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Serve and in turn you are served

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I have two new Blogger friends that have joined together to bring you the Perk Project.  Hi Stacey, Hi Jemma!  The posts are about being positive and encouraging one another.  Stacey asked if I’d like to join in on the last one in the series so of course I couldn’t say no to that.

In doing so I had to ask myself what makes me happy and what gives me encouragement.  The answer was easy.  It’s serving others!  For as long as I can remember (okay, not counting the self absorbed adolescent years), I’ve enjoyed serving others.  I. LOVE. IT.  I love it!  (LOL – side note –  Saying that totally made me laugh.  Have y’all seen the Oprah commercial saying I love bread over and over?  It might be a Weight Watchers commercial, I don’t know, but the woman loves bread.)  I digress, sorry.  

Quote for Serving others by CountyRoad407.com

I kinda wish I would’ve figured that out long before my college days.  I might have chosen a different path.  Maybe a nurse, or a customer service agent or a therapist, or maybe become a school cafeteria worker.  Almost anything service related.  I say almost because I have to draw the line at watching kids.  That. is. not. my. thang.  I guess being a Decorator/Home Stager/Blogger is sort of a service type job.  Hmm, what if I become a Walmart Greeter when I get older?  How awesome would that be?  I could smile and hand people a shopping cart, saying they’ve already been wiped down and sanitized for their convenience.  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Quote for service blog post by CountyRoad407.com

I want you to find your happy in serving others.  It’s seriously gratifying.

Ways to Serve Others

Think about ways you can serve your family.  You could fold their clothes after pulling them from the dryer.  Maybe vacuum out their car or make them a special lunch for work.  Maybe scrape the ice off their windshield or put their coat in the dryer and pull it out right before they have to go outside?

Don’t forget your neighbors.  Can you make a meal for them if you know they are having a busy week?  Possibly pull their trashcans in from the curb or help them rake leaves?  Maybe drop their kids somewhere or call and ask if they need anything while you’re at the store?

Quote for Serving others. Found in the CountryRoad407.com blog

Serve your co-workers.  How about organizing a potluck so they don’t have to buy lunch or go out all the time?  You could clean out the office fridge and/or dishwasher.  When you ask how they are doing, mean it.  See if they have a need or need prayer.  Leave an encouraging card on their desk.

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Serving strangers also brings joy.  Offer to take someones basket back to the store or hold the door open.  If you see someone drop something, pick it up or if they can’t reach the cereal on the top shelf at the store, get it for them (and wave, that could be me you’re serving).  If it’s raining, walk up next to someone and share your umbrella. We try and keep $5 gift cards in our car for various reasons.

Luke 6:38 - A Bible verse for serving others found on blog CountyRoad407.com

Some tasks are small and insignificant but others are more meaningful and may take a little longer but serving others is about them, not you.  It’s about learning to put others first and being less selfish.  It’s loving someone else besides yourself.

I hope you find reasons to serve throughout the day.  I truly believe it will bring you joy.  You’ll perk up and be lifted on the inside.  You’ll have a sense of satisfaction that is hard to describe.

Before long, you just might want to be a Walmart Greeter right next to me!


  1. January 15, 2018 / 7:29 am

    You have highlighted some great ways to serve others. I have a friend who has a relatively long commute to work, and she doesn’t get home until late on Fridays. Since she drives right past my house, I think I will make a dinner that she can pick up and take home for her family this week!

    Have a great week!

    • January 15, 2018 / 9:15 am

      Oh Lisa that is a great idea and I know she will be so appreciative! Wish I lived closer to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • January 15, 2018 / 3:08 pm

      That is the sweetest idea, Lisa!

  2. January 15, 2018 / 8:37 am

    I love this post, Cindy! I believe that even small seemingly insignificant tasks all add up to one great world if we all work on it together. Here’s to serving one another. โ™ฅ

    Thank you so much for joining The PERK Project today. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • January 15, 2018 / 9:17 am

      Thank you Stacey. I’ve loved each of your Perk Project posts and glad I could be apart of one. Hope you have a great week!

  3. January 15, 2018 / 1:16 pm

    I loved your post Cindy! I was raised in a home where we served others, but until your post never really thought about it. Thanks for the reminder that it’s the little things that truly add up!

    • January 15, 2018 / 1:32 pm

      Aww, you’re welcome Tammy. Glad you liked it. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Pamela
    January 15, 2018 / 1:24 pm

    So very proud to call you my SISTER! You have such a giving heart and I love you! Of course i also love all the giving you do to me!!! My house is completely decorated with all the lovely things you have given me! So thankful for you!!!

    • January 15, 2018 / 1:33 pm

      What a nice thing to say! I remember “serving” you many many times like when I’d be the one folding your clothes or organizing your closet while you sat in the chair talking on the phone! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Still glad I can do things for you. You are so welcome. Love you.

  5. January 15, 2018 / 2:16 pm

    I love that you thought to add praying for others! What an inspiring post! I will write a few of your points down in my journal tonight! Hugs, Diane

    • January 16, 2018 / 3:00 pm

      Praying is the best way to serve others. They may never know, but you and the Lord will! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for stopping by Diane.

  6. January 15, 2018 / 3:34 pm

    Good Afternoon Cindy!
    Your post made me smile and feel really good inside, I loved it. You are so right my friend, when we think of others we brighten their day and certainly add a powerful punch of joy to ours. I was brought in a home that served and my Mama was always baking a cake for someone, for something and it was a mighty powerful blessing!
    Thank you for sharing and caring with us today!

    • January 15, 2018 / 3:51 pm

      My pleasure Jemma! It makes me smile to know you smile! ๐Ÿ˜€. Someday i want to hear all about your farm and when you were younger.

  7. Patricia
    January 16, 2018 / 6:25 am

    Love you my “acts of service” friend. I’m right there with ya. You’ve inspired me though to reach beyond service that’s easy or convenient. Thank you!

    • January 16, 2018 / 10:43 am

      Well I guess my inspiration is pushing you to be “brave”?! Big hugs and thank you for commenting Patricia Sue.

  8. January 16, 2018 / 12:01 pm

    This is such a lovely post. I came over from Jemma and Stacey. I do believe, the more we give of our hearts, the more we receive.

    ~ jeanie from marmelade gypsy

    • January 16, 2018 / 12:24 pm

      So glad you stopped by Jeanie! Thank you for the sweet compliment too. Hope you have a great week.

  9. Kathy A
    January 17, 2018 / 1:22 pm

    I was raised in a Christian home where there wasn’t much leftover to give. However, I raised my kids to be givers and my daughter makes me proud. Although she is giving up being Sun. School supt., she has spearheaded numerous small community service efforts with our SS kids. She works with autistic kids. Currently, our small, dwindling country church fills packbacks for our local grade school; socks and underwear, even pants for those accidents @ school, hats, mittens, school supplies, and easy-to-prepare food items and snacks for the hungry. Whenever I find items on clearance or a good sale, I pick up stuff; school folders, hats, and gloves 90% off at GW, opened packages of underwear at K-Mart, ramen noodles and ravioli on sale, etc. Two weeks ago it was brand new hand knitted hats at Salv Army for 10-40 cents apiece! I may be retired and on a limited income, but I enjoy the thrill of the hunt. My boyfriend visits his failing 87 yo mom on Mon.; this week I made the supper he usually buys and tried out a new cooky recipe she liked! Mother Theresa said we cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love!

    • January 17, 2018 / 1:40 pm

      It sounds like you both are great givers! I love hearing what y’all do to serve and the quote! Thank you for sharing Kathy.

  10. January 29, 2018 / 10:41 am

    These are wonderful thoughts, Cindy! I pinned several to my Faith and Sweet Sayings boards. It is hard to get out of our comfort zone sometimes and just be there for other people, but it feels good when we do. And you and others who’ve shared similar thoughts as part of the PERK Project were right in saying we need this… It does us good as we in turn help others! Happy to have been on this last leg of the PERK Project with you, and I’m sorry I didn’t get over to read this until now.

    It was fun hanging out with you last Wednesday, too!
    Barb <3

    • January 29, 2018 / 12:42 pm

      Thank you and it’s never too late Barbara. Loved hanging with you as well. We need to do it again soon! Hope you have a marvelous week.

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