Summer is here. Okay, maybe not the first official day, that’s the 21st, but it certainly feels like it and I’m not that thrilled. What I do like is that with the changing of the seasons comes changing of the decor for some of us. So today I’d like to show you how I use 5 farmhouse floral containers for summer decor.
5 Farmhouse Floral Containers for Summer Decor
There are a few ways to add greenery and florals to our homes for summer. It’s really the same as Spring time but since I didn’t talk about it in Spring, now it’s for summer! LOL.
I use boxwood greenery of all kinds, topiaries (mmm I love topiaries), lavender, and fresh stems. It’s not the florals that are farmhouse. Anyone can use boxwood in their decor. It’s actually the container in which you put your florals that makes it farmhouse. So here are a few ways in keeping with farmhouse style.
Vintage Bottles
Blue or clear vintage bottles is one of my favorite ways to show off flowers. You know this if you’ve ever visited this blog before. I can’t get enough of them! The shapes and different colors are so pretty. Maybe the reason they are farmhouse style is because on the farm you don’t waste things. I find them in just about every antique/junk store around. Clustering and tying them with string to make one large vase is cute too. How I use other blue colored items in my decor is in this post.
Old Boxes or Crates
Vintage crates and boxes (or picnic baskets or hat boxes) make unique and wonderful accent pieces for florals. Obviously you’ll have to put jars or vases inside for water. Or you could use genuine plastic flowers like I do! No matter what the size, the container creates automatic character. 😉
Chippy Handmade Items
I’m not sure what this is but we keep it on the porch in Navasota. I call it a broken planter but it was homemade with a round wooden box and three spindles for legs. I love how rickety and wobbly it has become. It was used as a table for a while because I was clueless. Then I got a wild hair. I added a plant that has the cutest white flowers that open during the day. Old and chippy screams farmhouse. If you’d like to see more of that summer porch, click here. It has a great budget curtain idea!
Enamel Pitchers
Lavender is all over in my decor and a farmhouse staple. Not only for the fantabulous aroma but for the pretty purple stems. This bunch hangs in an aluminum pitcher with a vintage handkerchief around the neck for a little more color. If you’d like to see the post on how I use vintage handkerchiefs, click here.
You can never go wrong using ironstone anything in farmhouse style. And I mean anything. It’s all wonderful! This pitcher is decades old and well loved. Sadly, when I try and find more ironstone, it’s all scooped up. I can’t find it anywhere around here. Maybe that’s the Lord telling me enough is enough? Ummm. Neh, I don’t think so.
Well there’s my 5 farmhouse floral containers for summer decor. I also use vintage crocks but that would be six things and I don’t want to go back and change my title. LOL. Summer days are making me lazy! Enjoy your summer.
Beautiful plant vessels. I love lavender too in any form Dried is always in our home
Thank you Cindy. I wish the dried lavender bundles I have had a stronger scent. Any hints on how to get that? I suppose I could go to the Lavender farm near us and get a lavender spray to spritz them but that’s not quite the same smell for some odd reason.
This is a great list, i love lavender it smells so good,i have mine in my Ball jars and a little galvanized bucket. I love you porch at the farm, have a great weekend.
Thank you Marlene. I think my favorite look for lavender is in a galvanized bucket. Can you believe it – I haven’t done that look yet!
Great ideas for farmhouse floral containers, Cindy. Love that enamel pitcher… so cute with the handkerchief. Pinned!
Thanks Julie for the pin and visit! Much appreciated.
All of your arrangements are great, but I particularly like the old chippy planter. I think the plant may be moss rose. And of course, those “Tiffany Blue” bottles. Makes me want to have breakfast at a jewelry store. 💍
Moss rose! So cute. And you know I love the old and chippy! 😄
What a great collections you share on things to hold our summer cut flowers. I love them all.
Thank you Terrie. You have a beautiful home. Thanks for the visit! Much appreciated friend.
Love your ideas! It is often those items that we have tucked away in a closet or the basement that are fabulous “finds” when we want to refresh our decor on the cheap! Thank you for such great suggestions.
I believe your chippy paint basket was once a sewing basket. It held sewing supplies so one could mend or sew and have everything within reach. And if you will pardon me, your idea was wild hare, not hair. Spell check may have spelled that one wrong!
Keep up the wonderful work that you bring to us.
Thank you Elle for telling me about the sewing basket and the wild hare. I actually didn’t know the saying was regarding a rabbit. All this time I thought it was like an unruly hair on your head! That makes me laugh. I say stuff like that all the time and the Mister tells me I’m confused. Like the two birds in a bush thing. I never get that one right. One day I’ll get around to researching old sayings and meanings. Glad you liked the post. Hope you have a fantastic week!