Hello my wonderful friends! Today is the bi-monthly Lifestyle of Love hop and this month my friends and I are sharing how we use wonderful old linens. Starting with 5 charming ideas for using vintage linens around your home. So if you love old quilts or handkerchiefs or tablecloths or sheets or scarves and so much more then this blog hop is for you!
5 Charming Ideas For Using Vintage Linens Around Your Home
I don’t think I have enough of the fabulousness that comes with old linens. And after looking at all the photos from the hop, I’ve decided that if an antique store promoted that some of their dealers brought in a new shipment of them, I’d pitch a tent by the front door to be the first one in line when they open.
Use Vintage handkerchiefs as a window valance!
These handkerchiefs are being used as a decorative valance on the windows that face the front porch at the farmhouse. They give off just enough color to catch your eye. And the cute little hankies are sheer enough to let in a little light.
All I did to hang these was fold the handkerchiefs in half and used double sided tape on an inexpensive tension rod to keep them in place as they blew in the wind. I could have hung them inside the windows but chose to make them more noticeable while we spent time outside on the porch.
Tie an old handkerchief around an enamel pitcher for added color!
Of course this enamel pitcher with lavender is lovely all on its own but when you add a little color it becomes even more adorable! Considering these are old and have probably been washed a hundred times, I’m not worried about one more washing. But I’ll clean them on the gentle cycle for sure.
It’s fun to use antique pillowcases on your everyday bed!
The quilt was my grandmothers and I cherish it. Not only because she used it but because it’s pink! A few years ago I found vintage pillowcases in pink and can’t get enough of the mismatched set. It was meant to be.
Use vintage pillowcases for chair back covers!
I’m sorry I don’t have a close up photo but stretch your mind and imagine super cute white on white vintage pillowcases pulled over the backs of those chairs at the table. The chairs are black and stood out to much for my liking that day so using the pillowcases did wonders! Easiest slipcover idea ever!
Close the curtain on the unsightly!
Almost 100 year old farmhouses do not have enough storage. No closets, not a lot of cabinets and not much attic space to speak of. So when we were getting rid of the excessive amount of furniture in the house, we kept just about anything with storage. This particular chest of drawers is a bit rickety, wasn’t all that cute, nor did it scream farmhouse to me.
So to create something much cuter than it was, I removed the top two drawers and made a little curtain to close off the unsightly crap behind it. They weren’t vintage linens but they could be! I ran out of fabric and was anxious to get it done so I used new tea towels. Can you guess what’s behind the curtain? Here’s a hint – even though the chest of drawers sits in the pantry, what’s behind the curtain could be in the living room too. ๐
Use vintage linens for café curtains!
This is why I didn’t have enough fabric to use on the chest of drawers in the pantry. I’ve been using vintage linens for café curtains in the bedroom and dining room. Pillowcases, kitchen towels, some tablecloths and table runners work well for this size curtain and it’s basically a no-sew project when you use clip rings.
BONUS: Use a vintage quilt as a tablecloth.
I know I said only five ideas but I lied. In a good way though. Last summer I found individual key lime pies in the freezer section at the best store in Texas – H.E.B. If you’ve ever been in south Texas during the summer then you know we don’t venture out much, at least not me. The Mister and I have totally different body temps. I rank his at being able to stand at the door to hell and not work up a sweat. I’d be fine in a bikini in Antarctica (LOL, that’s an image).
So one day I felt guilty because we hadn’t seen each other much so being the good wife, I dressed up the picnic table. It was pleasant enough as we slurped up the key lime pie. Hint: If you’re concerned about putting a vintage quilt or tablecloth on an old yucky picnic table, first add a dollar store plastic tablecloth. It will give you peace of mind so you can enjoy yourself a little more.
Okay so this isn’t an out of the box idea. A tablecloth on a table – wow, genius. But it’s so cute and one of my favorite pieces so I wanted to share it. I love the retro vibe and colors. It coordinates with our blue kitchen and there are no stains on it! I’ve passed on a lot of old linens because of stains. But now that CoCo at The Crowned Goat shows us how to clean them, I can see more linens in my future! Woohoo!
Okay friends, that’s it for the 5 charming ideas for using vintage linens around your home. I hope you found an idea you hadn’t thought of before. Now it’s time to see what Angie at Postcards From The Ridge is sharing. I seriously love everything she does. I know you will too.
Love, love, love all these beautiful ideas, Cindy! I can’t believe you use so many on the porch. I definitely need to try that this year because I love the way it looks so much. I’m always afraid someone is going to spill something on one of the quilts or duvets if I use them as a tablecloth but I totally need to get over that several of you guys have used them in the hop and they are amazing! Thanks so much for the inspiration and for including me in on this hop! Big hugs, CoCo
I’m amazed at how well the vintage linens wash. When you’re hesitant using them as tablecloths or to sit on outside, get a plastic dollar store tablecloth and put it underneath the quilt or whatever vintage linen you use. They can be easily cut to size. I actually do that on the picnic tables or on the ground so I can enjoy myself and not worry about it. So glad you love the ideas. You always say the kindest things. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Easter!
Cindy I love vintage linens and love all your creative ideas. Iโd love to share a link on tomorrows Dirt Road Adventures! Thanks so much for sharing!
Aww, thank you Rachel. Sharing a link would be awesome. I realized I need MORE vintage linens! LOL
All of these ideas are STUNNING!!!! Vintage linens are one of my favorite things to collect!! They are just so pretty and each piece is unique. So fun!!!
Thanks bunches. So sweet of you to say. I’ve seen some new ideas on this hop so I’m excited to find more! ๐
So many great ideas! I adore the handkerchief valance. Thank you so much for hosting!
It was a nice colorful addition to the summer porch last year. Thank you Laura!
Love all your ideas Cindy. That quilt is gorgeous and you’re so lucky to have it. AND pink pillowcases. The hanky ideas are so cute! I have to admit I momentarily forgot about linens when you introduced the mini key lime pies! Gosh, I hate the heat too. I totally lose motivation for anything when the temps get above 85. Oh, and the inexpensive plastic table covering is a great idea. Fun Hop Cindy, but then you make everything so much fun!
Thank you so much Debra! You made my week with your sweet comment. So far our spring weather is much colder than usual but I’m not complaining. I love it! Hope you can find some of those frozen pies. They are Marie Callender’s brand and oh so yummy!
Beautiful ideas, Cindy! Your farmhouse is just too picture perfect; I feel like I’m walking through the pages of a magazine. Love, love the idea of using the hankies as a window valance…now you’ve got me thinking; love how the light comes through! And every time I see your adorable over-the-table rod I think…one of my men needs to make that for me…I’ve got a Bday coming up;) Thanks for the amazing inspiration!
Well it’s quite an honor to hear I gave YOU inspiration. That’s really something coming from the most creative vintage thinker I know! Thank you for the compliment. If they don’t make a rod for you, get one online. I got mine at Terrain before anyone made them. Now tons of people carry them. ๐
These were so cute and I love reading your blog. You are such a sweet warm person, have a happy weekend!!!
That is so sweet of you to say Marlene, thank you so much. ๐
Great ideas, friend! I especially love the hankies on the pitcher! So pretty!
Thank you Julie. I see restaurants use napkins around their pitchers and wondered why. When I asked, it keeps the condensation from the ice from dripping down. That’s smart but they should use a cuter napkin. LOL
I adore all of your vintage linens and how you’ve used them! Those hankies are so cute, and the quilts are beautiful. I laughed when I read that you’d be comfortable in a bikini in Antarctica. We both run hot and when I visited Austin in August a couple of years ago to help my daughter find a place to live, I thought I was seriously going to melt. It was 103 in the shade!! Thanks for letting me join the group this month!!
Oh girl, I cannot believe anyone would want to try and move anytime between May through September in Texas. Even the pools around here feel like a warm bath. Bleh! Glad you found something you liked today. Thank you so much Angie.
I’m loving all your beautiful vintage linens, Cindy. You have given me so much inspiration.
Aww, thank you Kim, I appreciate that. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.
So cute. I love it. I would love it if you would share this on The Fabulous Friday Link Party. You can find the link on my website. Hugs to you.
Thanks so much Renae. I will do that right now. Glad you reminded me!
I like your style of decorating.
Thanks so much Judy. That makes my day. Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to help if I can.