathy! In Navasota, it’s 25 minutes to all of those things. There’s a grocery store but it’s expensive and yucky. Sounds like you have the best of both worlds – I want that!
If we have to we women can do anything, good job! Love your bird cage clothe, lots of great ideas,have a restful weekend and a cupcake you earned it.
LOL Marlene! I told Macy the same thing. We should be neighbors. We’d have a lot of fun. Even if we did nothing but come up with reasons to have cupcakes. ๐
It is getting dark where I live as I am writing and laughing about your “hay” episode. I have been “supervising” a crew unloading an 18 wheeler flatbed of alfalfa today. Whoever strapped the 21 bales together did a pitiful job. For those who don’t know the 21 bales are strapped together and placed on the flatbed and stacked 2 high until the trailer bed is full. As my friend’s husband lifted the forks on the tractor to move the hay, it all fell apart! What should have taken about 2 hrs max has lasted all day into the evening. I was watching a half dozen 20 somethings rake and move hay bales .They are still unloading the last half onto another person’s trailer for him to haul 500 miles west of here. I think the alfalfa will be all over the highway and nothing to show for all the labor. I can identify with your description of your day.
You win! That sounds so frustrating. I often mutter to whoever is around that if everyone would just DO the jobs given, life would be smoother. But thatโs life right? Weโve driven behind a trailer before with alfalfa flying everywhere. We were thinking someone is going to really miss that! Alfalfa is expensive here and given as a treat. ๐ Thank you for the visit today! I love hearing about your lives! โค๏ธ
I love the cloche ideas.Wow sounds like a busy week for you and your daughter! She sounds like an amazing girl. I love the picture of your animals.
Macy is an amazing young woman Jennifer, thank you. Iโm sure weโll have lots more busy weeks and spending them with her are all worth it. Glad you visited today and thank you for the sweet words. โค๏ธ
Sorry for being a bit behind. I have to say a huge BRAVO! Talk about strong women you ladies should be proud. I can’t imagine how hard it was but look at what you accomplished. Some would have quit but you knew it had to be done and SUCCESS!
Now the birdcage as a cloche, very clever and I like it with the candles.
I applaud you ladies. Enjoy your weekend
Well thank ya very much Cindy! We feel “accomplished”. LOL I too liked the candles the best or empty. Hope you enjoy your weekend. ๐
Girl power wins again. Sounds like a real eventful weekend of bonding and hard work, apparently, for you and your daughter. ๐ I love the different ways you used the birdcage.
Thank you Clearissa! Gotta love a challenge. Although Iโd prefer not to have to do that again for a looooong while. Glad you visited today! Hope you have a great week.
As a true town/city girl, I can’t imagine any of that. I certainly could not do it or want to either. You are amazing. I refuse to cut the grass or do any planting in ground. I will do potting however. Your homes are lovely, BTW.
Thank you for the kind words Linda. And I know what you mean when it comes to planting anything in the ground. I hate it. I don’t like getting my hands dirty, the worms, the sweat or knowing that in just a few weeks it will be dead. So not worth it.
I thought I’d stay a city girl my whole life when I was younger and wouldn’t be caught dead around animals, riding on a tractor, etc. But things change. Although, last weekend our family spent time touring the Modern Art museum in Fort Worth. I felt so sophisticated! ๐
You seriously need to write a book about all your cowgirl adventures, Cindy! I’m so excited you guys took care of business like the fabulous ladies you are because let me tell you farm work of any kind is NO JOKE. It looks easy on tv but they are all lies ๐ Love all these cloche ideas. I never know what to put under any of them so it’s super helpful. Can’t wait to see what you, Macy, Scout, and Sherlock are up to next! Big hugs, CoCo
What’s next? I think I’m going to make a bonnet or dress for Scout. I’m sure she’s going to be thrilled! LOL
Your ideas with the bird cages are amazing! I have one out in my pile – I’ll grab it and start using it for decor! Thanks Cindy๐ฅฐ
What?! I can’t believe you hadn’t used it before. And I bet “your pile” is quite the treasure box!