Home » Decorating » 5 Ways to Decorate a House Form

5 Ways to Decorate a House Form

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia
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Hello Friends!  If you’ve been to Target, Kirkland’s, or other home decor stores, you’ve probably seen house forms.  The forms in stores are made from metal and are basically the shape of a hollow house.  They are simple with a modern farmhouse style.  I like them.  A couple of months ago I picked one up that I thought was quite different.  Found it in Round Top, TX at the Antique Fair.  It’s more rustic looking and made of scrap wood pieces.  When the Mister saw it, he asked what I was going to do with it.  So if he was wondering, I thought maybe a few of you might be wondering too.  So here’s 5 ways to decorate a house form.

5 Ways to Decorate a House Form

Option #1

Add a collection of some kind.  I love my blue bottle and jar collection so I used 7 different sizes in the form.  When you add a collection, always remember the pieces should equal an odd amount.  For whatever reason, odd numbers are more soothing to the eye.  If you purchase a smaller form, you’ll want to use only 1, 3 or 5 items from your collection.

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia

Option #2

Treat the house form like a terrarium.  I added 3 different sized plants to fill it up.  Just make sure they all require the same amount of light.  I think 3 different sized topiaries would look great in here too or 3 different sized greenery balls sitting at different heights.  You can use books, a box, plates or bowls to vary the height.

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia

Option #3

Use a favorite photo with 2 other random accessories.  Keeping similar colors in all 3 of the different elements will look cohesive even in its randomness.  I decided to add the wood bead garland for a little extra interest.

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia

Option #4

One large lantern sitting inside is different or try using a lantern with a candlestick for something fun.  Again, it’s using similar colors in each of the elements that keep the grouping from looking bizarre.  Like the two wood colors on the lantern and house form along with the top of the lantern top being black like the candlestick.

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia

Option #5

I think this is one of my favorite options.  How about using a single lamp?  To some it may look weird but it’s really just adding another layer to the lamp.  That’s not something you see everyday which is why I like it so much.  I want the unique and repurposed.

5 ways to decorate a house form by CountyRoad407.com #FixerUpper #Farmhousedecor #modernfarmhouse #decorating #Easydecorating #CountyRoad407 #Magnolia

If you don’t have a house form and like them, you’ll most likely start seeing them in stores now that I’ve brought it up.  It’s like a new car.  You didn’t notice them until you bought one and now it seems you see them everywhere!

Anyway, here are a few more extra options if you want to know how to decorate a house form.

Extra Options

Add 5 to 7 different sized candles in a nice grouping.  Or place them on a cake stand if you need height

Add a cloche inside.  Put under your cloche the same items you’d add if you kept it alone.

Another medium sized single house form would look cute.

A vase of flowers

Stack decorative plates or bowls

Happy Decorating Friends!

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  1. May 31, 2019 / 7:30 am

    I love this Cindy and think this would work for many decor styles. Your is pretty with the blue glass bottles.

    True now we will see these often.

    Have a super weekend


    • May 31, 2019 / 11:13 am

      Thank you Cindy. There are just some things that when you walk by you get a feeling of – ooh, I like that. Then you look at the price and figure out if it’s in the budget. This was one of those things that I didn’t care if it was in the budget, it was coming home with me. 😉 But I’m glad it was actually inexpensive! Glad you stopped by today.

  2. Jean
    May 31, 2019 / 11:07 am

    I like number two, Fake terrarium. It looks so real, I didn’t notice there was no glass at first. So many ideas for ways to use the house forms. Fun, easy projects!

    • May 31, 2019 / 11:27 am

      LOL. Nope, no glass. I could have spent another hour putting different things in it. Thank you Mother

  3. Julie Briones
    May 31, 2019 / 2:05 pm

    What a lovely ‘find’! I actually love the blue bottle collection inside. I have a tiny house form from Target (I’m sure you know the one)… it would look super cute, like you said!

    • May 31, 2019 / 2:12 pm

      Thanks Julie. It’s my fave too. I also have a tiny house from Target. It’s just the right size for my blue transformer. 😄. Do you have anything inside your tiny house?

  4. Frances
    May 31, 2019 / 4:47 pm

    I also have two tobacco stick houses. In the largest I displayed my manager scene at Christmas. Love your ideas!

    • May 31, 2019 / 5:11 pm

      Oh my goodness, Frances! Tobacco stick houses! I didn’t know what to call it. And I totally LOVE the idea of a manger scene inside! So glad you commented today – Thank you!

  5. Carmen
    June 7, 2019 / 4:48 pm

    Options 3 & 4 speak to me, love them! Thanks for the decorating tips!!

    • June 7, 2019 / 5:23 pm

      Thank you Carmen. Glad you’ve been inspired today! Have a great weekend.

  6. June 23, 2019 / 12:30 pm

    CIndy, these are great ideas. I’ve never heard or a house form and I’m not sure I’ve seen one, but I will be on the lookout now.

    • June 23, 2019 / 12:56 pm

      When I saw it in Round Top, I knew I needed it! LOL. I bet you’ll see them all over the place now that you’ve seen one. Thanks for the visit today Carol!

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