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5 Reasons to Collect Silver Pieces For a Merry Christmas

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Howdy friends!  I’ve been invited to join a fun group of ladies for a Christmas in July post.  I don’t usually think about Christmas when it’s 100+ degrees outside but a couple of years ago I learned the hard way that I needed too.  Especially if I was going to add anything new to my old decorations.  So, just in case you’re a planner too, here are 5 reasons to collect silver pieces for a merry Christmas!

Collage of Christmas photos

5 Reasons to Collect Silver Pieces For a Merry Christmas

The best way for me to know what I have without making a trip into the die-if-you-dare attic is photos.  If you don’t take pictures of your holiday decor, start doing so this year.  I do that for just about all the seasons just in case I add a few new pieces here and there.  A few Christmases ago I had to make a few returns for duplicate purchases.  That’s when I decided to take pictures.

silver tray wreath on black mantel with chandelier and greenery

Every year I use vintage silver pieces.  To me, even in a tarnished state, they are beautiful.  I love the versatility of them and of course the elegance.  So, reason number one is collect and make an old silver tray wreath.  Trays work for so many things.  You can serve food or beverages on them, corral pretty pieces like a salt and pepper collection or make a giant wreath that is so fantastic, everyone that sees it says wow and asks if I can make them one too.  I’ve even had a couple of people ask to buy it!  

Silver tray wreath for a Christmas show stopper. A classic Christmas tour by CountyRoad407.comSilver Tray Wreath

I always say – um no thanks, but you can make one yourself.  Click here for that semi-easy DIY post.  You can make it as large or as small as you like.  I don’t bring it out every year because of the statement it makes but when I do, it’s awesome!

mini tree in vintage sugar bowl

Reason number two is for the endless amounts of little trees you can have sitting around in your Christmas decor.  I use vintage sugar bowls and creamers for vessels to all sorts of extra greenery.  Sometimes I’ll just add a few ornaments inside and it really elevates the look.

three mini pine trees in silver potsMini Trees in Silver Pieces

If you’d like the DIY for adding small trees to these old pieces, click here.  They look so pretty on their own or in a grouping.  Oh!  I just thought of something – if you found a silver punch bowl, you could add 3 or 5 small trees inside!  Oh my goodness, that would make a gorgeous centerpiece to any table!  Just think, if you found the entire set, you could use the cups for individual mini trees at each place setting!

slotted silver spoon hanging on Christmas tree with white felt poinsettia in background

Reason number three is to use antique silverware as ornaments on your Christmas tree.  Sometimes I’ve mixed the silverware with other traditional ornaments.  Other times, I’ve used them by themselves to decorate an entire tree.  If you had a small tree in the dining room or kitchen area, I believe a silverware tree would look magnificent and probably turn out to be your favorite one in the house.

vintage creamer on a Christmas tree by CountyRoad407.comAntique silver pieces as ornaments on Christmas trees

All you have to do is bend stems or tie a ribbon around a handle.  It’s quite easy.  And they’re a fun conversation piece.  Besides the look of a tree filled with vintage silver spoons, forks, etc., my favorite part is how everything has an extra glow from the reflection of lights.

small pine tree with pinecones and a candle inside a silver creamerVintage silver creamer as a candle holder

Reason number four is to create interesting candle holders.  Most old creamers can hold a 3 inch pillar candle perfectly.  You don’t want the candle to melt inside so make sure and use either the battery operated ones or non-dripless candles.  I prefer the real deal so I prefer mine to melt inside itself.

3 silver containers with candles inside white lantern

They also look beautiful when you add tea lights to mercury glass footed candy dishes.

silver tray wreath hanging on door with greenery, ribbon and silver cupsSilver baby cup door decor

The last of the 5 reasons to collect silver pieces for a merry Christmas is to have a stunning door wreath or swag with vintage baby cups!  You can see from the photo that it is faaaabuulouuus!  Simply tie them each with pretty velvet ribbon.  Adhere them to a fresh greenery swag and add one more bow on top.  They remind me of bells.   I hope you enjoyed and understand why you should start collecting silver pieces now for your Christmas decor.  Placing a few silver pieces in each room brings even the most hodge-podge decor together beautifully.

Next up is Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate. You will love what she does.  

Then for more holiday inspiration, click the highlighted blog name below!

The Ponds Farmhouse / Cottage on Bunker Hill / Chas Crazy Creations /

Design Morsels / The Tatter Pew / White Arrows Home

Midwest Life & Style / Bricks N Blooms / Simply 2 Moms /

Shiplap & Shells / Down Shiloh Road / County Road 407

Celebrate & Decorate / WM Design House / Peacock Ridge Farm /

Robyn’s French Nest / Life At Bella Terra


  1. July 25, 2023 / 6:49 am

    I love all the inspiration. Thank you so much for being a part of today’s hop.

    • July 25, 2023 / 8:18 am

      I appreciate that Rachel, thanks so much!

    • July 25, 2023 / 10:01 am

      Thank you Mary! Sometimes I think I need to but back on buying all the silver. LOL!

  2. July 25, 2023 / 11:15 am

    Well, I am on the hunt for silver pieces now! such beautiful Christmas decor Cindy.

    • July 25, 2023 / 2:31 pm

      Thank you Wendy. I was thinking I needed to slow down on the silver pieces but I can’t! I love them. 🙂

  3. July 25, 2023 / 11:48 am

    Silver tray wreath, that’s brilliant!! What a great way to display silver pieces that would otherwise just sit in the pantry. This is genius.

    • July 25, 2023 / 2:32 pm

      Thank you Andrea. I thought the same thing. I had such a huge stash so I’m glad I could do something with them. Hope you get to make one. You will love it!

  4. July 25, 2023 / 9:39 pm

    Oh my goodness, girlfriend. I absolutely love the silver tray wreath is the prettiest thing that I have ever seen. It makes my heart pitter pat. I definitely need one of these.

    • July 26, 2023 / 10:51 am

      Aww, so sweet. Thank you! I love it too.

  5. Robyn
    July 25, 2023 / 10:42 pm

    Oh my goodness, this is so inspiring! I love the silver wreath especially!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • July 26, 2023 / 10:52 am

      Thank you Robyn. It’s one of my faves.

  6. July 26, 2023 / 8:09 am

    This is such a great idea, thank you for posting about this, and I absolutely love that wreath! Thanks for sharing

    • July 26, 2023 / 10:55 am

      Can’t go wrong with silver pieces around Christmas! I am the most casual girl you’ll find so the silver makes everything seem a more dressed up for the celebration of our Lord. Thank you Chas.

  7. July 26, 2023 / 10:41 pm

    I love all your silver pieces for Christmas Cindy. But my very favorite is the silver tray wreath. It’s true perfection. I only hope I can find enough pieces in the future to make one of my own. Thank you for the inspiration sweet friend.

    • July 27, 2023 / 12:47 pm

      Aww, thank you Kim. It made my day reading this.

    • July 27, 2023 / 12:48 pm

      Even the tarnished of pieces are beautiful to me. Thank you Jennifer.

  8. July 27, 2023 / 4:36 pm

    Cindy you are very creative! I love all of your uses but the candle in the silver piece was my favorite! Lovely ideas as usual!

    • July 28, 2023 / 10:27 am

      I never think of myself as being creative so thank you so much Kelly. You made my day! Happy Friday and hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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